Исполнитель: VA Название диска: Pinacolada Vol 4 (2CD) Жанр: Lo-Fi, Nu Jazz, Trip-Hop, Pop, Other Год Выпуска: 2007 Количество треков: 34 Формат: MP3 Качество: CBR MP3(320kbps) / 44100KHZ / STEREO Продолжительность: 02: 38: 58 мин Размер файла: 367.97 Мб
TRACKLiST: CD1 01.Incognito - We Got Music 02.Jamie Cullum - Mind Trick (Remix) 03.Couch Potatoes - Cool Ride 04.Belladonna - Ebatule 05.Quincy Jones - Ai No Corrida 06.Stereo Maracana - Freestyle Love 07.Soulive and Robert Randolph - Crosstown Traffic 08.Nina Simone and Grooverider - Ain't Got No, I Got Life 09.Lemon - Won't You Join Me for A Drink 10.Sara - Voices in Latin 11.Stereo Mc's - Set it Off 12.Paula Lima - Tiv Razao 13.Digital Bled - Rock it 14.Hird - Keep You Kimi 15.Leela James - Music 16.Gwen Mccrae - Funky Sensation 17.Grace Jones - Unlimited Capacity for Love 18.Laura Fygi - It's Crazy
CD2 01.Tanita Tikaram - And I Think of You (E Penso A Te) 02.Espirito - Canto De Orfeo 03.Doctor Jazz's & Universal Remedy - Une Monde Sans Frime 04.Wolfgang Dauner - Take Off Your Clothes to Feel the Setting Sun 05.Ulrich Schnauss - If You've Never Been Away 06.Parov Stelar Featuring Odette De Maio - Faith 07.Laidback - Blue Lagoon 08.Mystic Diversions Feat. Nadine Renee - Jeneiro 09.Raul Orellana Feat. J. Bonell - Entre Dos Aguas New Millenium Chill Mix 10.Zebraville - Malatonine 11.Kad - Come as You Are 12.2 Men 4 Soul - Sex Me 13.Christopher Goze - About Us 14.Parov Stelar Featuring Anita Riegler - The One 15.Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Take the L Train to 8th Avenue 16.Milkshop - Upajajac Sie Noca (Bonus Track)
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