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Скачать One Love - Smash Your Stereo 2009

АвторАвтор: Demo-N | ДатаДата: 5 августа 2009 | Нашли ошибку?
One Love - Smash Your Stereo 2009

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: One Love - Smash Your Stereo 2009
Дата выпуска: 04-Aug-2009
Стиль: Electro, Progressive House, Tech House, Nu Disco
Количество композиций: Mixed 3xCD (+ *.cue)
Время звучания: 210 min
Размер: 293 Mb
Битрейт: VBR / 44.1kHz/ Joint-Stereo


CD1 - Mixed by Andy Murphy
01. Calvin Harris - I’m Not Alone
02. Passion Pit - The Reeling (Shuttle’s Remix)
03. The Gossip - Heavy Cross (Fred Falke Remix)
04. Tommy Trash - Need Me To Stay (Vocal Club Mix)
05. Dragonette - Fixin To Thrill (Chris Fraser Remix)
06. Ron Carroll - Bump To Dis (Muzzaik Remix)
07. Tiga - Shoes (Beni Remix)
08. Citylife Feat Stephen Docker - Never Too Late
09. Phonat - Set Me Free
10. Don Diablo - Disco Disco Disco
11. Zoot Woman - We Won't Break (Boris Dlugosch Les Visiteurs Remix)
12. The Only - Top Of The Jam
13. Lee Mortimer - Where The Party At
14. Renaissance Man - Spraycan
15. Eleze - Teardrop (Ryan Riback Remix)
16. Wolfgang Gartner - Push & Rise (Original Mix)
17. David Eckenback - Nairu (Don & Palm Remix)
18. Sneaky Sound System - It’s Not My Problem (Thin White Duke Remix)
19. Richard Grey - One More Time (Denis The Menace & Big World Remix)
CD2 - Mixed by Juan Kidd
01. Juan Kidd & Felix Baumgartner Featuring Lisa Millett Now You're Gone (Club Mix)
02. Lucien Foort - Shake Your Rump (Carl Tricks Remix)
03. Norman Doray & Tristan Garner Feat. Errol Reid - Last Forever (Original Vocal Mix)
04. Jose Nunez, Erick Morillo & Richard Grey Feat Shawnee Taylor - Life Goes On 2009 (Avicii Vs Philgood Remix)
05. Cevin Fisher - The Freaks Come Out 2009 (Prok & Fitch 'original Rocks' Mix)
06. Moony - I Don't Know Why (Jerome Isma-ae Remix)
07. Jason Herd Feat Roland Clarke - I Feel Good (Juan Kidd Remix)
08. Moguai - Beatbox (Punx Up The Volume Mix)
09. Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel 2009 (Inpetto Remix)
10. Mark Brown And Juan Kidd - Burning (Juan’s Re-edit)
11. Fatboy Slim - Right Here Right Now (Abel Ramos Remix)
12. Zoobrazil - Tear The Club Up (Albin Myers Remix)
13. Bobby Tee & Juan Kidd - We Come One
14. Stephan Luke - Pressure
15. Steve Angello - Isabel
16. Adam K & Soha - Question
17. Afrojack - Radioman
18. Feenixpawl - Calypso (Kid Massive 4am Remix)

CD3 - Mixed by The Bloody Beetroots
01. Proxy - Who Are You? (Bloody Beetroots Remix)
02. Zoo Brazil & Adam Sky - Circle Jerk (Bloody Beetroots Remix)
03. Autodidakt - Ghetto Nonsense (Hostage Remix)
04. Gtronic - Iron Man
05. Tiga - What You Need (Proxy Remix)
06. Motor - Death Rave
07. Proxy - Raven (Crookers Remix)
08. Gigi Barocco - Puah
09. Jay Robinson - Acid Line (Tom Deluxx Remix)
10. Tiga - Mind Dimension 1 (The Bloody Beetroots Remix)
11. Bird Peterson - The Essence
12. Mr Oizo - Pourriture 7 (The Bloody Beetroots Refix)
13. Sound Of Stereo - Heads Up! (The Bloody Beetroots Remix)
14. All Leather - I Don’t Hate Fags, God Does
15. The Subs - From Dusk Till Dawn (Radio Edit)
16. Tommy Vee & Mauro Ferrucci Feat. The Bloody Beetrots -stay (The Bloody Beetrots Club Mix)
17. Jackson And His Computer Band - Hard Tits

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