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Скачать Adobe Premiere Elements 10.0 Multilingual Updated + Content by m0nkrus

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 31 октября 2012 | Нашли ошибку?
Adobe Premiere Elements 10.0 Multilingual Updated + Content by m0nkrus

Adobe Premiere Elements - программа для нелинейного монтажа начального уровня, которая сочетает в себе высокое качество управления творческим процессом и надежные инструменты для редактирования видео, сделанные цифровой камерой. Adobe Premiere Elements позволяет в домашних условиях создавать видео высокого уровня.Программа предоставляет возможность использовать специальные эффекты, титры и звук Dolby Digital.

Turning photos into exciting movies. Relive your photos with pan and zoom effects, make your story a dramatic or funny. Automated features themselves will find and allocate the face and apply effects to pan and zoom.
Convenient color correction or improvement. Automatically increases the brightness and saturation of colors without affecting the color. Separately adjust the color of the bright regions, shadows or midtones.
HD quality on standard DVD-ROM. Burn HD quality movies to affordable DVD-drives, using the standard recording device.
A quick demonstration on popular websites. Import videos and instantly upload to Facebook and YouTube, and quickly publish the finished film on Facebook.1
Faster adding tags to photos with your friends list on Facebook. Use your list of friends on Facebook, to quickly mark the people on their pictures, and then easily upload the photos to Facebook.
Quick search for photos on your subject. Want to find images that are captured his surfboard, his grandmother's house or the Eiffel Tower? The search function will automatically find pictures of objects, depending on what they depict.
Export to AVCHD. Demonstrate movies in high-quality format AVCHD.
All the benefits of the 64-bit Windows 7. Quickly and with a stable result edit material due to 64-bit operating system Windows 7.
Unusual results due to new opportunities for creativity. Make your movies fun with new themes, templates, online albums and more.
A better sound on the Mac. Using a Mac for editing? Now you can use the SmartSound, to add different sound tracks, which are automatically adjusted in accordance with the duration of the film.

List of changes:
Initial ESD-distributions of the program, containing four language supplemented language packs so that the distributions are now available in 14 languages.
In the distribution integrated update for Adobe Camera Raw to version 6.7.040.
In the distribution is integrated with Adobe Air update to version
By installer program added menu Box-adapted version. Made it in the image of the same menu for the product line of CS4.
In the installer program integrates serial number, and the Crack folder contains detailed instructions and additional tools for activation.

Content block additional content:
The block includes topics Content 1 "Birthday," "The Wild", "Marriage in the open air" and others.
In the Content block 2 included the theme "Broadway," "Children's Channel", "Family Memories" and others.
In the Content block 3 includes the topic "Extreme Sports", "Newsreel," "Comics" and others.
In HD Content Block 1 includes the topic "Birthday," "The Wild", "Marriage in the open air" and others.
In HD Content block 2 included the theme "Broadway," "Children's Channel", "Family Memories" and others.
In HD Content block 3 includes the topic "Extreme Sports", "Newsreel," "Comics" and others.

Activation Instructions:
Run patch crack (as administrator) and click Patch Hosts File.
Install the program with sewn into the installer serial number or Generate with patch Keygen for Adobe Premiere Elements v10.x your serial number and enter it during installation.
If you want full, but not in demo mode, use the product SmartSound, included in the package, then run the Sonicfire Pro 5 with keygen from folder Generate SmartSound serial number and register them to the program.
Enjoy the registered version of the product!

An alternative method (if the first did not work):
Install the program with sewn into the installer serial number or Generate with patch Keygen for Adobe Premiere Elements v10.x your serial number and enter it during installation.
Replace the original file amtlib.dll, located in the folder where the program is installed on a modified from folder Crack, previously backed up the original file.
If you want full, but not in demo mode, use the product SmartSound, included in the package, then run the Sonicfire Pro 5 with keygen from folder Generate SmartSound serial number and register them to the program.
Enjoy the registered version of the product!

System requirements:
Processor with a clock speed of 2 GHz and support for SSE2; editing HDV or AVCHD format and export to Blu-ray or AVCHD need dual-core processor
Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Windows Media Center, Windows Vista (all applications run in native mode on 32-bit operating systems and in compatibility mode for 32-bit OS on 64-bit OS) or Windows 7 (Adobe Premiere Elements Editor is in native mode in 32 - and 64-bit OS, all other applications are running in native mode on 32-bit operating systems and in compatibility mode for 32-bit OS on a 64-bit OS)
2 GB of RAM
4 GB of free hard disk space to install applications, an additional 5 GB to install content
Graphics card with updated drivers
Color monitor with video card that supports 16-bit color quality
Screen resolution of 1024x768
Sound driver and display driver are compatible with Microsoft DirectX 9 or 10
DVD-ROM drive (for DVD-burning to a compatible device, DVD-burning, to burn Blu-ray disc to a compatible device, CD burning Blu-ray)
Interface DV / i.LINK / FireWire / IEEE 1394 for connecting camcorders Digital 8 DV or HDV camcorder, or a USB2 interface to connect camcorders DV, compatible with DV-via-USB
QuickTime 7 software
Player Windows Media (required for import of Windows Media formats and export to these formats)
To use the Web service requires an Internet connection

Languages: English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese

Год: 2012
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 3.27 Gb/3.05 Gb

Скачать Adobe Premiere Elements 10.0

Скачать Content by m0nkrus


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