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Скачать ArchiCAD 17 Build 3002 x64bit Win

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 8 июня 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
ArchiCAD 17 Build 3002 x64bit Win

ArchiCAD 17 - обеспечит преимущества архитектурного проектирования в 3D-пространство, и вы получите удовольствие от невероятной свободы в своей работе. На основе глубокого знания архитектурного процесса, ArchiCAD полностью имитирует реальное строительство зданий. При работе с любыми задачами, от городского планирования и работал к деталях, от функциональных исследований сложных структур - специализированные инструменты ArchiCAD всегда доступны и просты в использовании, что дает вам полную свободу творчества.

In ArchiCAD, you see created by 3D-model of a building, from which automatically generates all the necessary documents and images. The project takes on a life and develops on the screen simultaneously with the work of your mind so you can focus on creativity. Building Information Modeling is the most natural and intuitive approach to design, and thanks to the clarity of 3D-presentation of projects, customers will be impressed with your creativity.

Energy analysis:
Preparing the building model to the analysis of
General rules for modeling
Working with zones
Overview of the energy model
Displays a list of structures
Displays a list of openings
Visualization of energy model of the building
Tincture of display colors
Calculator U-parameters
Setting the thermal parameters
Directory Submissions
Working with mogosloynymi designs and U-parameters
Reassigning U-parameter
Leak Detection
Defining surfaces
Setting the glass and frame structures
Setting shadows and shading of objects
Setting up the environment: the location and climate
Setting up the environment: the level, the soil and the environment
Working with Profiles
Working with the Structure of the building
Setting up source of energy and energy prices
Working with the "green" energy buildings

System requirements:
Operating System: Windows Vista/7/8 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher performance. To use all the functions of ArchiCAD 17 is recommended to use multi-core processor.
Memory: 5 GB of RAM. To work with complex models is recommended to use an 8 GB or more
Hard disk space: To complete installation program requires a minimum of 5 GB. Additionally it takes about 10 GB to work with complex models and three-dimensional visualization.
Monitor: Required resolution 1024x768. Recommended resolution: 1280x1024 or higher
Video Card PC: Recommended video card that supports OpenGL and DirectX 9 or higher with 256 MB of video memory.
QuickTime 7.7
Java 1.7.0

Date: 2013
Platform: Windows Vista/7/8 (64-bit)
Language: English
Size: 751.99 MB

Скачать ArchiCAD 17 Build 3002 x64bit Win


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ArchiCAD 17 Build 3002, x64bit Win
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