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Скачать Graitec Advance Suite 2013 (SP1) Hotfix1

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 25 июня 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Graitec Advance Suite 2013 (SP1) Hotfix1

GRAITEC, европейский разработчик программного обеспечения для моделирования и создание чертежей для строительной отрасли, объявляет о выпуске Graitec Advance Suite 2013.

This technology associates each real object to its virtual equivalent in the digital model and offers users the ability to simulate the behavior of the real structure, to automate the creation of technical documentation of their projects, to maintain consistency through the changes to the project and facilitate technical collaboration with all project stakeholders.

GRAITEC Advance has more than 15,000 users and 7 new users join the community every day. The uniqueness of GRAITEC Advance is to offer a solution that is very effi cient because it is dedicated to building professionals: design, calculation and creation of fabrication drawings, easy training, and provides a rapid return on investment, usually from the fi rst project.

The GRAITEC Advance suite consists of software products dedicated to the BIM structure: Advance Design, Advance Concrete and Advance Steel and Advance CAD, a new drawing tool that completes the suite.


- Advance Concrete Service Pack for Graitec Advance Suite 2013

- Advance Steel Hotfix 1 for Graitec Advance Suite 2013 SP1

A hot fix is a software maintenance package containing a small number of code fixes, designed to fix a small number of critical problems. A hot fix enables a customer to receive fixes for urgent problems, without having to wait for the next service pack.

Note: -We suggest you download and install the Hotfix 1 for AS2013 now because these improvements that are on the Hotfix 1 will not be present on the SP when it will be released.- - Company: Graitec

About GRAITEC Group.

Founded in 1986, GRAITEC is a major software developer for civil engineering offering a Building Information Modeling (BIM) system that automates the entire structural process. Used by more than 40,000 professionals worldwide, GRAITEC solutions have helped in creating outstanding projects: C?ur Defense tower, Stade de France stadium, Cairo Subway, Dusseldorf International Airport, Baneasa Shopping City in Bucharest, Milano Fair, etc. The GRAITEC Group has more than 260 employees working in 14 companies (France, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Italy, United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada and USA). GRAITEC also manages an international network of more than 40 Value Added Resellers.

Name: Graitec Advance Suite
Version: 2013 (SP1) Hotfix 1
Home: GRAITEC: structural and civil engineering software
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 653.4 mb

Скачать Graitec Advance Suite 2013 (SP1) Hotfix1


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Graitec, Advance, Suite 2013
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