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Раздел: Игры

Скачать Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition-FLT

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 5 июля 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition-FLT

Издание для PC, обеспечивая ВЕСЬ загружаемый контент (DLC),
в том числе бесстрашных воинов Скарлет, Kenshi и дождя, а также
пресловутая мечта сталкера Фредди Крюгер. Кроме того, игра предлагает 15
Klassic Mortal Kombat Скины и три Klassic Погибшие (Scorpion,
Sub-Zero и рептилий).

Game information:

Experience the legendary adrenaline pumping action as Warner Bros.
Interactive Entertainment today announces Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition
for PC.

Players enter the realm to face the Kombatants in Mortal Kombat Komplete
Edition for PC, delivering all of the downloadable content (DLC),
including intrepid warriors Skarlet, Kenshi and Rain, as well as the
notorious dream stalker Freddy Krueger. Additionally, the game offers 15
Klassic Mortal Kombat Skins and three Klassic Fatalities (Scorpion,
Sub-Zero and Reptile).

Originally developed by NetherRealm Studios, led by Mortal Kombat
co-creator and creative director Ed Boon and adapted for PC by High
Voltage Software.

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition for PC features dynamic gameplay including
Tag Team, Challenge Tower and a full feature length story mode. Players
choose from an extensive lineup of the game's iconic warriors and
challenge their friends in traditional 1 vs. 1 matches, or gamers can
spectate battles and interact directly with Kombatants online during the
King of the Hill mode. The game supports the Mortal Kombat Tournament
Edition Fight Stick and delivers full controller capability. Players will
also be able to access achievements and leaderboard stats.


* Graphic details, never before possible are presented with
the most sophisticated graphics engine in MK history.
* By returning to its classic 2D fighting plane, mature presentation,
and up to 4 player tag-team kombat; Mortal Kombat introduces
an all new fighting mechanic that's both accessible and
provides the depth that fighting game players look for.
* Mortal Kombat offers the deepest story mode of any fighting game;
Players are taken back to the original Mortal Kombat tournament
where they try to alter the events of the past in an attempt
to save the future.
* Characters, environments and fatalities have never been presented
with as much gory detail as in this next generation Mortal
Kombat; From internal organs to the most "realistic"
blood effects, Kombat has never looked this good
* Includes all DLC content

Installation Information:

* Burn or mount
* Install
* Play the game

NOTE: As usual, block the game exe in your firewall.

In Their 26th Year Of Glory, FairLight Released #1102

Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition (c) Warner Bros Interactive

Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT
Release Date: 03-07-2013
Cracked by: FAIRLIGHT
Game Type: Fighting
Packaged by: FAIRLIGHT
Image Format: ISO
Protection: Steam
Size: 9.36 Gb

Скачать Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition-FLT


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Mortal, Kombat, Komplete, Edition
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