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Скачать The Allman Brothers Band - Brothers And Sisters (super Deluxe Edition) (2013)

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 6 июля 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
The Allman Brothers Band - Brothers And Sisters (super Deluxe Edition) (2013)

Artist : The Allman Brothers Band
Album : Brothers And Sisters
Bitrate : 256kbps avg
Quality : EAC Secure Mode / LAME 3.98.4 / -V0 / 44.100Khz
Label : Mercury
Genre : Rock
Size : 482.43 megs
PlayTime : 4h 07min 22sec total
Rip Date : 2013-07-06
Store Date : 2013-07-05

By the time they released their fifth album BROTHERS AND SISTERS in August 1973, The Allman Brothers Band had experienced dizzying highs and soul-crushing lows. The group had spent its first two years developing its formidable collective chemistry into an unprecedented stylistic fusion that established it as the era's most influential American rock act. But just as the band had achieved a hard-won commercial breakthrough with 1971?s At Fillmore East, it suffered a devastating loss with the death of Duane Allman, its founder, leader and musical visionary, in a motorcycle crash on October 29, 1971. Following Duane's traumatic passing, the band regained its bearings and soldiered on, with Duane's brother, singer/organist Gregg Allman, and guitarist/vocalist Dickey Betts now the lone axeman in an act famous for its dual-guitar fireworks-assuming more prominent roles in its direction. The musicians marshaled their strengths to make BROTHERS AND SISTERS their first album recorded completely without Duane a decisive creative rebirth as well as their best-selling release to date. BROTHERS AND SISTERS bested the sales of At Fillmore East and Eat A Peach, spending five weeks at #1 and becoming the first Allman Brothers Band release to gain Platinum sales status. This 40th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition features BROTHERS AND SISTERS (Original Recording Remastered), a second disc of previously unreleased Jams, Rehearsals, and Outtakes, in addition to two extra discs that feature the entire live show from Winterland in San Francisco on September 26, 1973.

Tracklist :

CD 1: The Original Album remastered (originally released as Capricorn CP 0111, 1973)
01. Wasted Words
02. Ramblin' Man
03. Come and Go Blues
04. Jelly Jelly
05. Southbound
06. Jessica
07. Pony Boy

CD 2: Rehearsals, Jams and Outtakes (all tracks previously unreleased)
01. Wasted Words
02. Trouble No More
03. Southbound
04. One Way Out
05. I'm Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Town
06. Done Somebody Wrong
07. Double Cross - Gregg Allman & The Allman Brothers Band
08. Early Morning Blues - The Allman Brothers Band & Gregg Allman
09. A Minor Jam

CD 3: In Concert: Live at Winterland, 9/26/73
01. Introduction by Bill Graham
02. Wasted Words
03. Done Somebody Wrong
04. One Way Out
05. Stormy Monday
06. Midnight Rider
07. Ramblin' Man
08. In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed
09. Statesboro Blues
10. Come And Go Blues

CD 4: In Concert, Continued
01. Southbound
02. Jessica
03. You Don't Love Me / Amazing Grace
04. Les Brers In A Minor
05. Blue Sky
06. Trouble No More
07. Whipping Post

Скачать The Allman Brothers Band - Brothers And Sisters (super Deluxe Edition) (2013)


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The Allman, Brothers, Band, Rock
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