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Скачать Summer Trance Euphoria August Vol 3 (2013)

АвторАвтор: neletchik | ДатаДата: 9 августа 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Summer Trance Euphoria August Vol 3 (2013)

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Summer Trance Euphoria August Vol 3
Дата выхода: 2013
Жанр: Progressiv Trance, Uplifting Trance, Goa Trance
Количество композиций: 114
Время звучания: 12:44:06
Формат | Качество: MP3 | 192-320kbps [VBR] kbps
Размер: 1.68 GB


01. Origin - Pitch Black (Original Mix) [06:43]
02. Orions Dawn - Always Be There (Chris Cockerill & Phil Lee Remix) [08:27]
03. NX Trance - Oso (It's Too Late) (Oiryal Remix) [06:18]
04. Ovnimoon - Love Is The Key (Vinyl Remix) [08:27]
05. Physical Phase - Are You Here (Original Mix) [08:39]
06. Pizz@dox - Abracadabra (Ikerya Project Remix) [07:25]
07. Pop Art - Rain or Shine [06:45]
08. Push - Universal Nation (Sam Mitcham & James Alexander Remix) [08:32]
09. Rich Smith - Laser Kiss (Original Mix) [07:30]
10. Ronny K - Madrid (Original Mix) [08:29]
11. Rory Gallagher & Luigi Palagano - Es Vedra (Gal Abutbul Remix) [07:24]
12. Ruben Inside and Carla Dance - This Summer with You [05:04]
13. Rusch & Murray - Shield Of Hearts (Original Mix) [06:52]
14. Saint Sinners - Neutrino (Original Mix) [07:00]
15. Sander Van Doorn - Joyenergizer (Lazy Rich Remix) [05:30]
16. SD - Star Trooper [07:13]
17. Second Way - Soul [07:23]
18. Serotonin - Alati (Original Mix) [06:47]
19. Shadai & T.D.R - Iori Yagami (The Capos Rmx) [07:13]
20. Shogun Feat Tania Zygar - Find Me [07:28]
21. Skysha - Summer Rain (Original Mix) [05:51]
22. Haffman - Spiral Motion [07:12]
23. LNF - Loneliness [05:05]
24. Micele Mulero - Micele mulero - clara himmel [03:25]
25. Platinum - Shadow's night [04:25]
26. Simply Wave - Hallucinatory Imagination [07:59]
27. Ital - Venadito [07:28]
28. Marc Canova feat. Jennifer Tallulah - In My Dreams (James Scott Remix).(AGRMusic) [05:20]
29. Perfect Vision & Demy Yorth - Baikal (Original Mix) [07:43]
30. Astrix - High On Mel - Original Mix [07:46]
31. Heatbeat - Extra Bacon (Radio Edit) [04:00]
32. Andy van Kayne - In The Name Of Love (Kago Pengchi Remix) [06:57]
33. Ari Kyle & Audioscape feat. Christina Rivera - I Want To Stay (Dub Mix) [06:49]
34. Arnold Palmer - On My Way (Cold Rush Remix Edit) [03:35]
35. BIONIQUE feat. SOLARNIGHT - Heavenly Delight (Frank Dattilo's 'Tribute To Pally' Remix) [07:09]
36. Brian Flinn - Cassandra (Original Mix) [07:51]
37. Chris Porter - Neon (Lostly Remix) [08:13]
38. Corderoy - Mechanical Tears (EDU pres Eldar Radio Edit) [04:01]
39. E.T Project - Endless Dreams (Haig & Raffi Remix) [08:33]
40. Essonita feat. Irina Makosh - Deeper & Deeper (Julian Wess Remix) [07:37]
41. Fleming & Lawrence - Beyond The Limit (Jonathan Allyn Remix) [08:16]
42. Funky Dragon & DJane Betty - 7 Eleven [09:00]
43. Klangkuesntler - BarfuЯ Auf Wolken (Radio Mix) [04:58]
44. Manifestor - Before (N.A.S.A Remix) [07:40]
45. Rusch & Murray - Shield Of Hearts (Dreamy Banging Remix) [07:37]
46. Shadai & T.D.R - Iori Yagami (Assassins Rmx) [08:00]
47. Lost Shaman - Clarity [08:39]
48. Sixsense - Over Site [06:48]
49. Crystall - Alien Visitors [08:14]
50. Lemonchill - Premonition Feat. Kota (Clean Version) [07:38]
51. Trance Arts - Ballistic - Indecent Noise Remix [06:06]
52. Solarstone - Jewel - Edit [03:51]
53. Essonita feat. Irina Makosh - Deeper & Deeper (Offshore Wind & Roman Messer Remix) [07:56]
54. Fleming & Lawrence - Beyond The Limit (Diego Morrill Remix) [06:45]
55. Ikerya Project - Ikerya On Acid (Psy Mix) [08:45]
56. locanda and kuznetsow feat cyrex device - the return (nomad remix) [07:10]
57. Lupin - Trancemorfosis [08:31]
58. Manifestor - HereAfter (Tectum Remix) [08:58]
59. Markus Schulz Feat Sarah Howells - Tempted (Dennis Sheperd Radio Edit) [03:50]
60. Rusch & Murray - Shield Of Hearts (Electrovoya Remix) [08:12]
61. Shadai & T.D.R - Iori Yagami (Amorphax Rmx) [07:11]
62. Side Winder - Emotional Endeavour [07:41]
63. Xplicit - Dejavu [07:41]
64. Ilai - Burning Mountain [08:12]
65. Punchline - Trance State [07:55]
66. York - Higher - Vintage & Morelli Remix [09:05]
67. Above & Beyond - Far From In Love - Radio Edit [03:19]
68. Amadeus vs. Aly & Fila - A Dream of Peace (Lostly Remix) [06:09]
69. Arnold Palmer - On My Way (Original Extended Mix) [06:02]
70. Mike van Fabio - Forever Together (Araya & Mark Dreamer Remix) [07:47]
71. Shadai & T.D.R - Iori Yagami (Outer Signal Rmx) [07:28]
72. Sunstryk - Strawberry Blood [07:25]
73. Artificial Intelligence - Alienigenas [06:31]
74. Samas - Dream Facts [07:04]
75. LiLA'c Records - SANCTIFY (Album mix) [03:38]
76. Steven Maar - I'm Alive (Vocal Mix) [06:27]
77. Waio - Revolucion Makinaria (Brainiac rmx) [08:06]
78. Orjan Nilsen - Violetta - Original Mix [06:52]
79. Daniel Kandi - Change The World - Radio Edit [03:39]
80. Function C & Luke Terry - Strasosphere (Radio Edit) [03:45]
81. Xshade & Loopstep - Specific Element [06:58]
82. Daniel Lesden - Ancient Civilization [08:56]
83. Rollercoaster - Beautiful Trip [07:45]
84. Attik vs. Breathead - Babel [07:29]
85. Vitaliy Ghost - Someone Elses Summer (Original mix) [06:38]
86. Andrew Rayel - Zeus - Original Mix [06:33]
87. Tritonal - Broken Down - Daniel Kandis Bangin Edit [03:49]
88. BIONIQUE feat. SOLARNIGHT - Heavenly Delight (Derrick Meyer Remix) [07:39]
89. BluEye - Drop It (Radio Edit) [04:13]
90. Hux Flux & DJane Gaby - Blind Vision [07:17]
91. Shadai & T.D.R - Iori Yagami (Etnia Rmx) [06:12]
92. Smoke Sign - The Dreaming (Original Mix) [08:32]
93. Wizzy Fusion - Fucking up the base (Blanx rmx) [06:19]
94. Chabunk - Dancefloor Dominus [08:27]
95. Witness45 - Aellusion (Original Mix) [07:37]
96. Z3N - Road To Nowhere [06:10]
97. Liquid Soul - Dreamdancer 2013 - Original Mix [07:27]
98. Cate Kanell - Into The Light - First Effect Radio Mix [03:43]
99. Damien Blaze & Solid Sine - The Executioner (Original Mix) [06:02]
100. InnerSpace - ReTransFormation [07:58]
101. D-Mad - Counting on Love - Wellenrausch Edit [03:53]
102. Amadeus vs. Aly & Fila - A Dream of Peace (Manuel le Saux Remix) [06:54]
103. Vlind - Psykinetic - Original Mix [07:20]
104. Xtigma - Should've Known Better - Radio Edit [03:58]
105. Reboost feat. Ellen Freij - Surrender (Radio Edit) [03:28]
106. G-Tek - Swan Song - Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight Radio Edit [03:41]
107. Iversoon & Alex Daf - Walk Away (Miroslav Vrlik Remix) [06:29]
108. Matt Bowdidge - Still By Your Side (Adam Ellis Remix) [08:26]
109. Sequence 11 - Until We Meet Again - Radio Edit [04:36]
110. BIONIQUE feat. SOLARNIGHT - Heavenly Delight (Locus Dark Remix) [08:13]
111. Brian Flinn - Stockholm Syndrome (Tech Mix) [08:21]
112. Ronski Speed - All The Way - Radio Edit [03:46]
113. Sun Decade - Have It All - Radio Edit [03:45]
114. Duderstadt - Beautitude - Duderstadt Uplifting Edit [03:37]


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