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Скачать Rhinoceros 5 Sr5 v5.5.30717.16015 Corporate Edition

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 11 августа 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Rhinoceros 5 Sr5 v5.5.30717.16015 Corporate Edition

Благодаря мощному движку NURBS, 5.0 Rhino может создавать, редактировать, анализировать и преобразовывать кривые, поверхности и твердые тела. Там нет ограничения по сложности, степени или размеру. McNeel Rhino 5.0 также поддерживает полигон сетки и облака точек для полного охвата геометрических типов данных. С его беспрецедентной возможностью моделирования McNeel Rhino 5.0 позволяет сосредоточиться на проектировании, а не на громоздких обходных путях моделирования.

Key Features and Benefits

Uninhibited free-form 3-D modeling tools like those found only in high-end systems. Model any shape you can imagine.
Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.
Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software.
Read and repair extremely challenging IGES files.
Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer. No special hardware is needed.
Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve. Priced like other Windows software. No maintenance fees.

What's New in Rhino 5.0

There are more than 3,500 enhancements in Rhino 5.0 that make Rhino faster and better at handling larger models; altogether the most stable version ever.
Modeling Highlights
Object creation in Rhino continues to be enhanced. In Rhino 5.0 there are dozens of refines to the existing tools, along with a few new commands and new extrusion objects.
Editing complex model is faster and easier with hundreds of new and enhanced commands including: direct sub-object manipulation, thin-wall shelling, history support for more commands, dozens of new and enhanced commands
The Rhino 5.0 interface includes new tools for editing and for object creation, including: gumball object manipulation widget, object Selection tools enhancements, object snap enhancements, toolbars with tabs, docking panels, and much more.
The Rhino 5.0 goals included are: speed improvements, quick viewport display configuration, working display modes expanded and enhanced, presentation and rendered display modes expanded and enhanced, display mode plug-in support enhanced, plus many other improvements, including draw order support, two-point perspective, and enhanced clipping planes.
High quality presentation is critical to most design projects. Rhino 5.0 has greatly enhanced the rendering tools in both the basic Rhino Renderer and support of plug-in renderers. Including major enhancements to: Rhino Renderer, Materials, textures, and environments, Views (Cameras), Lighting, Mesh modifiers, Post-rendering modifiers, Animation
Drafting and Printing
For almost every type of physical product design, technical illustration and 2-D drawing are used to concisely communicate ideas, specifications, and instructions to people in design, development, and fabrication. Our goal for Rhino 5.0 is to make it easier to create 2-D drawings and illustrations for every discipline in every notation system and visual style used around the world. Major areas of enhancement include: More control over annotation styles, History support for dimensions, Text field in text and leaders, Area and curve length dimensions, Revision clouds, Isometric views, Draw order, More page layout controls, Print calibration, High-res viewport capture
There are both new and enhanced mesh tools, plus support for double-precision meshes to accurately represent and display ground forms such as the 3-D topography of a large city.
3-D Capture
Rhino has always directly supported both 3-D digitizing hardware and 3-D scanned point cloud data. Rhino's 64-bit support and enhanced support for graphic co-processors has made it possible to work with these large point clouds. LIDARcaptures 3-D terrain data for agriculture, archaeology, conservation, geology, land use planning, surveying, transportation, plus wind farm, solar farm, and cell tower deployment optimization. In addition, Rhino 5.0 added robust support for plug-ins, such as Rhino Terrain, that provide specialty tools for these new Rhino users.
Rhino 5.0 includes 9 new tools and more than 15 enhancements to help ensure that the 3-D models used throughout your process are the highest possible quality.
Large projects
There are more than 25 new commands and major enhancements for working with large teams to organize, manage, and administer massive projects and for organizing and working on large files.
Nine new import/export file formats, more than 50 new compatibility enhancements, and more than 150 minor bug fixes. Also, the updated openNURBS libraries allow hundreds of other applications to read and write Rhino 5.0's native 3DM files.
New Software developer tools
Enhancements for users and third-party developers.

Год: 2013
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 1.24 GB

Скачать Rhinoceros 5 Sr5 v5.5.30717.16015 Corporate Edition


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Rhinoceros 5, Corporate, Edition
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