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Скачать Rock Drive (2013)

АвторАвтор: kazay | ДатаДата: 24 августа 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Rock Drive (2013)
Исполнитель: VA
Название: Rock Drive
Стиль: Alternative Rock, Progressive Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock
Выход: 2013
Количество треков: 65 (4 CD)
Продолжительность: 04:59:14
Формат | Битрейт: Mp3 | 320 kbps
Размер файла: 721.09 Mb

CD 1 - (16 / 76:09)
01. Adema - Planets
02. Alice In Chains - Choke
03. Atlanter - Kaktos
04. Bad Radiator - Does Anybody Know
05. Bai Bang - Summertime
06. Black Sabbath - Damaged Soul
07. Black Star Riders - Blues Aint So Bad
08. Bon Jovi - Into The Echo
09. Bruce Soord & Jonas Renkse - Wisdom Of Crowds
10. Buckcherry - Sloth
11. Burning Rain - Too Hard To Break
12. Byron - The Puppet
13. Clutch - Gone Cold
14. Crashdiet - Excited
15. Danger Angel - My Last Day On Earth
16. Dave Evans & Nitzinger - Where She Goes I Go

CD 2 - (17 / 73:11)
17. Deep Purple - All The Time In The World
18. Degreed - Coming Home
19. De La Cruz - Shine
20. Diamond Dawn - Take Me Higher
21. Drowning Pool - Skip To The End
22. Edge - Little Girl
23. Eric Burdon - Water
24. Fair Warning - Jealous Heart
25. Free Fall - Attila
26. Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights
27. Giuntini Project - Last Station Nightmare
28. Goo Goo Dolls - Come To Me
29. Gordon Giltrap & Oliver Wakeman - Moneyfacturing
30. Guru - Straight To Your Heart
31. Halestorm - Here's To Us
32. Heartbreak Radio - Hard Rock City
33. Heaven & Earth - I Don't Know What Love Is

CD 3 - (16 / 75:45)
34. Joe Satriani - Can’t Go Back
35. John Elefante - This Time
36. Kingdom Come - Rough Ride Rallye
37. Krokus - Rattlesnake Rumble
38. Laneslide - Understand
39. Mom's Rocket - Words
40. Monster Truck - For The Sun
41. N.O.W. - Don't Go Now
42. Paul Raymond Project - Bright Lights
43. Pink Cream 69 - King For One Day
44. Player - Precious
45. Primal Scream - Goodbye Johnny
46. Rage Of Angels - With The Beating Of Your Heart
47. Ray Wilson - I See It All
48. Red Hot Chili Peppers - In Love Dying
49. Rod Stewart - Live The Life

CD 4 - (16 / 74:08)
50. Red Line Chemistry - What Do You Want From Me
51. Shakra - Dream Of Mankind
52. Skillet - Hard To Find
53. Small Jackets - Mama Said
54. Snakecharmer - To The Rescue
55. SnowFall - Heaven's Not Up There
56. Status Quo - All That Money
57. Stone Sour - Sadist
58. Summers - Shot In The Dark
59. The Jan Holberg Project - When Push Comes To Shove
60. The Virginmarys - Dressed To Kill
61. Thirty Seconds To Mars - Northern Lights
62. Tom Keifer - Ask Me Yesterday
63. Vega - Fade Into The Flames
64. W.E.T. - Walk Away
65. Wild Rose - I Can't Stop Loving You

Скачать Rock Drive (2013)


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