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Скачать RISA Technologies 2013 Suite

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 11 сентября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
RISA Technologies 2013 Suite

RISA Technologies 2013 Suite предлагает бесшовную интеграцию между несколькими нашими программами структурной разработки программного обеспечения. Сэкономить время и избежать ошибок за счет использования полной интеграции нашего комплексного набора продуктов.

RISA Integration included:

- RISA3D 11.0.2
Intuitive interface and high-speed solver enables you to design steel, concrete, aluminum, masonry, wood, or cold formed steel for industrial and commercial structures.
- RISA2D 12.0.0
General purpose 2D analysis and design. Perfect for beams, trusses, frames, and shear walls. Includes steel, concrete, aluminum, masonry, wood and cold-formed steel.
- RISA Connection 3.0.1
The all new RISAConnection is the solution to connection design. Expansive engineering calculation reports give you the ability to quickly check all aspects of the design.
- RISA Floor 7.0.2
Design an entire building in just minutes. Convenient interface, full BIM integration, and seamless RISA-3D integration for lateral: It’s a comprehensive design solution.
- RISA Foundation 5.0.2
Complete foundation design including two-way mat slabs, footings, pile caps, grade beams and retaining walls. Seamlessly integrates with
RISA-3D and RISAFloor.
- RISA Section 2.0.1
Find the properties of any complex built-up section and assign them to your RISA-2D, RISA-3D and RISAFloor structures. Ideal for reinforcing existing members.

About RISA Technologies, LLC

RISA Technologies has been developing cutting-edge structural design and optimization software since 1987. With a well-trained team of engineers and software developers, we are working to meet the needs of our growing client base by implementing new design features and expanding the suite of software tools that we offer.

RISA Technologies, LLC corporate headquarters in Foothill Ranch, Calif.Providing exceptional customer service is a priority to us and is something we continue to strive for in our day-to-day operations. We provide fast, dependable technical support to our users and want them to know that we are proactively working for them. We have a wide variety of design engineering experience within the office, which gives us a great perspective for future development goals. This is also essential in providing quality technical support, as we have experienced many of the same engineering design challenges ourselves. Our focus is squarely on our clients.

Год: 2013
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 788.71 Mb

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RISA, Technologies 2013, Suite
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