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Скачать OST - Другой Мир 1-4 / Underworld 1-4 [Original Score] (2003-2012) MP3

АвторАвтор: nafalet | ДатаДата: 26 сентября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
OST - Другой Мир 1-4 / Underworld 1-4 [Original Score] (2003-2012) MP3

Название: Другой Мир 1-4 / Underworld 1-4 Original Score
Год издания: 2003-2012
Страна: USA
Жанр: Score, rock, metal, OST
Время: 03:43:54
Битрейт аудио: MP3/320 kbps
Размер: 660 MB

01. Introduction 00:52
02. The End Of An Era (Opening) 01:31
03. Deathdealers Deploy 02:17
04. Darkness Deep Within 01:19
05. Transformation 01:27
06. Red Tape - Agent Provocateur 04:57
07. Suspended Memories 01:59
08. The Crypt 00:56
09. Bloodlines 05:11
10. Metamorphosis 02:24
11. The End Of An Era (Reprise) 02:33
12. Anger And Retribution 03:48
13. Corvinus 03:53
14. Subterrania 00:58
15. Fire Falling From The Sky 02:56
16. Miserere 02:49
17. The Last Stand 02:34
18. Eternity And A Day 04:08
19. Keep Watch Over The Night (Bonus Track) 05:38

01. The Crawl 00:52
02. Ol' Timey Music 04:58
03. William Captured 00:55
04. Previously... 02:18
05. Safehouse 2 Crypt 04:12
06. Stay 00:55
07. Corvin's Cruisin' Crypt 03:11
08. Morgue Medallion 02:43
09. Mike to Tavern 01:29
10. Mikey Doesn't Like It 03:13
11. Cue De Cilantro 02:15
12. Trunkin' 02:38
13. Marcus Trumpped 00:19
14. Marcus Hits Snooze 00:50
15. Beware of Dog 03:54
16. Shot Glass 01:53
17. Family Values 04:29
18. Marcus Taps Tannis 02:08
19. Patricide 04:16
20. Alexander Can Help 01:02
21. He Is My Sonshine 01:31
22. Heli - Ride 03:36
23. William's Castle 02:54
24. Selene, Willie & Marcus 03:36
25. Trying to Kill Will 00:59
26. Kill Will 2 02:10
27. Marcus Trumpped Again 01:33
28. The Future 02:34
29. Something I Can Never Have (performed by Flyleaf) 04:58
30. EracTou (performed by Cevin Key & Ken Hiwatt Marshall) 03:19

01. The Rise Of The Lycans 02:27
02. Lucian And Sonja's Love Theme 02:05
03. The Arrow Attack 02:33
04. The Most Precious Thing To My Heart 01:46
05. The Wolves Den 02:05
06. Lucian To The Rescue 01:51
07. Court Battle Suite 04:25
08. Sonja's Trial And Execution 05:26
09. Storming The Castle 02:52
10. Per Aspera Ad Astra 06:45
11. The Rise Of The Lycans (Precious Cargo Remix) - Coma Virus 03:54

4 CD
01. Paul Haslinger - The Purge (03:02)
02. Paul Haslinger - Underworld Awakening Main Titles (00:52)
03. Paul Haslinger - Raiding the Army Surplus Store (01:44)
04. Paul Haslinger - Non-Human Aggressor (01:31)
05. Paul Haslinger - I Was Subject 2 (03:02)
06. Paul Haslinger - Arriving At the Coven (02:23)
07. Paul Haslinger - I've Never Seen a Child Like This (01:43)
08. Paul Haslinger - This Is Not One of Us (03:20)
09. Paul Haslinger - I Know Exactly What You Are (01:38)
10. Paul Haslinger - If You Knew Him As I Did (03:47)
11. Paul Haslinger - Prepare the Armory (02:10)
12. Paul Haslinger - The Uber-Lycan (01:06)
13. Paul Haslinger - Reanimation (01:16)
14. Paul Haslinger - Then Came the Purge (02:30)
15. Paul Haslinger - Selene Returns to Antigen (02:08)
16. Paul Haslinger - Find Her and Destroy Her (02:28)
17. Paul Haslinger - The Lycan Van Escape (02:15)
18. Paul Haslinger - I Heal Instantly (01:41)
19. Paul Haslinger - You Came Back (01:16)
20. Paul Haslinger - Reclaiming the World (01:29)
21. Paul Haslinger - The Melancholy of Resistance (02:40)
22. Paul Haslinger - A New Dawn (03:36 )

Bonus tracks:
23. Blue Stahli - Corner (04:30)
24. Aesthetic Perfection - Under Your Skin (Deadbeat Remix) (03:53)
25. Angelspit - Sunrise (03:25)

Скачать OST - Другой Мир 1-4 / Underworld 1-4 [Original Score] (2003-2012) MP3


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Теги к статье:

Score, rock, metal, OST
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