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Скачать Intuisphere WebAcappella E-Commerce 4.4.9 Build 2405M

АвторАвтор: working-1989 | ДатаДата: 1 октября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
Intuisphere WebAcappella E-Commerce 4.4.9 Build 2405M

WebAcappella E-Commerce - мощная программа для создания профессиональных web-сайтов. Программа поможет создать сайт при помощи настаиваемых шаблонов или с чистого листа. Не требуется знание программирования или HTML кода для получения прекрасных веб-сайтов с онлайн магазином и многими полезными функциями.

Просто добавляем элементы в свой веб-сайт и воплощаем все в соответствии с Вашим вкусом и расчетом. Добавьте свои каталоги продуктов очень простым способом и выберите свои онлайновые опции продажи (цена, вес, доступность, варианты перевозки, налоги...).
Вы можете принимать платежи кредитной картой, проверять и переводить без каких-либо сложных манипуляций. Web Accappella совместимым со всеми веб-хостинг сервисами.

The Web is constantly moving forward: following these evolutions ensures the visibility and the compatibility for your Website. WebAcappella 4 offers a publication format that is respectful of the latest web standards (HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery) and is totally compatible with the latest Internet browsers (IE9, 4 Firefox 9, Safari 5, Chrome, Opera, etc..) and your Smartphone or other mobile technology (Tablet).

You can create Web pages as easily as you would create a word processing document. Instead of guessing what the published Web site may look like, Web Acappella allows you to constantly see your Website appearance even before it is published. Professional users will be able to create, publish and update their Website without difficulties and in record time!

Web Acappella includes all the tools needed to create a professional look like Website and gives you the ability to easily add many useful tools such as photo albums, buttons, interactive menus, multimedia objects (videos and sounds), multilanguage tools, frames, forms, images, and many other possibilities.

Clicking a single button is the only thing you need to do to publish your Website to your Web space. You can use the provided list of countries and hosts or edit very easily your own publishing parameters. Using Flash technology, Websites published with Web Acappella will be part of the new Websites generation.

With the new features available in the workspace, organize your pages and elements in a better way. Group, isolate, hide, lock or align your elements to work on your Website more effectively and more quickly. Whether you are an amateur or a professional Webmaster, these new features make your life easier. You will enjoy creating websites like never before!

All the other features in WebAcappella 4
- Automatically convert your favorite fonts into image.
- The design and ergonomics have been reviewed for a professional presentation.
- Create very original shapes with the custom corners.
- New slide show presentation and management of your Flickr photo albums.
- Manage orientation, color, offset, and the opacity of your shadows.
- Create buttons with cool and nice design (new automatic color management).
- New look, lighter and advanced customization for the new video player.
- Apply many effects and use the Fancy Box feature (click on the image)
- Easily insert location maps with the new "Google Maps" element.
- In the wink of an eye, access a wide range of colours to harmonise and customise your colours.
- Customise your htaccess and httpassword files (Advanced users only).
- Place templates in your pages and increase productivity.

More Novelties:
- Identification of fields in the contact form
- New management of the form fields
- Type a colour code directly into the colours window
- Customise the PHP mail function
- Transparency of PNG images supported in the photo album
- Optimization of the size taken within text areas
- Ability to change the height of a page using a template
- Stock Management in e-commerce (not dynamic)
- Possibility to choose the option "Pick up in store"

Информация о программе:
Активация | Рег. код: Cracked exe
Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8.
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Английский
Размер: 64.77 MB

Скачать Intuisphere WebAcappella E-Commerce 4.4.9 Build 2405M:

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WebAcappella, веб-сайт, разработка
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Все материалы найдены на просторах сети интернет как свободно распространяемые и выложены исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Если вы являетесь законным правообладателем какого либо продукта и против его размещения на данном сайте, сообщите нам и мы немедленно удалим данный материал. Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за действия посетителей, нарушающих авторские права.
All materials are found on open spaces of a network the Internet as freely extended and laid out exclusively in the fact-finding purposes. If you are what lawful legal owner or a product and against its placing on the given site, inform us and we will immediately remove the given material. The administration of a site does not bear responsibility for actions of the visitors breaking copyrights.