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Скачать MOBILedit! Phone Copier

АвторАвтор: working-1989 | ДатаДата: 18 октября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
MOBILedit! Phone Copier

MOBILedit! Phone Copier - это программа, которая позволяет переносить адресную книгу, фотографии, музыку, рингтоны, SMS, настройки телефона, историю звонков, поиска, закладки с одного телефона на другой. Поддерживаються тысячи разных моделей смартфонов, и, соответственно, практически все мобильные платформы, включая Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, iOS, Android. Импортировать данные можно либо через онлайн-сервер, либо поочередно подключая аппараты к компьютеру.

New phones are tempting for buyers, but everybody knows that a new phone is practically unusable as it is empty; no calls or text messaging can be executed. To put all current contacts in the new phone is also pretty complicated. Import from Facebook or other social networks doesn't help as there are rarely available mobile phone numbers. Import from SIM is not enough as it has a very limited list of 14 character names with a single phone number. The only place with up-to-date phone numbers is the contact list stored in the mobile phone's memory. It is being created by users for years with not only phone numbers but also addresses, photos, notes, emails. That's true value users entered into their phones. And you are not willing to lose any of this information. Our Phone Copier is the perfect solution as it is able to copy complete contact lists from almost any phone to a new phone with just a few clicks.

The Phone Copier can help migrate from a huge number of phones users could have. We have incomparable know-how in the area of phone management software as we've been doing it for more than 10 years. We have analyzed and developed support for almost all phones from all manufacturers. Our technology of extracting data and understanding hundreds of different protocols is called MOBILedit and is the gold standard around the world as its relied upon by the US military, FBI, DHS, and CIA just for starters. It allows users to read phones locally on a PC through a classic cable, Bluetooth or infrared connection as well as upload phone data to an internet cloud and download content to a target phone.

- Professional tool for migrating data from phones and SIM cards
- Can be used in your shops and service centers or any of your points of sale
- Transfer customer's data from his old phone to a new one with just single click
- Cross platform support
- Old phones support
- Make a backup on tangible media or print contacts on paper

- Профессиональный инструмент для переноса данных из телефонов и SIM-карт
- Может быть использован в ваших магазинах и сервисных центрах или любой из ваших точек продаж
- Передача данных клиента из своего старого телефона на новый, с помощью всего одного щелчка мыши
- Кросс платформенная поддержка
- Поддержка старых телефонов
- Сделайте резервную копию на материальных носителях или распечатайте контакты на бумаге

Информация о программе:
Год выхода: 2013
Платформа: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit / 64-bit).
Таблетка: crack ErES
Размер: 93.51 MB

Скачать MOBILedit! Phone Copier

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адреса, телефон, контакты
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