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Скачать DivX Plus for Windows v10 Build

АвторАвтор: sergbrok12web | ДатаДата: 13 ноября 2013 | Нашли ошибку?
DivX Plus for Windows v10 Build

DivX Plus for Windows - новое программное обеспечение, предоставляющее все необходимое для HD-видео. DivX Plus позволяет воспроизводить DivX, AVI, MKV, MOV и MP4-видео на DivX Plus плеере. Или смотреть эти ролики в других популярных медиа-плеерах, таких как Windows Media Player или Media Player Classic. DivX Pro позволяет создать своё собственное HD DivX видео. Теперь и на Русском языке!

Разработчики называют новую версию значительным рывком вперед. Дело тут в новом DivX Plus, который построен на основе MKV и является полностью бесплатным. В качестве основы для формата DivX Plus HD выбран MKV. Теперь компонент DivX Converter позволяет конвертировать видео в DivX Plus HD (выходной файл MKV/H.264) полностью бесплатно. Стоит отметить, что обычный DivX с выходным файлом DivX/MPEG-4 ASP остается, конечно же, по-прежнему платным.

DivX To Go гарантирует, что любой файл, воспроизводимый в DivX Plus Player, также может быть воспроизведён на любом из 250 миллионов сертифицированных DivX-устройств, поставляющихся на мировой рынок. DivX To Go представляет собой интуитивный, пошаговый мастер для передачи видео с DivX Plus Player на сертифицированные DivX-устройства, такие как DVD-проигрыватели, цифровое телевидение и игровые приставки.

DivX Plus for Windows is premium software offering, providing everything you need for a true HD experience. DivX Plus Software lets you play DivX, AVI, MKV, MOV and MP4 video with DivX Plus Player. Or watch these videos in other popular media players like Windows Media Player or Media Player classic. DivX Pro lets you create your own HD DivX videos.

DivX Plus for Windows includes:
• DivX Plus Player:
- Play DivX, AVI, MKV, MP4 and MOV videos
- Transfer videos to your devices with DivX To Go
- Navigate your videos with greater speed and precision
• DivX Plus Web Player:
- Watch DivX, AVI and MKV videos in your web browser
- Experience stunning 1080p video with 5.1 channel surround sound
- Enjoy multiple audio tracks and subtitles
• DivX Plus Codec Pack:
- Get high-quality video playback with DivX Codec
- Watch DivX, AVI and MKV videos in popular media players
- Stream MKV videos to your game console (using Windows 7)
• DivX Plus Converter:
- Convert your videos to DivX or MKV in one step
- Create high definition MKV videos for free
- Backup personal DVDs with the additional MPEG-2/DVD Plug-in
• DivX Pro:
- Convert to DivX video in one step
- Create videos to play on any DivX Certified device
- Use popular video editing software to create DivX videos

What's new in DivX 10
• Player, Web Player support HEVC real time video decoding up to 1080p
• Converter has new DivX HEVC 1080p and 720p presets
• Player and Web Player have new matching DivX 10 skins
• Web Player custom skins can be controlled via a URL
• Converter and Web Player can support multiple subtitle and audio tracks with HEVC video
• Three new languages: Russian, Korean, Italian
• MKV streaming to XBOX via ffmpeg
• DivX VOD portal to register and manage DivX Certified devices online
• Converter supports DivX Plus (H.264) video up to 4K
• Converter has better error reporting for formats not supported with DirectShow
• Converter accepts muxing of external audio streams for multi-audio AVI/MKV creation
• Converter allows user to change temp folder settings
• Converter can shut down, hibernate, or sleep your computer after encoding
• Player has a new DRM architecture core for better premium content support
• Web Player buffering indicator is improved for better indication when the video is ready for playback
• Converter can now support PCM audio fully, including PCM, LPCM, ADPCM
• Player high CPU issue when ads are disabled in Preferences
• Upside-down video issue in Player for MJPEG files
• Multiple issues with playlists including adding to playlists, playback of sequential files, reordering of playlists on Mac, blinking when transition to next video in playlists
• Player intermittent crash for some H264 4K files
• Player clears Recently Watched list when manually reset
• Maximize window issue for Player on Mac
• Removed “always on top” and “Edit” menus on Mac since not supported
• Player fixed default location even if it is moved to a secondary monitor and closed.
• Player crash issue when “Show Video Information” for some files
• Player mouse cursor disappearing in full screen
• Player mouse cursor timeout for normal and full screen is now 2secs
• Converter supports soft-style subtitles for AVI
• Converter retains XSUB/XSUB+ and MKV subtitles on input
• Error 21 during analyzing stage while trying to convert .M4V files
• Converting of movies with several audio tracks (include Vorbis) is failed on Mac
• WMA not recognized for files created in Windows Movie Maker (Zune HD 720p profile)
• AV sync issue on older iPods for files created with iPhone preset
• Custom Presets does not apply custom bitrate settings when reused
• DMS preserves shared folders when updated on Mac
• DMS auto refreshing of shared folders on Mac
• DMS issue where the client appears in Devices several times
• DMS shared sub-folders proper detection on Clients
• DMS “could not find shared folder” issue on some computers
• DivX HTML5 plugin is removed to fix support for sites using wmode overlays
• Web Player Tooltips are localized in all languages
• Web Player Tooltips fixed for proper display of all Win desktop display DPIs (100%, 125%, etc)
• Unicode support for DivX VOD account creation

System Requirements:

• For DivX 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and DivX Plus HD video:
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) with DirectX 9 or better, Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 8 Compatible
- Intel Pentium III 733Mhz, AMD Duron 650, or equivalent for standard definition DivX
- Intel Pentium IV 2.4Ghz, AMD Athlon XP 2400+, or equivalent for high definition DivX
- Intel Pentium D 3.0Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+, or equivalent for Divx Plus HD
• Video:
- 32MB of video ram, 800x600 display in 24-bit color for SD
- 64MB of video ram, 1280x720 display in 24-bit color for HD
• Audio:
- Stereo sound card with drivers for DirectSound
• For DivX 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and DivX Plus HD video:
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) with DirectX 9 or better, Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Intel Pentium IV 1.3GHz, AMD Athlon 1000, or equivalent for standard definition DivX
- Intel Pentium IV 2.8GHz, AMD Athlon 64 3400+, or equivalent for high definition DivX
- Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+, or equivalent for DivX Plus HD
• Video:
- 64MB of video ram, 800x600 display in 24-bit color for SD
- 128MB of video ram, 1920x1080 display in 24-bit color for HD
- 512MB of video ram, 1920x1080 display in 24-bit color for HD H.264
• Audio:
- 5.1 Surround sound card with drivers for DirectSound

Оф. сайт: www.divx.com
Язык интерфейса: Eng+Rus
Лечение: Присутствует
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Размер: 76,0 МБ

Скачать DivX Plus for Windows v10 Build

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