iZotope RX3 Advanced наиболее полное программное решение для реставрации звука на современном рынке, уникальное самостоятельное приложение, с нуля разработанное для борьбы со всем спектром проблем, возникающих с аудио. В дополнение к уникальным технологическим качествам, обеспечивающим максимальные результаты, мощные инструменты, встроенные в RX также могут производить качественную обработку звука, на которую неспособны обычные реставрационные продукты. Это, в паре с абсолютно новыми технологиями обработки сигналов, обеспечивает более чистую, естественную и качественную реставрацию звука. RX - идеальное средство для восстановления звука и архивирования, записи и мастеринга, транслирования и подкастинга, производства видео и т.д., включающее полный набор инструментов для реставрации звука . Отдельное приложение, или часть цифровой звуковой станции DAW.
Информация о программе
Название программы: iZotope - RX 3 Advanced
Версия программы: 3.01.734
Официальный сайт: iZotope
Язык интерфейса: английский
Системные требования:
Intel Pentium IV 1GHz with 1GB RAM
Windows XP SP2, Vista,7
VST Host Applications: Ableton Live, Cubase, Fruty Loops, Kontakt version и т.д.
Дополнительная информация:
Как самостоятельное приложение RX представляет идеальную среду для реставрации звука. Но в тех случаях, когда Вам нужны свойства RX в Ваших любимых аудио синтезаторе или редакторе, Вы можете применить отдельные плагины RX.
Инструменты и возможности RX:
Hum Removal - Удаляет электрические шумы и гудение
Declipper - Достраивает обрезанное аудио с перезагруженных аналого-цифровых преобразователей и аналоговых устройств
Declicker- Исключает щелчки, потрескивания, хлопки и другие цифровые шумы
Denoiser - Удаляет шумы широкого диапазона частот, и в результате получается очень естественное звучание
Spectral Repair - Отладка повторяющихся шумов, искаженных интервалов и разрывов аудио
Advanced Spectrogram - Визуальное отображение аудио с максимально возможным расширением времени и частоты
Interface and Workflow - RX включает много автоматизированных функций , разработанных, чтобы упростить восстановление звука
Инструменты RX Advanced:
RX Advanced - расширенная версия RX, созданная для профессионалов, желающих полностью контролировать обработку сигналов и delivery options.
Свойства RX Advanced включают возможности RX:
Панель размывания аудио-сигнала iZotope MBIT+™, обеспечивающая полный контроль опций сглаживания
Панель повторной выборки (resampling) iZotope 64-bit SRC™
Усовершенствованная опция удаления технологических звуков (щелчков и кликов) вручную
Multi-resolution declipping
Multi-resolution spectral repair modes
Усовершенствованные параметры denoiser.
Ключевые свойства
самостоятельное приложение для реставрации звука
подавление шумов разных тонов широкого диапазона без грубых помех, создаваемых другими приложениями
удаление повторяющихся шумов, искаженных интервалов и разрывов с помощью ресинтеза Spectral Repair
устранение искажений, вызванных перегрузкой, путём автоматического восстановления обрезанных частей аудио
удаление фоновых электрических помех и гудения
удаление импульсных помех, таких как клики, щелчки и т.д.
более детальный обзор с помощью инновационных измерений и самых совершенных индикаторов спектрограмм
выбор по времени и частоте для определения и исправления определенного шума
экономия времени из-за возможностей одновременной обработки нескольких параметров и возвращения к предыдущим настройкам (undo), а также просмотра истории изменений.
Broadcasting & Podcasting - Очистка внестудийных записей, телефонных интервью, фоновых студийных шумов и т.д.
Recording & Music Production - Устранение гудения, шипения и внешнего шума на живых и студийных записях
Restoration & Archiving - Удаление звуков кликов и щелчков, механических шумов и гудения, и даже устранение разрывов в поврежденном аудио
Video Production - Идеальное средство для очистки диалогов, т.к. удаляет нежелательные фоновые шумы
Forensics - Усовершенствованное снижение уровня шума для максимальной разборчивости голоса, спектрограмма для отображения большего количества деталей для более качественного визуального анализа.
Технологии следующего поколения
Последние 4 года iZotope разрабатывал новейшие методы восстановления шумных и поврежденных звуковых файлов, и теперь в iZotope RX представлена новая инновационная технология.
Denoiser. RX's Denoiser использует технику, позаимствованную в цифровом формировании изображения, для снижения помех и искажений, вызванных подавлением шума.
Spectral repair. Благодаря интеллектуальной системе, модуль RX Spectral Repair может заново синтезировать поврежденные или недостающие аудио фрагменты. Результат поразителен – можно даже воссоздать такие детали, как вибрацию голоса певца или изменения в шаге.
Declipper. Многие модули RX, например, Declipper, используют улучшенную многополосную технику обработки для достижения впечатляющих результатов.
RX 3 Features
iZotope RX 3 Dialog Denoiser
Dialogue Denoiser [RX 3 Advanced]
Restore problematic vocal recordings in real time
Designed specifically for dialogue, the brand new Dialogue Denoiser tool sets a new audio standard for real-time dialogue treatment. When unwanted background noise and electrical interference threaten the quality of vocal recordings, the Dialogue Denoiser replaces the need for costly and time-consuming ADR—ensuring professional sounding results, every time. And with an intuitive “set it and forget it” workflow that automatically adjusts to changing noise profiles, those working in Hollywood post houses as well as bedroom studios will find it incredibly easy to use.
With an algorithm specifically tuned to keep dialogue as pristine as possible, the Dialogue Denoiser can treat most problems right out of the box—potentially saving you hours of time.
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iZotope RX 3 Dereverb
Dereverb [RX 3 Advanced]
Remove unwanted reverb from a variety of recorded material
Dereverb removes and reduces unwanted reverb from vocal and instrumental tracks, allowing you to keep audio clear and focused. Take control over the amount of ambient space captured in a recording: make large cathedrals sound like small halls and make roomy vocals sound like they were recorded in a proper studio space. With easy-to-use controls and powerful technology under the hood, it's an essential tool for anyone seeking a tighter mix.
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iZotope Insight
iZotope Insight® [RX 3 Advanced]
Visualize your mix and comply with loudness standards
Insight is iZotope's essential metering suite, bundled with RX 3 Advanced as an additional plug-in (a $499 value). With its extensive set of audio analysis and metering tools, Insight is perfect for visualizing changes made during mixing and mastering, troubleshooting problematic mixes, and ensuring compliance with international broadcast loudness standards like BS.1770-1/2/3 and EBU R128. Fully customizable and scalable, Insight allows you to visually monitor all relevant information from your mono, stereo or surround mix in a convenient floating window. Load Insight into your favorite DAW or NLE to keep an eye as well as an ear on your mix at all times. Learn more about Insight
iZotope RX 3 Deconstruct
Deconstruct [RX 3 Advanced]
Separate tonal and noisy audio, and treat each individually
Deconstruct intelligently separates audio into tonal and noisy components, allowing independent control of each. For example, a singer's voice combines both musical tones with noisy sounds like breaths and sibilance. RX 3 gives you the power to separate and rebalance these audio building blocks, opening up creative possibilities like accentuating only the tonal parts of a flute or sax recording, or bringing out the airy qualities of a nuanced vocal performance.
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iZotope RX 3 Spectral Repair
Spectral Repair
Visually isolate and remove unwanted sounds
Spectral Repair is the key to discovering what your waveform won't show you. Use familiar drawing tools to identify and select problem frequencies and unwanted sounds. Salvage unusable material by filling in audio gaps instantly. With a unique visualization and a variety of selection tools to use, Spectral Repair lets you get closer to your audio—and take a hands-on approach to repairing and enhancing it.
Once a problem sound has been identified and selected, the Spectral Repair algorithms are able to resynthesize the audio while taking into consideration tonal harmonics, nonlinear pitch changes like vibrato, background noise characteristics and transient events. With the power of these tools, you can remove unwanted, interfering sounds ranging from barking dogs to string squeaks and missed notes.
RX 3 Advanced includes a multi-resolution mode that more accurately separates unwanted noise and desired audio.
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iZotope RX 3 Denoise
Reduce unwanted background noise quickly and easily
Denoise provides natural noise reduction with unparalleled clarity and control. Built with the most troublesome audio imperfections in mind, Denoise removes unwanted noise from any type of recording—such as music, old recordings, home movies and more. With transparent noise suppression technology that minimizes artifacts, the Denoise module is carefully designed to preserve the character of your audio. In addition, Denoise allows independent control over both tonal and broadband noise components, providing ultimate creative control over the color of the end result.
RX 3 Advanced features Adaptive Mode, which analyzes changing noise profiles and fixes audio imperfections automatically. It's the ideal choice for fast, efficient audio repair on the fly.
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iZotope RX 3 Declip
Rebuild distorted audio caused by analog and digital overload
iZotope's Declip technology reconstructs peaks damaged by clipping at either the analog or digital stage. With a redesigned workflow new to RX 3, it's never been easier to reduce even the most intrusive signal clipping. As a bonus, the brand new Suggest feature in Declip can automatically analyze a selection and recommend a suitable threshold—helping you get through projects even faster.
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iZotope RX 3 Declick & Decrackle
Declick & Decrackle
Eliminate clicks, crackles, pops and digital impulse noises
Declick automatically identifies and removes clicks, pops and digital impulse noises that can ruin a listening experience. Turn to Declick when polishing audio transfers and other recordings suffering from quality degradation, digital errors, mouth noises, and interference from cell phones. For the toughest click and crackle problems, Interpolate Mode allows you to make manual sample-level corrections to audio.
Decrackle is designed to treat continuous background crackle from sources such as vinyl, but can also treat problems like dry-mouthed spoken word and reed noise from woodwind instruments.
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iZotope RX 3 Remove Hum
Remove Hum
Remove electrical hum and line noise
Remove Hum automatically identifies the base frequency of unwanted hum, and precisely removes it from the recording along with harmonics—ensuring a clean overall sound. For more complex hum and buzz removal, the module also automatically recommends when to use Denoise instead, so you'll always have the best tool at hand for the job.
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iZotope RX 3 Additional Highlights
Additional Modules & Highlights
ADV Time & Pitch | Features Radius®, iZotope's world class time-stretching and pitch-shifting algorithm as well as Pitch Contour, a pitch re-mapper with all-new time-variable sampling.
Resample | Ensure the highest quality when adjusting sample rates with SRC™, iZotope's world-class sample rate conversion algorithm.
Dither | Get the best quality when reducing bit resolution for final delivery of your project with MBIT+™, iZotope's renowned dither algorithm.
Gain | Bring your levels up or down with a robust gain module that supports several fade types, and includes a new Normalize feature.
EQ | A 6-band parametric equalizer with adjustable notch filters and low-pass/high-pass filters.
Channel Operations | A module that offers precise delay and phase operations. RX 3 Advanced adds improved Azimuth Alignment for automatic and manual alignment of audio recorded to tape.
Spectrum Analyzer | A detailed spectral display that detects peaks automatically.
3rd Party Plug-in Support | Host any Audio Unit or VST plug-in in RX 3's Plug-In module.
Batch Processing | Chain modules, process multiple files at once, and use multiple CPUs to speed up your workflow.
Compare Settings | Find just the right sound you're looking for by processing and auditioning multiple settings side-by-side.
What's New
Featuring new cutting-edge tools, enhanced workflows and a redesigned user interface, RX 3 enables you to fix troubled audio with more power and precision than ever before. If you own a previous version of RX, log into your iZotope account to upgrade now.
dialog denoiser Dialogue Denoiser Reduce unwanted background noise and electrical interference from dialogue in real-time, with zero latency. With an intuitive workflow, the Dialogue Denoiser is the easiest way to achieve pristine results in the least amount of time.
dereverb Dereverb A cutting-edge tool for removing and reducing large, dominating reverbs from instrumental and vocal recordings. Tighten a mix by virtually adjusting the size of any recording location with Dereverb.
spectrum iZotope Insight® Included as an additional plug-in bundled with RX 3 Advanced! A comprehensive metering suite that helps you stay compliant with international loudness standards, and a must-have tool for those wanting the best in audio analysis—especially for Post work.
declip Asymmetric Declip Reduce clipping with the highest accuracy. With independent declipping thresholds and intelligent settings custom to your waveform, it can improve the quality and enjoyment of recordings in a few clicks.
declick Advanced Declick parameters More easily target and repair thumps and discontinuities with the new Click Widening and Frequency Skew parameters in the Declick module.
azimuth Improved Azimuth adjustment Fix timing differences between stereo channels with an even more robust and reliable algorithm for time alignment and detection.
center channel Center channel extraction Achieve impressive noise cancellation when working with stereo files of mono material. Perfect for stereo A/D conversions of mono recordings, stereo playback of mono tapes, and vocal isolation from stereo music recordings.
time & pitch Pitch Contour Fix recordings that have a variable playback speed with new time-variable sampling—ideal for vinyl and tape recordings that suffer from pitch drifts over time.
time & pitch Time and pitch stretch improvements Easily base a time stretch ratio on BPM. RX 3’s time and pitch improvements have been made to help straighten out tempo-based music files—useful for anyone repairing audio from older media or looking for creative music production techniques.
ui refinements Redesigned user interface A brand-new look for RX brings enhanced workflows and intuitive controls, allowing you to work more quickly and efficiently than ever before.
multi file Multi-file workflow Open, edit and process multiple files at once—bringing true multi-tasking to your audio repair work.
multi-core Multicore processing Take advantage of your computer’s power when performing intense audio processing. Optimized to use every CPU core available, the RX 3 standalone application allows you to process audio faster than ever before, with the highest possible quality.
denoise Flexible denoising Identify and treat any noise profile with flexible selection techniques. Build a strong noise profile by making multiple noise selections, anywhere there’s noise in your file, with the time-and-frequency, lasso and brush selection tools.
declip Enhanced declipping RX 3 has been redesigned to integrate the Declip workflow directly into the waveform display, allowing for more intuitive processing. And with an automatic mode that suggests a suitable threshold, it’s a time-saver too.
rx docs RX Documents Easily revisit past edits in a portable, archive-ready format. Store unlimited undo history, audio data and markers for all your projects with the powerful new RX Documents.
Plug-in hosting Formerly a feature limited to RX 2 Advanced, plug-in hosting is now included as a standard feature in RX 3. Use 3rd party plug-ins to apply audio processing to frequency selections. Use your favorite VSTs and AUs within RX to open limitless creative possibilities.
selection Selection refinements RX 3 adds three new selection tools to make audio repair even faster. Invert Selection and Invert Selection Frequencies make honing in on problematic audio more precise, and Select Harmonics allows you to choose exactly which harmonics of the current selection will be treated.
center channel Detect optimal phase rotation Balance asymmetric waveforms by precisely rotating signal phase. Suitable for dialogue, voice and brass instruments, it increases the headroom of a signal, allowing the mix more room to breathe.
audio recording Audio recording and monitoring Cut down on additional software and save time by recording directly into RX 3. With input metering and input monitoring, RX 3 allows you to audition audio in real time—assisting you with setting the right levels.
waveform statistics Waveform statistics View helpful stats on the current selection of audio to make more informed edits, including true peak level, RMS level, loudness range and more.
seek Scrub audio Speed up your workflow by quickly auditioning different regions of an audio file. Use the new Seek handle at the top of the playhead cursor, or hold Control/Command while clicking in the spectrogram display.
declick Declick presets Easily target and repair thumps and discontinuities with new Declick presets.
eq Parametric EQ refinements Enjoy a wider range of FFT sizes, and get closer to real analog filters with non-warped frequency responses.
mbit Improved MBIT+™ quality Formerly a feature limited to RX 2 Advanced, MBIT+ dither is now included as a standard feature in RX 3, and now also includes an extended range of noise shaping curves.
mbit SRC™ sample rate conversion Formerly a feature limited to RX 2 Advanced, SRC is now included as a standard feature in RX 3.
Дополнительная информация:
Разработчик: iZotope
Релизер: Team CHAOS
Разрядность: 32bit, 64bit
Год выпуска: 19.10.2013
iZotope RX 3 Advanced v3.01.734 x86 x64
Release Date .:. OCTOBER 19TH 2013
Release Type .:. Patched DLL (EXE)
Protection ...:. C & R
Homepage .....:. http://www.izotope.com
Release NR ...:. 1575
x86 user replace EXE & files in RTAS - VST - VST3
C:\Program Files (x86)\iZotope\RX 3\win32\
C:\......\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\Plug-Ins
C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3\iZotope
x64 user replace EXE & files in AAX - VST - VST3
C:\Program Files (x86)\iZotope\RX 3\win64
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
C:\Program Files\VstPlugins
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\iZotope
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x86 user replace EXE & files in RTAS - VST - VST3
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C:\......\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\Plug-Ins
C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3\iZotope
x64 user replace EXE & files in AAX - VST - VST3
C:\Program Files (x86)\iZotope\RX 3\win64
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
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C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\iZotope
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Размер: 384.96 Mb

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