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Скачать Genarts Sapphire 7.04 RePack by Team VR (2014)

АвторАвтор: vetall47 | ДатаДата: 17 января 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Genarts Sapphire 7.04 RePack by Team VR (2014)

Sapphire Plug-ins for OFX - Пакет из более, чем 250 плагинов для OFX-систем видеомонтажа и композитинга The Foundry Nuke, Eyeon Fusion, FilmLight Baselight, SGO Mistika, DigitalVision Film Master, Assimilate Scratch, и Sony Vegas Pro. Эти плагины, предназначенные для обработки изображений и синтеза, разделены на несколько категорий: освещение, стилизация, искажение, наведение резкости, эффекты перехода и т.д. Каждое дополнение имеет набор параметров, которые можно анимировать, благодаря чему количество эффектов, которые можно получить с помощью плагинов, увеличивается во много раз.

Информация о программе
Название программы: Genarts Sapphire
Версия программы: 7.04
Официальный сайт: genarts.com/software/sapphire/after-effects
Язык интерфейса: английский

Системные требования:
Adobe After Effects CS4 - СС.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 - СС.
Windows XP и выше (32/64-bit).

Особенности репака:
Интсаллятор уже пролечен.

Дополнительная информация:
Sapphire increases your productivity, quality output, and ability to compete. Platform-agnostic so you can leverage your work across video editing and other compositing software without compromising consistency or quality of the look, Sapphire saves you valuable time and money. Discover the superior image quality, control, render speed, and impact on viewer engagement compared to other plugins or many effects included with After Effects and Premiere Pro. Sapphire’s Glow EdgeRays, LensFlare, Lightning, FilmEffect, Warps, and Textures are just a few effects that enable you to create sophisticated and stunning, yet completely organic looks, unmatched in the industry. The breadth and depth of over 250 visual effects, along with the speed and ease of use offered by Sapphire, not only frees up time to craft each piece of work exactly as you want it but also deliver the creative impact that engages viewers and delivers superior results. To see for yourself, download a Free Trial.
What's new?
Beauty - A new effect that leverages the new EdgeAware technology to beautify talking heads by softening and color correcting skin tones
EdgeAwareBlur - Powered by our new EdgeAware technology, this effect allows you to blur while preserving detail
Advanced Sharpen - The Sharpen tool has been updated with the ability to sharpen features of different amounts and sizes for increased flexibility and control
LensFlare - Now enhanced with faster rendering, animation options, atmospheric noise, and presets to duplicate popular real-world lenses
Zap - Updated to include 3D rotation and the option to follow a path, giving you the option to control the shape it takes
Motionblur - Has been added to many effects, giving them a more realistic look.
New Transitions - FilmRoll and CardFlip are two new dynamic transitions with multiple controls to diversify the output. FlutterCut has been enhanced with more options including new controls and color options
Faster - Added GPU support for more plugins and an optimized GPU code to provide up to a 20% speed increase per effect
More presets - Over 2,500 presets
Preset sharing - Now you can share presets across host platforms (for Autodesk conversion, please contact us directly)

Features Benefits
Over 250 visual effects
Drag and drop transitions
GPU-accelerated for Nvidia CUDA cards
Intuitive user interface
On-screen UI widgets for many video effects
Offline HTML and PDF documentation included
Create backgrounds and organic displacement maps using a large selection of texture generators
Choose from a wide variety of fast-processing color channel, directional, and defocus blurs
Stylize and color-correct your footage with a selection of effects including FilmEffect, HalfTone, Vignette, BleachBypass, and Cartoon
Free unlimited render licenses
Same license works on Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and also Apple Final Cut Pro (if used on the same machine)

Просто запустите инсталлятор.

О файле:
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Размер: 70.01 MB

Скачать: "Genarts Sapphire 7.04 RePack by Team VR (2014)"


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