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Скачать Saint Rider, Tim Ismag, Oiki, iBenji, Xilent - Dubstep Planet 5 Special Mixes (2014)

АвторАвтор: mp3za | ДатаДата: 28 января 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Saint Rider, Tim Ismag, Oiki, iBenji, Xilent - Dubstep Planet 5 Special Mixes (2014)

Исполнитель: Saint Rider, Tim Ismag, Oiki, iBenji, Xilent
Альбом: Dubstep Planet 5 Special Mixes
Жанр: Dubstep, Drumstep, Brostep, Trap
Год выпуска: 27.01.2014
Тип Рипа: 5 Mixes
Лейбл: MP3ZA
Формат: MP3
Битрейт: 320 кб/c
Размер ~ 670 MB



01. Krewella - Live For The Night (Xilent Remix)
02. AU5 & I.Y.F.F.E. - Flower Of Life
03. Xilent - Infinity
04. Ellie Goulding - Figure 8 (Xilent Remix)
05. Xilent - Touch Sound
06. Hadouken! - Bad Signal (Xilent Remix)
07. Mediks - Come Back Down (Xilent Remix)
08. Savant - Red Claw
09. Virtual Riot - Sugar Rush (Barely Alive Remix)
10. Xilent - Boss Wavea
11. The M Machine - The Palace
12. Xilent - Universe
13. Katy Perry - Wide Awake (Xilent Remix)
14. xKore - Full Russian
15. Bar9 - What You Gonna Do
16. Skope - Crooked
17. Playma - Moscow Funk
18. Pegboard Nerds - Fire In The Hole
19. Teknian - 1984
20. She - Electric Girl
21. Seven Lions - She Was
22. Xilent - Boss Wave (Teddy Killerz Remix)
23. Joe Ford - Culture
24. Xilent - Choose Me II (Syrebral Bootleg)
25. Sub Focus - Out The Blue (Xilent Remix)
26. Excision - Sleepless (Xilent Remix)
27. Ayah Marar - Raver (Xilent Remix)

Saint Rider

01. Jarvis - Blank Cheque
02. The Substance - Facing Fire (Phetsta Remix)
03. Subscape - I Need You
04. Flux Pavilion - I Still Can't Stop
05. Saint Rider - Silence (feat.Aubrey) (VIP Mix)
06. Nero - Act Like You Know (Dubstep Mix)
07. Trolley Snatcha - Giving Up
08. Juventa ft. Erica Curran - Move Into Light (Koven Remix)
09. Skrillex - Ruffneck (Flex)
10. Kidnappa - Champion Dub
11. Noisia - Dystopia
12. Reso - Half Life (Billain Remix)
13. Zinnat - Angels (Original Mix)
14. Archie Cane - Anarchy (VIP Mix)
15. Carvar and Clock - Flare
16. Balkansky - Hippie Filth
17. Destroid - Raise Your Fist (Masq Remix)
18. Figure - Beast Mode
19. Destroid - Bounce
20. Skrillex & Alvin Risk - Try It Out (Neon Mix)
21. 501 - The Final Cut
22. Two Fresh & "dasbtep.ru" - Throw That (SPL Remix)
23. Chase & Status - Blind Faith (Trolley Snatcha Remix)
24. Slum Dogz - The Jungle Book
25. Reid Speed & Proper Villains - We Love the Blunts (Getter Remix)
26. 50 Carrot and Coffi - LDN TWN
27. Earthlink - Clique
28. Cookie Monsta - Blame It On The Dog
29. Sponge Bandits - Gobble
30. D-jahsta - System
31. Balkansky - XII
32. Rusko - Mr Muscle (Mantis Remix)
33. Datsik - Hold It Down (feat. Georgia Murray)
34. Drumsound and Bassline Smith - R U Ready (Dubstep Mix)
35. Chase And Status - Saxon
36. Lea Luna - Hearts Under Fire (HavocNdeeD Remix)
37. Benga - I Will Never Change
38. BaseFace & Saint Rider - Inside Out (feat. Stevie B.)

Tim Ismag

01. Flux Pavillion - Do Or Die (feat. Childish Gambino)
02. Doctor P – Watch Out
03. Roksonix – Madness
04. Eptic – Mastermind
05. Bro Safari & UFO – The Dealer
06. Getter - Lose Focus ft. Snak The Ripper,Datsik,The Frim
07. IBenji And Mothra – Drop The Bomb
08. Pegboard Nerds - Self Destruct
09. Xilent – Boss Wave
10. Funtcase – Ghosts
11. Kev Willow – Wut
12. Zomboy – Terror Squad
13. Tim Ismag/MustDie (Eam Mashup)
14. Swedish dasbtep.ru Mafia vs Knife Party - Antidote (Schoolboy Remix)
15. Eptic – Gun Finga
16. Eptic/Kill The Noise Mashup
17. Tim Ismag – Kick In Ya Face
18. Tim Ismag – Game Of Thrones VIP
19. Konec - Railgun (ft. xKore)
20. Excision & Space Laces – Bounce
21. Doctor P - Champagne Bop
22. Tim Ismag – Smile Tune
23. Zomboy - Mind Control
24. Tim Ismag – Vedma
25. Space Laces & Bro Safari – Fang Banger
26. Figure - Beast Mode (feat. Del The Funky Homosapien)
27. Oiki – Ratchet
28. Borgore – Decisions
29. Flux Pavillion – Got to Know VIP
30. Downlink - The Chopper
31. Excision & Downlink & Space Laces - Destroid 1 Raise Your Fist
32. J. Viewz - Far Too Close (Pegboard Nerds Remix)
33. Virtual Riot - Evil Gameboy
34. Excision&Space Laces - Get Stupid
35. Doctor P – Tetris - Quartus Saul – Los Angeles (Tim Ismag Remix) Mashup


01. Oiki - Get It Now (Flex VIP) - Trolley Snatcha - Make My Whole World
02. Agbo - Angry Style
03. Agbo - Angry Style (iBenji Remix)
04. Caspa - My Pet Monster
05. Djemba Djemba x London Future - Look At Me Now ft. Ifa Sayo
06. Oiki - Groove
07. The Others x Emalkay - Fall Out
08. The Frim - Bassline Skanka
09. Arston - Zodiac (Dropzone Remix)
10. Oiki - Ratchet
11. Kill The Noise – Jokes On You (Kill The Noise VIP)
12. Trolley Snatcha - Make My Whole World - Oiki - Groove
13. Birdy Nam Nam - Goin' In - Skrillex "Goin' Down” Mix
14. Emalkay - Fabrication
15. Sandro Silva & Quintino - Epic (Luminox remix)
16. Oiki - Are You Scared
17. Gent x Jaws - Turnup
18. Spenca feat. Synclan - Do It Live (The Juggernaut Remix)
19. Caspa - Fulham 2 Waterloo


01. iBenji - Hellraiser
02. Bar 9 & Datsik - Droid
03. iBenji & Mothra - Drop The Bomb
04. Culprate - Trench foot
05. Destroid - Bounce
06. Eptic - Mastermind
07. The Others & Emalkay - Fall Out
08. Dr.Philth - Weed Whacker
09. Figure - Beast Mode
10. Mark Instinct,Adroa - Hit Em
11. D-Jahsta,12Guage,Sadhu - Baptism Of Fire
12. Caspa - Marmite (Doctor P remix)
13. D-Jahsta - Slug Bass (The Frim VIP)
14. Cookie Monsta - Yow Momma
15. Datsik & Downlink - Punisher
16. Emalkay - Flesh & Bone (The Others remix)
17. Benny Page - Taking Over
18. Dr.Philth - Technowank
19. Eptic - Gun Finga
20. Datsik & dasbtep.ru - Automatik (Melamin Remix)
21. Doctor P & Funtcase - Arcade Fire
22. Getter - Shapow!
23. iBenji - Soul's Scream
24. Cookie Monsta - Riot!
25. Datsik - Scum
26. Bong - Hostile Enforcement (Symbiotic remix)
27. Melamin & Wicked Sway - Calm Before The Battle feat. Maksim
28. Virtual Riot - dabstep.ru Rush (Barely Alive Remix)
29. Loud Flavor - Wild Bizznizz (Mojo remix)
30. Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Motherfucker (Datsik remix)
31. Culprate - Scared
32. 2Gross feat. Quok – Sirius

Скачать Saint Rider, Tim Ismag, Oiki, iBenji, Xilent - Dubstep Planet 5 Special Mixes (2014)

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