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Скачать VA - Avto Club. Свежие новинки. Выпуск 2 (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 1 марта 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Avto Club. Свежие новинки. Выпуск 2 (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Avto Club. Свежие новинки. Выпуск 2
Жанр: клуб, данс, поп
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:52:26
Треки: 70
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 702 MB

01. Sunlight Inc Feat. Vlad Scala & Rikazz - Breathe (Radio Edit)
02. Dave Silcox - The Joker (Original Mix)
03. Los Americanos - Red Light Angel (Giorno Remix Edit)
04. Milena Feat D.I.P Project - Аура (Original Version)
05. Дзідзьо Feat. Dj Ozeroff & Dj Sky - Я І Сара (Radio Edit)
06. Rita Ora Feat. Tinie Tempa - R.I.P. (Gregor Salto Remix)
07. Blur - Song 2 (Dj Star Sky & Dj Perfectov Remix )
08. Muradiks Feat. Bahtiyar - Мы Едем В Лето
09. Thomas Newson & John Dish - Kalavela (Original Mix)
10. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Keyton & Jwell Remix)
11. Dj M.E.G. Ft Serebro Bikini Djs - Угар
12. Robs & Duke - Asdf (Prince Fox Remix)
13. Funkyfunny - На Байкал
14. Soundshakerz Feat Chase J - Die On The Dancefloor (Radio Edit)
15. Bodybangers - Break My Stride (Radio Edit)
16. Scooter - Weekend (A-One Remix)
17. Dj Fait - Dj Fait Say Goodbye (Mike Nero Remix)
18. Fly Project & Stromae Feat. Dj Favorite & Dj Lykov Ft. Demid Rezin - Toca Papaoutai (Funny & Dj Digo Mash-Up)
19. Juan Magan Feat. Farruko - Como El Viento (Xemi Canovas & Javi Garcia Remix)
20. Djane Housekat - Don't U Feel Alright (Club Mix Short)
21. David - Лето (Mexx Beat Radio Remix)
22. Mc Zali & Dj Half - Тока Тока (Fly Project Cover)
23. Dj Dark & Shidance Ft. Andreias - Je Samba (Radio Edit)
24. Matias Endoor - No Love Again (Radio Edit)
25. Glance Feat. Mandinga - Cinema (Radio Edit)
26. Marc & Ravolta - Here I Go (Ron Ravolta Mix)
27. Deland & Scapers Feat. Farisha & Nico Collu - I Wanna Live Again (B Twinz Remix)
28. Nastynasty - Frame Link
29. Marc Hill Feat. S-Tream! - Hello You (Mave Remix)
30. Tom Pulse - Taka Taka
31. Bob Sinclar - Bob
32. Angelika Vee Vs. Kylian Mash - Cash Out (Glory French Remix)
33. Руки Вверх - Без Любви (Vi & Di Reboot)
34. D!Rty Aud!O - Swisher
35. Metric - Artificial Nocture (Jacob Van Hage Remix)
36. Superstarz - Turn Up The Bass (Club Mix)
37. Crin3s - Freeology (Original Mix)
38. Руки Вверх - Он Не Я (Dj Alex Morello Remix)
39. Tiesto - Red Lights (Radio Edit)
40. Бьянка - Ногами Руками
41. Dj Khan & Ramirez - Off My Mind (Extended Mix)
42. Dj Charter And Sarkis Edwards - Something To Belive
43. Ottawan - Hands Up (Dj Sandr, Dj Oleg Skipper V.S. Dj Legran, Dj Alex Rosco Remix)
44. Fedde Le Grand - So Much Love (Radio Edit)
45. Dani Moreno - Somebody To Love (Fluor Mix)
46. Sagi Rei - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Slava Dmitriev Remix)
47. Pandora Bx - Just Can't Get Enough (Krommerz Remix)
48. Freddy See - No Problem (Original Mix)
49. Benjamin Zane - Stand Up (Electric Bullets Remix Edit)
50. Chris Parker - Typhoon
51. R3hab & Nervo & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Vocal Mix)
52. Silver Sneakerz Feat. Quilla - Sound All Around You
53. Valerio M And Tony La Rocca Feat. Luca_Sala - Non E' L Inferno (Extented Mix)
54. Yellow Claw Feat. Rochelle - Shotgun
55. The Party Rockerz - Shake Machine (Radio Edit)
56. Aboutblank & Klc - Be Free (Club Edit)
57. Calippo - Spend Time Well (Original Mix)
58. Audiobot & Night Crime - Out With The Old (Original Mix)
59. Will.I.Am - Bang Bang
60. Bang La Decks - Kuedon (Obsession) (Radio Edit)
61. Flo Rida Feat. Pitbull - Can't Believe It (Wild Pistols Radio Edit)
62. Benny Benassi - Back To The Pump (Original Mix)
63. Bob Sinclar - Cinderella (She Said Her Name) (Radio Edit)
64. Ayda - Resurrection (Radio Edit)
65. Adina Zotea - S.O.S (Llp Remix)
66. Nepenta - Girano Le Pale (Remix Extended Version)
67. Commercial Bitches - Children Of The World (O-Mind Remix)
68. R.I.O. Feat. Nicco - Party Shaker (Extended Mix)
69. Rares & Joshua - Smile (Extended Mix)
70. Dj Грув - Счастье Есть (Club Stars Remix)

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