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Скачать VA - Bob Dylan - 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration [Deluxe Remastered Edition] (2014)

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 14 марта 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Bob Dylan - 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration [Deluxe Remastered Edition] (2014)

VA - Bob Dylan - 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration [Deluxe Remastered Edition] (2014)
Year of release: 2014
Quality: CBR 320 kbps / Lossless
Bitrate: Mp3 / FLAC (tracks)
Total time: 2:38:28
Total size: 381 mb / 1.06 gb
Genre : Rock, Folk Rock
Label: Legacy


Disc 1
1. John Mellencamp - Like A Rolling Stone 6:54
2. John Mellencamp - Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat 4:15
3. Kris Krisofferson - Introduction By Kris Kristofferson 1:02
4. Stevie Wonder - Blowin' In The Wind 6:18
5. Lou Reed - Foot Of Pride 8:47
6. Eddie Vedder & Mike McCready - Masters Of War 5:05
7. Tracy Chapman - The Times They Are A-Changin' 3:02
8. Kriss Kristofferson - Introduction By Kriss Kristofferson 0:34
9. June Carter Cash & Johnny Cash - It Ain't Me Babe 3:14
10. Willie Nelson - What Was It You Wanted 5:46
11. Kris Kristofferson - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 3:05
12. Johnny Winter - Highway 61 Revisited 5:00
13. Ron Wood - Seven Days 5:26
14. Richie Havens - Just Like A Woman 5:51
15. The Clancy Brothers & Robbie O'Connell With Special Guest Tommy Makem - When The Ship Comes In 4:13
16. Johnny Cash - Introduction By Johnny Cash 0:24
17. Mary - Chapin Carpenter, Rosanne Cash & Shawn Colvin-You Ain't Goin' Nowhere 3:29
18. Eric Clapton - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Rehearsal - October 15, 1992) 6:27

Disc 2
1. Neil Young - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues 5:40
2. Neil Young - All Along The Watchtower 6:14
3. Chrissie Hynde - I Shall Be Released 4:26
4. Eric Clapton - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 6:10
5. The O'Jays - Emotionally Yours 5:59
6. The Band - When I Paint My Masterpiece 4:21
7. George Harrison - Absolutely Sweet Marie 4:43
8. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - License To Kill 4:38
9. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Rainy Day Women #12 & #13 4:59
10. Roger Mcguinn - Mr. Tambourine Man 3:55
11. Bob Dylan - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 6:21
12. Bob Dylan, Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Eric Clapton & George Harrison - My Back Pages 4:39
13. Everyone - Knockin' On Heaven's Door 5:38
14. Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country 5:17
15. Sinead O'Connor - I Believe In You (Afternoon Rehearsal - October 16, 1992) 6:20

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Bob Dylan, Rock, Folk Rock
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