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Скачать Prodad Heroglyph v4.0.210 Multilingual (x86/x64)

АвторАвтор: Karolinka | ДатаДата: 16 марта 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Prodad Heroglyph v4.0.210 Multilingual (x86/x64)

Создание профессиональных названий видео,трейлеров, создание градиентов и рукописныой анимации с помощью одного инструмента! Дайте вашим проектам творческие штрихи. Бесконечные комбинации эффектов, анимации и совершенно новых стилей шрифтов обеспечивают профессиональные результаты!

Compared to other video titles or compositing programs , simplified Heroglyph V4 the workload considerably through automation, with any manual intervention and detail settings anyway, provided always necessary possible!

Title and Trailer Wizard
No matter whether professional or video enthusiast - you are of the wide range of more than 500 fully customizable templates and elements for typical projects such as Title Weddings , documentaries , sports records and much be more excited. Simply maneuvering your own text and images in the correct position , select prebuilt animations , adjust the variety of cool effects to simple and already he's done - Your new title or trailer!

Itineraries Wizard
Everyone who has ever worked out based on keyframe animation has Heroglyph V4 's will appreciate easy handling. Simply select the map image , then record your route , even with multiple destinations and / or breaks, with adjustable timing, different types of animation and design possibilities. And if required , add fully nor a symbol to what appears to draw the route magical.

slideshow Wizard
Create slideshows easily with Heroglyph V4 from photos and videos with fully customizable styles, effects and animations , and if necessary with vollautomatisher subtitle control .

Auto- animated cursive Wizard
The trendy handwriting animation - with new proDAD Heroglyph fonts in no longer a problem ! Complicated drawing with the mouse or even keyframes are simply no longer needed , such as to produce by magic itself drawing fonts !
Simply enter your text, choose font , done! Exclusive to Windows !

Video Wall Wizard
Heroglyph V4 easily create video walls with easily customizable templates with numerous combination of photos or video clips , and of course endless possibilities of creative effects , with optional subtitles - but always fully automatically !

Completely new operation and user interface
Interactive , animated results already THE EDITING . Even while playing other design settings are possible and as title on background perfectly tuned ! In addition, real-time preview in 1:1 resolution - it is necessary to see the playback to change - thus Heroglyph V4 offers a completely new and exclusive form of the animated designs.

Plug- ins:
- Adobe Premiere Elements 1.0 , ..., 11.0
- Adobe After Effects CS5, CS5.5 , CS6 , CC
- Adobe Premiere CS5, CS5.5 , CS6 , CC
- Avid Studio
- Avid Media Composer 5.5 , 6.0, 7.0
- Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 , X5 , X6
- GV EDIUS 6.0 , 6.5, 7.0
- MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 16 , 17, 18
- MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013, 2014
- MAGIX Video Pro X3 , X4 , X5
- MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 17
- Pinnacle Studio 14 , 15, 16
- Sony Vegas Pro 9 , 10, 11 ( 32-/64-bit )
- Sony Vegas Pro 12 (64- bit)
- Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10 , 11, 12

Год: 2014
Язык: русский,английский
Таблетка: имеется
Размер: 1.5Гб

Скачать Prodad Heroglyph v4.0.210 Multilingual (x86/x64)

Скачать с unibytes.com
Скачать с share4web.com
Скачать с gigabase.com

Скачать с cloud.mail.ru


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Prodad, Heroglyph, v4.0.210, Multilingual
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