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Скачать VA - Свежие новинки. Avto Club. Часть 4 (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 17 марта 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Свежие новинки. Avto Club. Часть 4 (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Свежие новинки. Avto Club. Часть 4
Жанр: клуб, данс
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:50:21
Треки: 70
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 697 MB

01. Anton Liss Feat. Виктория Маскова - Танцуй Со Мной (Radio Edit)
02. Ferry Corsten Feat. Jenny Wahlstrom - Many Ways (Radio Edit)
03. Massivedrum - Power On (Original Mix)
04. Смысловые Галюцинации - Вечно Молодой (Dj Alex Mistery & Dj Alexander Holsten Remix Radio Version)
05. Chicane Feat. Duane Harden - One More Time (Radio Edit)
06. Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway - Wizard (Original Mix)
07. Тамерлан И Алена Омаргалиева - Давай Полетаем (Vadim Adamov & Digood Remix)
08. Inna Feat. Yandel - In Your Eyes (Video Edit)
09. Miami Deejays Vs. Stee Wee Bee - Undress On The Dancefloor (Extended Version)
10. Blasterjaxx - Mystica (Original Mix)
11. Piscosquito - Deep Sax
12. Movetown Feat. Big Daddi & The Gourmet Boys - Millionaire (Radio Edit)
13. Dj Slon & Katya - Цыпленок Пи (Summer Edit)
14. Flash Finger - Go! (Original Mix)
15. Pitbull Feat. Mohombi - Sun In California
16. Criminal Vibes - Calabria (Sean Finn Remix) (Lizard Dj Edit)
17. M.Iam.I Feat. Flo Rida & Victoria Kern - Camouflage (Bodybangers Mix)
18. Виа Гра - Перемирие (Dj Ed & Dj Nicky Rich Remix)
19. Fargo Ft. Imal - Rockit
20. Ace Of Base - All That She Wants (Fake & Dendix Remix)
21. The Vamps - Can We Dance (Radio Edit)
22. Flosstradamus Feat. Casino - Mosh Pit (Original Mix)
23. Houseshaker Feat. Amanda Blush - Light The Sky (Radio Edit)
24. Daddys Groove - Miners (Original Mix)
25. Carlprit - Fiesta (Video Edit)
26. Arianne - Faith (Dance Mix)
27. Saint Art - Born To Fly (Radio Edit)
28. Adam F & Cory Enemy - Strike Gold
29. Shaun Baker Feat. John Davies - Immortality (Jan Grimm & Ignite Edit)
30. Joss Beaumont Feat. Mordax Bastards & Driss F - Be Yourself (Original Radio Edit)
31. Tradelove - The Race (Original Mix)
32. David Gravell - Nighthawk (Original Mix)
33. Sable - Feels So Good
34. Dodge. Fuski - Bring Wobble Back
35. Hydraulix - Whole Crew (Og Status Remix)
36. Knuckle Chilren & Diamond Pistols - Snake Charmer
37. Bob Sinclar Raffaella Carra - Far Lamore
38. Moke - In My Mouth
39. Martin Volt & Quentin State Feat. Jonny Rose - Ruins (Radio Edit)
40. Tom Swoon & Paris Blohm Feat. Hadouken - Synchronize (Radio Edit)
41. Ph Electro - Run Away (Radio Edit)
42. Gary Caos & Btsound - Millionaire (Radio Mix)
43. Italoproducerz - Happiness (S.O.S.) (Dance Rocker Remix)
44. Hardwell & W&w - Jumper (Radio Edit)
45. Moby - Natural Blues (Dj Nejtrino & Dj Baur Lordy Edit)
46. Strehlow - Nesha
47. Farid & Ddx - Set It Off
48. Dada Feat. Sandy Rivera & Trix - Spring Mood (Najim Hassas Rmx)
49. John Newman - Love Me Again (Dj Noiz & Dj Maxtal Remix)
50. Dj Stardust & Benjamin Zane Feat. Pit Bailay - Famous (Original Club Mix)
51. L-Siska - We Want To Dance (Club Mix)
52. Ted Newtone Feat. Ben - Feeling (Radio Mix)
53. Dirtcaps X Kid De Luca - Baller
54. Fun - We Are Young (Ph Electro Rmx)
55. Empia - Morning Call
56. Stard Ova Feat. Jene - Gamer (Radio Edit)
57. Jewelz & Scott Sparks Feat. Quilla - Unless We Forget (Original Mix)
58. Austin Mahone - What About Love
59. Lorina - Away From Home (Extended Version)
60. Party Favor & Meaux Green - G-String
61. Alisia Chinai - Zooby Zooby (Dj Karp Remix)
62. Tom Enzy - Night Life (Original Mix)
63. Royksopp - What Else Is There (Relanium Remix)
64. Jerome Price - Letting Go (Club Mix)
65. Anton Liss Feat. Sasha Prozet - Я Позову Тебя (Radio Edit)
66. Mrg I Onix Lan - Summer Sensation
67. Звери - Девочки Мальчики Танцуют (Dj Tarantino & Dj Mouse Remix)
68. Maya Cruz - Women Of The World (Original Vocal Mix)
69. Europe - The Final Countdown (Affecta & Natasha Baccardi Radio Remix)
70. Кар-Мэн - Музыка (Dj Noiz Power Mix)

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