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Скачать Asian Carpe Diem (2014)

АвторАвтор: D112F | ДатаДата: 10 апреля 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Asian Carpe Diem (2014)

Исполнитель: VA
Сборник: Asian Carpe Diem
Жанр: ChillOut, New Age, Meditation, Relax
Год выпуска: 2014
Кол-во композиций: 50
Время звучания: 05:24:46
Битрейт: 320 kbps
Размер: 777 Mb

01. Oriental Flute Ensemble - Chatting with an Old Friend by the Window
02. Wu Judy Chin-tai & Wang Sen-Di - The Palace of Eternal Youth- Tan Ci (A Flower)
03. Ty Ardis - Illusions
04. Ty Ardis - Spirit of Wood
05. Antonio Arena & Silvio Piersanti - Red Lantern
06. Dong Ke-Jun - The Avatamsaka Assemble
07. Fan Zong-pei - Song of the Ferryman
08. Oriental Flute Ensemble - Go Dating with My Love
09. Ilid Kaolo - Passing Through
10. Ty Ardis - The Earth Song
11. Wang Xu-Dong - Reclining Style
12. F. L. Chinese Orchestra - Song of Home
13. Europa Huang - Innocence
14. Zhang Yong-zhi - Calling out of Time
15. Wu Judy Chin-tai & Wang Sen-Di - The Peony Pavilion- The Dream in the Garden (The Blossoming Mountain Peach)
16. Oriental Flute Ensemble - The Song of the Four Seasons
17. Yangjin Lamu - Togetherness
18. Sheng-Xiang - Mother Mound
19. Wang Jun-jie - Wind
20. Dong Ke-Jun - Praise of the Principal Characters in Avatamsaka Sutra
21. The Asian Music Orchestra - Theme from the Last Emperor
22. Oriental Flute Ensemble - A Tayal Folk Song
23. The Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers - The Child Fell Down
24. F. L. Chinese Orchestra - Shepherd's Love Song (Flute Concerto)
25. Music Gate - The Flavor of Life
26. Jiang Pin-Yi - The First Heart
27. Wang Jianmin - Fragrance Drifting
28. Yantara Jiro - Flight
29. Ala-Tan-Chi-Chi-Ge & Zhagedasurong - The Vast Grasslands
30. Oriental Flute Ensemble - The Funny Genius on the Horseback
31. Oriental Flute Ensemble - Capriccio for Chinese Flute
32. Xu Qing-Yuan - Soul Rain
33. Oriental Flute Ensemble - The Flower of Hsin-Jang
34. Wang Jian-Yuan - Flowing into the Sea
35. Oriental Flute Ensemble - The Maidens of the Tea Mountain
36. Wang Sen-Di - Melody of Contemplation
37. F. L. Chinese Orchestra - Tea Mountain Maiden (Flute Concerto)
38. Xu Qing-Yuan - Invisible Mountain
39. Daniel Donadi - Imperial Garden
40. F. L. Chinese Orchestra - Bamboo
41. Wang Xu-Dong - Blissful Breath
42. Ren Jie - Moonlit River on a Spring Night
43. Oriental Flute Ensemble - The Crab and the Egret
44. Shi Zhi-You - Peony Li Bai
45. F. L. Chinese Orchestra - Eternal Spring
46. Ty Ardis - Fire Waves
47. Chen Dawei - Moonlit Mountain Greets the Monk
48. Ty Ardis - Ocean of Dreams
49. Nieh Ling - Water Element Spa
50. Michael Jack & Steve Middleton - From World to Heaven

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