Prison Architect - симулятор тюремного магната, с полным контролем всех аспектов жизни заключенных! Вашей задачей будет постройка и развитие самой настоящей тюрьмы.
Создатели игры вдохновлялись такими хитами прошлых лет как Dwarf Fortress и Dungeon Keeper. Причём надо будет организовывать не только камеры для заключённых, но и заниматься постройкой различных служб, обустройством помещений и многим другим. В игре присутствует сюжетная компания, представленная в виде кат-сцен, в которых рассказывается о жизни заключённых. Кроме компании есть и режим песочницы, где вы можете строить свою тюрьму с нуля.
Игра Prison Architect Год выхода: 2013 Жанр: Strategy (Manage/Busin.) / Top-down Разработчик: Introversion Software Издатель: Introversion Software Язык интерфейса: Rus Лекарство: Не требуется Размер: 112.22 Мб
Особенности игры: * Спроектируйте и управляйте доходной тюрягой. * Управляйте доходами и расходами, выбирайте лучшие варианты трат ваших ограниченных средств. * Следите, чтобы заключенные были счастливы, иначе они могут устроить бунт. * Улучшайте охранные системы на камерах особо опасных зеков. * Создавайте комнаты с электрическим стульями, для исполнения смертных приговоров.
All prisoners have a new 'Grading' tab in their rap sheet, in which they are scored on four key metrics:
PUNISHMENT To what extent has this prisoner been punished? Long jail terms and solitary increase this. REFORM How successful have your reform attempts been? Passing reform programs and working increases this. SECURITY Was the prisoner kept safely locked away? Fights and escapes detract from this, armed lockdown counts towards it. HEALTH A measure of the welfare of your prisoner. Keeping them well fed and exercised will increase this.
These factors are combined, together with their age, number of prior convictions etc, to produce an estimate of their Re-offending chance.
There is a new overall grading 'score' screen, available from the build toolbar. The gradings for all your released prisoners are combined together and shown. This screen shows what type of prison you have produced, and how successful you have been. = Failure conditions (!!! TURNED OFF FOR PRE-EXISTING PRISONS !!!)
It is now possible to fail when building your prison, in certain circumstances. This constitutes a game over event. All failure conditions come with a verbal warning from the CEO, giving you chance to avert the failure. There are currently four failure conditions: RIOT If you let a riot run for too long, the government will be forced to step in and take over your prison. In this event you will be sacked, and the National Guard will be deployed to retake your prison by force. BANKRUPTCY If you have a negative bank balance and a negative cashflow, you are bankrupt. You will have 24 hours to put in place a financial rescue package before being sacked. DEATHS Too many deaths in a single day will trigger a warning. If more deaths occur the next day you will be sacked. You will then be convicted of Criminal Negligence, and will spend time within your own jail as a prisoner. ESCAPES Too many escapes in a single day is a PR disaster waiting to happen. If more escapes occur the next day you will be sacked. NOTE : Failure conditions are OFF for all pre-existing prisons. They will apply when you create a new prison. You can manually turn them on by adding this line to your save file at the top: FailureConditions true On screen counters will popup to notify you of deaths and escapes that occurred today
- It is now much easier to find foreign language translations in the Steam Workshop.
Go to the main menu / Extras / Mods / Find more translations. Fixed: Many steam mods were incorrectly tagged as language translations.
- Finance continued
The "Days without incident" bonus now scales based on how many prisoners you have. You now need 200 prisoners on site to achieve the maximum bonus increase of $1,000 per day. This scales up each day you achieve it, up to a maximum of $10,000 per day, requiring 200 prisoners without incident for 10 or more days. Good luck! You can no longer trade in shares, or sell your prison, if there have been any deaths or escapes in the past 24 hours. This should put a stop to unconsionable players who helped prisoners escape or commit murder in order to profit from share trading! Yesterday's exports are now reflected in your cashflow as income
- New graphics added for body armour upgrades
guards, armed guards and dog handlers.
- Fixes
Fixed : Exports zone would not work correctly if placed above the Deliveries zone, or placed vertically aligned with the Deliveries or garbage zones Fixed : Having negative cash reserves stopped hourly cashflow from happening Fixed : Prisoner sentences counted down faster on larger maps, due to the time warp factor used Fixed : In the "New prison" window, the "Fog of war" and "Continuous intake" tick boxes didn't work properly Fixed : Particles and sun shadows are now correctly obscured by fog of war
Системные требования ¦ Операционная система: - WindowsXP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 / Windows 8 ¦ Процессор: - Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz или лучше / AMD 3Ghz или лучше ¦ Оперативная память: - 4 Гб ¦ Видеокарта: - NVIDIA GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon equivalent или лучше ¦ Место на жестком диске: - 100 MB
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