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Скачать I Love Music ! - Rock Edition Vol.6 (2014)

АвторАвтор: mp3za | ДатаДата: 7 мая 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
I Love Music ! - Rock Edition Vol.6 (2014)

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: I Love Music ! - Rock Edition Vol.6
Жанр: Rock, Acoustic, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Metalcore, Progressive Rock, Indie, Pop Rock, Pop Punk, Punk-Rock, Post-Hardcore, Darkwave, Soft Rock, Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 07-05-2014
Тип Рипа: Mixed
Формат: MP3
Битрейт: 320 кб/c
Размер ~ 930 MB


01. 30 Seconds To Mars - Convergence [00:02:00]
02. A Day To Remember - Life Lessons Learned The Hard [00:02:17]
03. A Skylit Drive - Pendulum [00:03:22]
04. Aero - Paradigm Shift [00:04:29]
05. AFI - I Hope You Suffer [00:04:37]
06. Alcest - Opale [00:04:56]
07. Alter Bridge - Cry Of Achilles [00:06:30]
08. Angelica - Lovers In Paradise [00:03:20]
09. Anneke Van Giersbergen - The Best Is Yet To Come [00:04:04]
10. Anouk - Pretending As Always [00:03:49]
11. Arctic Monkeys - Snap Out Of It [00:03:12]
12. Atlantis Awaits - Here With You [00:04:07]
13. Avril Lavigne - Bitchin' Summer [00:03:31]
14. Bad Pollyanna - Hollow [00:03:47]
15. Balance And Composure - Reflection [00:04:08]
16. Biffy Clyro - Spanish Radio [00:03:51]
17. Birds Of Tokyo - When the Night Falls Quiet [00:04:01]
18. Birdy - No Angel [00:04:03]
19. Black Ribbons - Honey Inside [00:03:56]
20. Blacklistt - Red Hush [00:03:48]
21. Blessthefall - Deja Vu [00:04:18]
22. Blitz Kids - Pinnacle [00:03:34]
23. Blue October - Angels In Everything [00:04:23]
24. Born From Ashes - Left Behind [00:04:07]
25. Boston - Love Got Away [00:04:28]
26. Bowling For Soup - Circle (Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians Cover) [00:02:55]
27. Bring Me The Horizon - Sleepwalking [00:03:50]
28. Burning Solace - Into This Moment [00:03:30]
29. Christina Stuermer - Herz in der Hand [00:04:14]
30. Courtney Yasmineh - Entertained [00:04:41]
31. Courtney Yasmineh - Pretty Kitty [00:03:33]
32. CyLeW - Fall To Pieces [00:03:15]
33. Daughtry - I'll Fight [00:03:00]
34. Dawn Lights - Chameleon [00:03:13]
35. Dayshell - Edge Of The World [00:03:36]
36. Dead Letter Circus - Kachina [00:05:42]
37. Deaf Havana - Night Drives [00:04:19]
38. Device - Hunted [00:03:53]
39. Dropzity - I'm Your Show [00:03:34]
40. Dum Dum Girls - In The Wake Of You [00:02:40]
41. Escape The Fate - Ungrateful [00:03:23]
42. Eve To Adam - Immortal [00:03:25]
43. Eye Empire - Rise (Wake Up) [00:03:27]
44. Faded Black - Dead Inside [00:03:32]
45. Falling Up - The Contract [00:03:59]
46. Five for Fighting - Stand Up [00:02:51]
47. Follow You Home - Eyes Wide Open [00:03:10]
48. Foxygen - Oh Yeah [00:05:16]
49. Franz Ferdinand - The Universe Expanded [00:04:34]
50. Gavin DeGraw - Every Little Bit [00:03:36]
51. Gemini Syndrome - Pay For This [00:03:39]
52. God Is An Astronaut - Light Years From Home [00:05:06]
53. Icon For Hire - Nerves [00:03:15]
54. Indochine - Traffic Girl [00:05:19]
55. Jessica Wolff - Trophy Girl [00:04:04]
56. John Mayer - Call Me The Breeze [00:03:27]
57. Katatonia - The Parting [00:04:51]
58. Kings Of Leon - On The Chin [00:04:16]
59. Kita - Feel It [00:03:27]
60. Korn - Paranoid And Aroused [00:03:35]
61. Lambshade - Diamonds For Dummies [00:03:21]
62. Latent - Star Song [00:09:58]
63. Lisa Miskovsky - Tougher Than Most [00:04:29]
64. Louna - [00:04:49]
65. Midgar - The Power Of Nightmares [00:04:40]
66. Neo Geo - I'll Be Fine [00:03:00]
67. Nine Lashes - Fear And Shadows [00:03:38]
68. Oleander - Fight [00:03:33]
69. Panic! At The Disco - Far Too Young To Die [00:03:17]
70. Placebo - Scene Of The Crime [00:03:27]
71. Reckless Love - Dying To Live [00:04:19]
72. Redlight King - Born To Rise [00:03:26]
73. Robin Beck - Burnin Me Down [00:03:51]
74. Sainthood Reps - Headswell [00:03:44]
75. Scar The Martyr - Coat Of Arms [00:03:51]
76. Scars Of Life - Empty Promises [00:03:40]
77. Scott Stapp - Only One [00:04:46]
78. Sevendust - Nobody Wants It [00:03:10]
79. Simple Plan - In [00:03:42]
80. Small Town Titans - Sittin' Alone [00:04:54]
81. Smile Empty Soul - Real [00:03:20]
82. Sting - Ballad Of The Great Eastern [00:05:14]
83. Stone Sour - Stalemate [00:04:47]
84. Story Of The Year - In The Shadows [00:03:14]
85. Switchfoot - Fading West (B-Side) [00:04:19]
86. Temples - Sand Dance [00:06:31]
87. The Capture Plan - Bob Robot [00:03:43]
88. The Gathering - Areas [00:04:18]
89. The Jezabels - No Country [00:04:34]
90. The Letter Black - Found [00:04:07]
91. The Naked And Famous - To Move With Purpose [00:05:02]
92. Trapt - Strength In Numbers [00:04:00]
93. Vali - Roede Blader [00:03:25]
94. Vertical Horizon - Lovestruck [00:05:52]
95. Warpaint - Drive [00:05:11]
96. Woodkid - Conquest Of Spaces [00:04:31]
97. Zeromancer - Auf Wiedersehen Boy [00:03:30]
98. Глеб Самойлоff & The Matrixx - Космический Десант [00:03:35]
99. Линда - Они Так... [00:03:49]
100. Слот - Хиромантия [00:04:02]

Скачать I Love Music ! - Rock Edition Vol.6 (2014)

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