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Скачать I Love Music! - Rock Edition Vol.7 (2014)

АвторАвтор: mp3za | ДатаДата: 8 мая 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
I Love Music! - Rock Edition Vol.7 (2014)

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: I Love Music! - Rock Edition Vol.7
Жанр: Rock, Acoustic, Alternative, Alternative Rock, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Metalcore, Progressive Rock, Indie, Pop Rock, Pop Punk, Punk-Rock, Post-Hardcore, Darkwave, Soft Rock, Hard Rock
Год выпуска: 08-05-2014
Тип Рипа: Mixed ин екфслы
Формат: MP3
Битрейт: 320 кб/c
Размер ~ 910 MB


01. 7Б - Владивосход [00:03:34]
02. 30 Seconds To Mars - The Race [00:03:40]
03. A Day To Remember - Dead & Buried [00:03:13]
04. A Skylit Drive - Fallen [00:03:28]
05. Aero - Standby [00:04:19]
06. AFI - Rewind [00:04:12]
07. Age Of Days - I Did It For Love [00:03:39]
08. Alcest - La Nuit Marce Avec Moi [00:04:58]
09. Alter Bridge - Bleed It Dry [00:04:44]
10. Angelica - Nothing Else You Can Break [00:04:29]
11. Anouk - Are You Lonely [00:03:28]
12. Atlantis Awaits - Intervention [00:04:16]
13. Avril Lavigne - Hush Hush [00:04:01]
14. Bad Pollyanna - Epilogue (Invincible Girl) [00:03:57]
15. Bayside - Already Gone [00:03:40]
16. Bayside - Time Has Come [00:03:30]
17. Biffy Clyro - The Joke's on Us [00:03:34]
18. Birdy - Heart Of Gold [00:03:34]
19. Black Ribbons - Teardrops [00:04:03]
20. Blacklistt - Reflections [00:06:16]
21. Blessthefall - Open Water [00:06:59]
22. Blitz Kids - Sometimes [00:03:55]
23. Boston - Someday [00:03:44]
24. Bring Me The Horizon - The House Of Wolves [00:03:25]
25. Broken Bells - Leave It Alone [00:05:30]
26. Burning Solace - Dust To Dust [00:03:31]
27. Chevelle - Take Out The Gunman [00:04:21]
28. Courtney Yasmineh - Heartbreak Woman [00:04:18]
29. CyLeW - Progress [00:03:21]
30. Daughtry - Traitor [00:03:03]
31. Dawn Lights - Before I Fall Apart [00:04:07]
32. Dayshell - I Owe You Nothing [00:03:58]
33. Dead By April - Done With Broken Hearts [00:03:13]
34. Deaf Havana - Everybody's Dancing [00:03:59]
35. Dropzity - Resurgence (feat. Daniel Fellner) [00:04:22]
36. Dum Dum Girls - Lost Boys And Girls Club [00:03:24]
37. Emphatic - Louder Than Love [00:04:28]
38. Escape The Fate - Father Brother [00:02:47]
39. Eve To Adam - Shut Out The World [00:04:15]
40. Faded Black - Ghost In My Head [00:03:22]
41. Five For Fighting - Symphony Lane [00:03:39]
42. Gavin DeGraw - Different For Girls [00:03:40]
43. Gemini Syndrome - Syndrome [00:03:33]
44. Icon For Hire - Cynics & Critics [00:03:23]
45. Indica - Behind The Walls [00:03:30]
46. Inward Of Eden - Consequence Is A Glitch [00:03:15]
47. James Blunt - Hollywood [00:03:23]
48. Johnny Lima - Couldn't Be The One [00:03:20]
49. Kings Of Leon - Rock City [00:02:56]
50. Korn - Spike In My Veins [00:04:24]
51. Lambshade - On Hold [00:03:19]
52. Lisa Miskovsky - Out Of Air [00:03:54]
53. Louna - С Тобой [00:04:25]
54. Lover Under Cover - Crushing Stones [00:03:31]
55. Marissa Nadler - Firecrackers [00:04:38]
56. Neo Geo - Shakedown [00:03:29]
57. Nine Lashes - In Еhe Dark [00:03:33]
58. Oh My! - Just Go [00:03:51]
59. Oleander - Save Me [00:03:54]
60. Panic! At The Disco - This Is Gospel [00:03:07]
61. Paul Rodgers - Walk On By [00:06:49]
62. Reckless Love - Night On Fire [00:03:27]
63. Redlight King - Every Second Counts [00:03:14]
64. Robin Beck - Ya Can’t Figth Love [00:04:40]
65. Sainthood Reps - Shelter [00:03:39]
66. Scar the Martyr - My Retribution [00:04:08]
67. Scars Of Life - Limited [00:03:19]
68. Scott Stapp - Slow Suicide [00:03:29]
69. Simple Plan - Outta My System [00:03:25]
70. Six Side Die - Fracture Mon Frere [00:06:36]
71. Snowmine - Dollar Divided [00:04:43]
72. St. Vincent - Digital Witness [00:03:22]
73. Sting - The Night The Pugilist Learned How To Dance [00:04:13]
74. Story Of The Year - Sidewalks [00:03:25]
75. Suzanne Vega - Horizon (There Is A Road) [00:02:50]
76. Sydonia - Shame [00:03:26]
77. Temples - Mesmerise [00:03:42]
78. The Bonez - Sun Forever [00:05:09]
79. The Capture Plan - Remember [00:04:47]
80. The First - Start Again [00:04:08]
81. The Gathering - Afterwords [00:04:01]
82. The Jezabels - Angels Of Fire [00:04:04]
83. The Letter Black - Outside Looking In [00:04:07]
84. The Naked and Famous - The Mess [00:04:06]
85. The Pretty Reckless - Heaven Knows [00:03:44]
86. The Quotes - Innocent Flow [00:03:26]
87. The Veer Union - Imaginarium [00:03:12]
88. Tides Of Man - Drift [00:05:05]
89. Vali - Langt I Det Fjerne [00:03:21]
90. Vertical Horizon - Song For Someone [00:05:15]
91. Warpaint - DiscoVery [00:04:04]
92. We Are The In Crowd - Don't You Worry [00:02:44]
93. We Shot The Moon - How Long [00:03:05]
94. Woodkid - The Shore [00:04:15]
95. Zeromancer - Montreal [00:05:12]
96. Глеб Самойлоff & The Matrixx - Москва-река [00:03:30]
97. Линда - Прямо В Рай! [00:04:28]
98. Ляпис Трубецкой - Котлован [00:02:33]
99. Слот - Тру [00:03:51]
100. Сплин - Мороз По Коже [00:03:05]

Скачать I Love Music! - Rock Edition Vol.7 (2014)

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