Исполнитель: VA Сборник: Dream Lounge for Brazilian Lovers Жанр: Lounge, Downtempo Год выпуска: 2014 Кол-во композиций: 30 Время звучания: 02:30:02 Битрейт: 320 kbps Размер: 363 Mb
Треклист: 01. Smooth Deluxe - Dream of Insomnia 02. Florian Fai - Bahia Del Faro 03. Corrado Saija - II Mare Delle Eolie 04. Tom Tom Club - Love to Love You Baby (Tom Novy & Pufo Remix) 05. 351 Lake Shore Drive feat. Blueberry - Neopolitan Nights 06. Lemongrass - Deep River (feat. Jane Maximova) 07. Stefan Gruenwald, Jerry Ropero feat. Annamaria - Let Me Be Your Fantasy [Florian Fai Short Remix] 08. Perry Frank - Last September Days (The Neptune Sessions) 09. Smooth Deluxe - Orange Beach (Soccer Brasil Wm Edit) 10. e-Love - Here Comes the Rain Again (Krieger & Feuersaenger Chill Out) 11. Crystal Noise - Like Tears in the Rain 12. Oliver Backens, Stefan Gruenwald feat. Ela Wardi - Hold On (Tighter to Love) [Florian Fai Remix] 13. 351 Lake Shore Drive feat. Ben Kyle - Daydream 14. Five Seasons - Deep Valley 15. e-Love - You Take My Heart (Gardenhouse Chill Out Edit) 16. Lemongrass - The Blazing World 17. Submission - Moonride 18. Five Seasons - Heaven 19. Niestolik & Richter feat. Dominik Marks - Pearls of the Ocean 20. Lemonchill - Dragonfly (Subheim Remix) 21. Flow River's - Lifeline 22. 351 Lake Shore Drive feat. Alex Love - Velvet Beach 23. Synapsis - Alluring Force (Tim Angrave Remix) 24. Big World, Swen G* feat. Inusa - Morning Light (Big World Pres. Swen G*) [Coffee Shop Remix] 25. Placid Larry feat. Franky Flowerz - Weary Drifter 26. Dennis Landman - Sad 27. Kolby Wade feat. Freak Owls - Deciduous Tooth 28. Digital Project feat. Erin Panto - These Visions 29. Groovy Lazy - Jazza Jazza 30. Openzone Bar feat. Lex Cameron - Let It Flow
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