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Скачать Лирический Союз (2014)

АвторАвтор: zenj68 | ДатаДата: 4 июня 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Лирический Союз (2014)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название сборника: Лирический Союз (2014)
Жанр: Pop, Rock
Год выхода: 2014
Количество трэков: 100
Формат/Битрейт: mp3 | 265 kbps
Продолжительность: 06:34:08
Размер: 742 MB


01. Toni Braxton - Spanish guitar
02. Lara Fabian – Adagio
03. Andrea Begley - My Immortal
04. John Newman - Out Of My Head
05. Demi Lovato & Naya Rivera - Here Comes The Sun
06. Boyzone - Heaven Is
07. Goldfrapp - Stranger
08. Sarah Connor – From Sarah With Love
09. Enrique Iglesias feat. Romeo Santos - Loco
10. Bruce Springsteen - Streets of different
11. Westlife - Soledad
12. The Pretty Reckless – Just Tonigh
13. Kenny G and Robin Thicke - Fall again
14. Enigma & Enya – Only Time
15. Anastasia Midnight - The shard of ice
16. Metallica – Nothing else matter
17. ATB - In love with you
18. Alicia Keys - I Love New York
19. Bad Boys Blue - Only one breath away
20. Lifehouse - You And Me
21. Christina Aguilera - Por siempre tu
22. Terence Trend D Ardy - Sing your name
23. Gareth Gates - The long and winding road (feat. Will Young)
24. Spice girls - Goodbye
25. Nora Jones - Come away with me
26. Roxette - Spending my time
27. Whitney Houston - On my own
28. Richard Marx - Until I find you again
29. Chris de Burgh - The escape
30. Nazareth - Love hurst
31. Nick Carter - Nothing Left To Lose
32. Marc Anthony - My baby you
33. ATB feat. Kate Louise Smith - Moving Backwards
34. Mandy Moore - Only hope
35. Joelle Moses - If You Where With Me
36. Lene Marlin - Faces
37. Marketa Irglova & Glen Hansard - If You Want Me
38. Jessica Simpson - I wanna love you forever
39. Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here
40. Gazebo - Ilike shopin
41. Lucy Rose - Place
42. Gary Moore - Still got the blues
43. Lene Marlin - My Love
44. Europe - Carrie
45. David Cook - Always Be My Baby
46. Craig David - Walking away
47. Charlene Soraia - Wherever You Will Go
48. Barbara Streisand - Woman In Love
49. George Michael - Let Her Down Easy
50. Aerosmith - Crazy
51. Tiffany Alvord - Say Somethin
52. The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
53. Lea Michele - Auld Lang Syne
54. Britney Spears - I'm not a girl
55. Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
56. Celine Dion - Always Be Your Girl
57. Bryan Adams - Have you ever really loved a woman
58. OneRepublic - Apologize (Ft. Timbaland)
59. Jennifer Lopez - Still
60. Eros Ramazzotti - Un angelo non e
61. Lifehouse - You And Me
62. Jay Sean – Ride It
63. Emilia - Big world
64. David Usher – Black Black Heart
65. Khaled - Aicha
66. Lana Del Rey – Dark Paradise
67. Laura Branigan - Silent partners
68. Poets Of The Fall – Sleep, sugar
69. Louren Christy - The color of the night
70. Michael Jackson – Earth Song
71. Madonna - You'll see
72. Mark Terenzi – Love To Be Loved By You
73. Mariah Carey - My all
74. K-Maro – Sous L'oeil De L'ange
75. Melanie C - Never be the same again
76. Deepest Blue – Give It Away
77. Norman C - Some hearts are diamonds
78. Rihanna – Unfaithf
79. N-Sync - For the girl, who has everything
80. Lionel Richie – Hello
81. Ronan Keating - If tomorrow never comes
82. Alphaville – Forever young
83. Sarah Connor - From Sarah with love
84. Enrique Iglesias – Ring My Bells
85. Scorpions - Send me an angel
86. Laura Pausini – It's Not A Goodbye
87. Ten Sharp - You
88. George Michael – Careless Whisper
89. Terence Trend D Ardy - Delicate
90. Backstreet boys - Show me the meaning
91. Nickelback – Photograph
92. Sting – Shape Of My Heart
93. Coldplay - The Scientist
94. Brainstorm – Maybe
95. Boyzone - Heaven Is
96. Evanescence – Lithium
97. Nicole Scherzinger - O Holy Night
98. Christina Aguilera – Hurt
99. Lady Gaga - Dope
100. Sia – I Go To Sleep

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Теги к статье:

2014, мп3, mp3, Лирический, Союз, Pop, Rock
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