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Скачать Spiceworks IT Desktop

АвторАвтор: sergbrok12web | ДатаДата: 10 июня 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Spiceworks IT Desktop

Spiceworks Desktop - Программа для мониторинга и устранения неполадок в локальной сети. По своей функциональности не уступает дорогостоящим системам управления. Spiceworks является бесплатной "все для ИТ" программой, которая обеспечивает почти все ИТ-професиональные потребности упростить вашу работу.

Inventory Everything on Your Network:

• Discover the Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs and servers, routers, printers and any other IP-based devices on your network.
• Gather all of their relevant technical data plus the software, patches and services on each machine.
• Add important data such as the number of licenses you have, the purchase price and physical location.
• Keep track of other assets such as mobile phones and even office furniture. All without agents.
• Store all inventory information locally and securely on your network - so there's no concern about sensitive data flying across the Internet.

Run an IT Helpdesk:
• Create a ticket in one click if you discover an asset that requires your attention while browsing your network in Spiceworks.
• Let your clients submit tickets with attachments to you via email or the Web and then allow them to view the status of those tickets online.
• Assign tickets across your IT team, attach them to hardware on your network, and manage your projects.
• Easily run reports on your tickets so you can see things like due dates and which assets (or even departments!) cause you the most issues.

Monitor Your Network for Trouble:
• See and set up alerts for Windows events that occur across your environment - so you can easily detect, diagnose and troubleshoot issues that disrupt your network.
• Automatically identify PCs and servers with low disk space, the presence of unwanted software on your network, the status of your anti-virus updates, printers with low toner and ink levels, and offline servers.
• Receive email alerts about potential issues.
• View all the monitors you care most about in one centralized spot.

Report on Your Network:
• With one-click, see software installed on your machines, disk usage across the network, trouble tickets you've created in the past month, and much more.
• Create the custom reports you need with a simple interface.
• Publish reports so others in your company can stay in the loop.
• Export any report to PDF and Excel.
• Exchange useful report templates with other Spiceworks users.

Troubleshoot Issues on Your Network:
• See what software is on a machine that is causing it to run slowly.
• Launch your remote control tool from within Spiceworks.
• Compare two machines to see what settings are different.
• Ping machines to see if they are online.
• See traceroutes to identify the flow of data.
• Identify when a server is running out of capacity.

Название: Spiceworks IT Desktop
Версия программы:
Год выпуска : 2014
Оф. сайт: spiceworks.com
Язык интерфейса: Eng
Лекарство: не требуется
Платформа: Windows® 2000|XP|Vista|7 (x32|x64)
Размер: 63,1 МБ

Скачать Spiceworks IT Desktop

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