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Скачать Зарубежная дискотека лета (2014)

АвторАвтор: aanyaa78 | ДатаДата: 9 июля 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Зарубежная дискотека лета (2014)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Зарубежная дискотека лета (2014)
Жанр: Dance,Pop,Club
Год выпуска: 2014
Кол-во треков: 100
Формат | Качество: Mp3 | 256 kbps
Время звучания: 07:04:42
Размер файла: 831 Mb

01. C.C.Catch – BackSeat Of Your Cadillac ( Tarantino ReFresh)
02. Lora - Rebeli Si Nebuni (Radio Edit)
03. Cash Cash feat. Bebe Rexha - Take Me Home
04. Dirty Shade & DJ Cross - Rock'n'Roll (Original Mix)
05. DJ THT - Yesterday (Radio Edit)
06. 3rd Prototype ft. Meg & Dia - Monster (Discotheque Style Edit)
07. Third Party - Everyday Of My Life (Extended Mix)
08. Gunther & The Sunshine Girls - Tutti Frutti Summer Love (DJ Max PoZitive Bootleg Remix 2014)
09. Moonbeam feat. Polina Griffith - I Go On (Original Mix)
10. Willy William - Kings Of The Jungle (World CuP Anthem)
11. Randy Jones - New York City Boy (Disco Deejays club mix)
12. Dj Цветкоff feat. Tiana - Wings (Record mix)
13. Ariana Grande - Problem (Deficio Remix)
14. Ivan Frost feat. Julia Lasker - Sweet Dreams (DJ Denis Rublev & DJ Anton Remix)
15. Passenger - Let Her Go
16. Cascada - Blink (jerome remix)
17. Borgeous - Wildfire (Original Mix)
18. Hoxygen Ft. Linda - Run (Original Mix Edit)
19. Young Money Feat Drake - Trophies
20. Marco Cavax feat. Pizzle - Last Night To Tango (Extended Mix)
21. Alex Ferrari - Peguete (Remix)
22. Basador - Mr Big Boom (IvanoBoy & Hardone & Light Remix)
23. Westfunk feat. Isla Meller - Apollo (Club Mix)
24. David Guetta & Kaz James - Blast Off (Radio Edit)
25. - Avicii feat. Aloe Blacc – Wake Me Up
26. Club 41 feat. Crazy Sir - G - The Summer Anthem (Extended Mix)
27. Stromae - Tous Les Memes (Laurent H. Re-Work)
28. Alicia Keys - Its On Again (Solo Version)
29. Brooklyn Bounce & Rainy - Can You Feel The Bass (Van Snyder Remix Edit)
30. Katerina - Blackboard (Original Radio Edit)
31. Calvin Harris - Summer
32. Global Deejays - Kids
33. Imagine Dragons - Demons
34. Die Antwoord - I Fink U Freeky (Record Mix)
35. - 48GJAN~1
36. Eminem Feat Rihanna - The Monster
37. Tapo & Raya - Bomba (Extended Mix)
38. Santa Dimopulos - When We Move
39. Zoe - Right In The Night (Global Disco Rockerz remix)
40. K Michelle - Cant Raise A Man
41. Erik Arbores - Get Ready (Radio Edit)
42. Alex Mica – Hola Chiquitita (Radio Edit)
43. Gunther - Tutti Frutti Summer Love
44. Showtek feat. We Are Loud! & Sonny Wilson – Booyah (Radio Mix)
45. Christopher Schwarzwalder - Taksim (Original Mix)
46. Adbb - Lion Safari (Radio Edit)
47. Walter Native feat Jay Jacob - Day By Day (Sirkhan remix)
48. The Chainsmokers - Selfie
49. - Cher – I Walk Alone (Dan Slater Radio Edit)
50. Avicii - Addicted
51. Firebeatz - Bazooka (Radio Edit)
52. Andy Jay Powell And Mike Nero - Like An Animal (Original Mix)
53. Cascada - Miracle (LazerzF!ne Bootleg Edit 2014)
54. Shakira - Dare (La La La) (DJ Favorite & Bikini DJs Radio Edit)
55. DJ Guila - Dream (Soundhouse7 remix)
56. Sean Finn Feat. D.I.A - Dirty Moves (Cj Stone & Milo.Nl Remix)
57. - Beauty Brain & Subshock – Drunk Fighters
58. Masters At Work - Work (Fresh Brothers 2014 Remix)
59. Benny Benassi feat. Gary Go - Let This Last Forever (Futuristic Polar Bears Remix)
60. - Turbotronic – Do It (Radio Edit)
61. Victor Magan & Nicola Fasano Ft. Wiseman - Wine Up (Sexy Banana)
62. Miguel & Chris - By Your Side (Phil Giava electro mix)
63. Allexinno and Starchild - Samira (Andeeno Damassy Official Remix)
64. Aloe Blac - I Need A Dollar (Alexx Slam & Mickey Martini Remix)
65. Somna & Yang feat. Michele C. - Chasing Stars (Radio Edit)
66. Polis & Les Helliniques - Dirladada (extended mix)
67. DJ Dean - Play It Hard (DRM Bootleg)
68. Mandinga feat. Fly Project - Hello 2014 (Original Radio Edit) music-team.net
69. Frozen Skies - Where Are We Going (club mix)
70. Naxwell - Hungry Like The Wolf (club mix)
71. Foxes - Let Go For Tonight (Record Mix)
72. Dj Satomi - Waves (Stefano Carparelli Edit)
73. Josef Meloni vs. Tommyland - Rasta Man (Radio Edit)
74. Dj Sava & Raluka feat. Connect - R - Aer (Criswell Rock Edit)
75. Kylie Minogue - Slow (ADM Remix)
76. Twista - Overnight Celebrity ft. Kanye West (Vices & Big Makk Remix)
77. Samantha Jade - Firestarter
78. Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
79. Tosch - Hand In Hand (club edit)
80. Tobu - Hope
81. Nicki Minaj - Pills N Potions (Liam Keegan Mixshow)
82. Jason Aldean - When She Says Baby
83. John Legend - All Of Me
84. Richard Durand & Cynthia Hall - Shield Of Faith (Radio Edit)
85. Bastille - Of The Night
86. Black Hole - Bamboo (Radio Edit)
87. Bruno Mars - Young Girls
88. - Bodybangers & TomE & Jaicko Lawrence – Love Come Down (Radio Edit)
89. Lorde - Royals
90. Dani B. & Jonathan Carey Ft. Adam Clay - People Are Rising (Extended Mix)
91. Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau - Changes (Radio Mix)
92. 3LAU feat. Bright Lights - How You Love Me (Radio Edit)
93. Rita Ora - I Will Never Let You Down (Jad Desenchanntee Vs Dallas K Remix)
94. Blackka Vs. Christopher Vitale - Ale Ale (Radio) (Euro Latino)
95. Lilu - Para Paranoyya(DJ Jedy Radio Remix)
96. Javi Slink - Quien Sera (Radio Edit)
97. Pink Fluid feat. Polina - The Point Of Surrender (Original Mix)
98. Giga Dance Feat Morano - Around The World (R And R Project Remix)
99. Oceana - Endless Summer (Dj Vigo Antonyo Mash-Up)
100. YAMAH Ft. Xavi Bosch - Reset (Original Mix Edit)

Скачать Зарубежная дискотека лета (2014)

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