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Скачать VA - Клубные выходные. 60 клубных хитов. Сборник 3 (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 12 августа 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Клубные выходные. 60 клубных хитов. Сборник 3 (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Клубные выходные. 60 клубных хитов. Сборник 3
Жанр: club, dance
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:53:36
Треки: 60
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 705 MB

01. Semitoo Feat. Michael Blaya - Weekend To Begin (Club Mix)
02. Nikita Marasey - Energiser (Original Mix)
03. Jungle Jim, Dylan Carroll - The Zombie (Original Mix)
04. Black Eyed Peas - Let`s Get It Started (Azot & Alexey Martine Remix)
05. Erik Arbores - Galactic (Original Mix)
06. Namaste Feat. Tiana Khasi - Sign (Original Mix)
07. Alexey Romeo, Duher - Dominator (Original Mix)
08. Profonduo - Play Hard (Original Mix)
09. Ftampa Vs. Zedd Vs. Pelari - Twice Rave Find You (Delayers Mashup)
10. Rita Ora - I Will Never Let You Down (Westfunk & Steve Smart Club Remix)
11. Dj M.E.G Feat. Серебро - Угар (Dj Favorite Official Remix)
12. Yanou Feat. Andreas Johnson - Bring On The Sun (Extended Mix)
13. Rob & Jack - Letting Go (Original Mix)
14. Dave Winnel & Mr Wilson - Fires Of Gold (Futuristic Polar Bears Remix)
15. Dada Life Feat. Sebastian Bach - Born To Rage (Vocal Mix)
16. Tech N9ne - Fragile (Huglife's Unthugged Mix)
17. Ulka Vs. Dj Max Myers & Rifatello - Летать (Dj Noiz Remix)
18. Moby - A Case For Shame (Dirty Stab Remix)
19. Dj Mafia Feat. Mark Hills - You & I (Crew 7 Mix)
20. Krewella - Live For The Night (Aero Chord Remix)
21. Apaxx - Fuck That Shit (Original Mix)
22. Dr Beats - Arabia Saudi (Original Mix)
23. Senne - Sex, Drugs And Rock & Roll (Original Mix)
24. Tujamo & Plastik Funk Feat. Sneakbo - Dr. Who (Futuristic Polar Bears Remix)
25. John Dahlback & Benny Benassi - Blink Again (Alex Addea Rework)
26. Shogun - Find Me (Radio Edit)
27. Triston & Dave-Pl - Dojo (Original Mix)
28. Sean&bobo - Fight (Original Mix)
29. Dj Haipa & Dj Gene - Stronger (Original Mix)
30. Cj Choopa Feat. Denis Marshall - Warp Trending (Original Mix)
31. Henrix - Shake Your Money Maker (Original Mix)
32. Desue - Laptop (Extended Mix)
33. New World Sound - Coindrop (Original Mix)
34. Dj Сателлит & Marlena - Чувства (Tonada Club Mix)
35. Faul & Wad Ad Vs. Pnau - Changes (Tomy Montana & Field Edit)
36. Sidney Samson & Eva Simons - Celebrate The Rain (Harvel B Remix)
37. Dyro - Sounds Like (Original Mix)
38. Edmentals & Bunhead - Goliath(Orginal Mix)
39. Gareth Emery Feat. Christina Novelli - Dynamite
40. Tommy Trash & Killagraham - The Little Death (Original Mix)
41. Mike Sylix - Eased (Original Mix)
42. Shermanology & Grx - Cant You See (Original Mix)
43. Aycan - Lambada 2014 (Sergey Kutsuev & Mickey Light Remix)
44. Traffic House Feat. Liah Hoss - Time Of Love (Extended Mix)
45. Sajan Gosrani - Forgotten (Original Mix)
46. Reece Low - Cannon (Original Mix)
47. Asap - Monkey Dance (Original Mix)
48. Cridexx - Huh (Original Mix)
49. Foxes - Holding Onto Heaven (Chainsmokers Remix)
50. Kura - Sabotage (Original Mix)
51. Anthony Garcia - Ready (Original Mix)
52. Dj Dean - Los Angeles (Original Mix)
53. Ph Electro - Gloria (Extended Mix)
54. Five Knives - The Rising (Ludovika Remix)
55. Duck Sauce - Time Waits For No-One
56. Ralvero & Dropgun - Hayao (Original Mix)
57. Tantrum Desire - Adventures Through Space (Original Mix)
58. Mr Fijiwiji Feat. Jonny Rose - Out On A Limb (Original Mix)
59. Crushboys - Stampede (Original Mix)
60. The Chainsmokers - Selfie (Danny Rush Bootleg)

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