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Скачать n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3266 Portable

АвторАвтор: fredy4518 | ДатаДата: 22 августа 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3266 Portable

Полнофункциональная многотрековая аудиостудия, позволяющая создавать свои собственные музыкальные композиции профессионального качества. n-Track Studio работает с большинством аудиоформатов, позволяет накладывать всевозможные эффекты на каждый трек с прослушиванием в реальном режиме времени, работать с каналами, исправлять синхронизацию и т.д. и т.п. Кроме таких стандартных эффектов, как Reverb, Compression, EQ, Echo, Auto volume, Pitch Shift и Chorus, n-Track Studio позволяет использовать DirectX и VST 2.0 плагины от сторонних разработчиков. N-Track Studio может работать с любыми стандартными или многоканальными звуковыми картами.

Recording & mixing: records and plays back a virtually unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks; DirectX, VST and ReWire effects can be added to each channel/track; Volume, pan, aux sends & returns and effects parameters can be automated: you can "program" fade-in/outs, cross fades, boost the volume of a track when there is a solo etc. Input processing allows to process with plug-ins live signals. Record the 'dry' (unprocessed) signal while processing and reprocess the recording later - i.e. play a guitar through a distortion plug-in then change the distortion after the recording.

Soundcards & audio interfaces
Supports 16 and 24 bit single and multichannel soundcards at sampling frequencies up to 192 Khz
Compatible with Asio, WaveRT, WDM, DirectSound and MME audio drivers, which means that n-Track can work with almost any soundcard available today with the lowest possible latency
Multichannel soundcards or more than one soundcard are supported: you can record multiple tracks at a time and output to more than one stereo output. Each output channels has its own master channel effects and volume control

Built-in effects include Reverb, Compression, Parametric & Graphic EQ, Echo, Auto-volume, Pitch Shift, Chorus, Multiband Compression, Spectrum analyzer
Includes the n-Track Drums drum synth/step sequencer module
Supports third party DirectX, VST 2 and ReWire plug-ins
Supports VST Instruments and DirectX Instruments synth plug-ins: sample-accurate MIDI tracks can be sent to VSTi/DXi software MIDI synths, without the need of expensive hardware MIDI synths
Supports technology by Propellerhead Software AB: signals from other programs (such as Reason, Ableton Live, Fruityloops and many others) can be mixed in realtime with n-Track's own channels

Информация о программе: Язык интерфейса: английский + русский Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 Год выхода: 2014 Размер (RAR): 47 Мб Информация для восстановления: 5% архив не запаролен

Download / Скачать n-Track Studio 7.1.2 Build 3266 Portable


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n-Track, Studio, audio, editor
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