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Скачать Foxit PhantomPDF Business

АвторАвтор: SanchezUA04 | ДатаДата: 25 сентября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Foxit PhantomPDF Business

Foxit Phantom - программа для просмотра, редактирования и создания PDF документов. Программа сможет стать отличной заменой для известного монстра Adobe Reader. Среди главных преимуществ программы разработчики указывают на ее небольшой размер, малое время запуска и более высокую скорость создания PDF-документов. С помощью программы вы сможете также сливать и разделять PDF документы, удалять и вставлять новые страницы, создавать электронные формы и примечания и многое, много другое. Программа позволяет конвертировать почти все документы, которые могут быть распечатаны на принтере в формат PDF, включая файлы DOC, PPT, TXT, HTML и многие другие.

We all need to create professional looking PDF documents and forms for tasks such as developing personal documents, implementing workgroup collaboration, designing company forms, producing company collateral, finalizing agreements, applying digital signatures, or document archiving. Award winning Foxit PhantomPDF™ provides the right features at the right price, allowing you to produce great looking PDF document and forms quickly, affordably, and securely. Foxit PhantomPDF is the perfect solution for home/home offices, small and medium sized businesses, and large enterprises. Foxit PhantomPDF comes in three versions to fit the diverse use cases that different users require. Robust for the needs of businesses, Foxit PhantomPDF Business expands upon PhantomPDF Standard by providing the security that helps companies meet regulatory compliance and corporate governance for their important documents and archives and to ensure documents don't change after they are approved. You can extend the usage control benefits of Microsoft Windows Server® Active Directory® Rights Management Service to all your PDF documents; allowing author control of document features within each PDF, where you can certify documents and set permitted actions after certifying.

New Features in Foxit PhantomPDF 7.0
Shared Review for Desktop and Mobile Users
Allows document owners to share a document with others to gather feedback/comments from reviewers through internal server, emails or SharePoint.
Portfolio Creation and Editing
Supports to create PDF portfolios and edit PDFs and properties in portfolios.
Merge Advanced Editor Features into Main Program (Business Only)
Contains all the Advanced Editor features and removes the standalone Advanced Editor from the application.
Free-form Annotation with PSI (Pressure Sensitive Ink)
Supports to use the Pencil tool from Surface Pro or Wacom tablet to add free-form annotations with PSI in PDFs.
Document Sanitization
Enable users to remove comment data and other sensitive information that can be hidden or not immediately apparent from PDFs by one-click.
Create PDFs from Your Outlook
Supports to create PDFs from email messages or folders directly with the Foxit Outlook Add-in, located in the Foxit PDF tab in Outlook ribbon.
2D Barcode Displaying
Supports to display 2D barcode that contains form data in the PDF forms with Ultraform technology.
Bi-directional Language Support
Supports to search and input Hebrew and Arabic in commenting and editing.
Optimized PCL Printing
Provides an option to auto-detect printers that support PCL for PCL optimization to improve the printing speed.
Stronger Security from the RMS Plugin (Business Only)
Adds extended policy to strictly control documents access and supports dynamic revocation by preventing some users from accessing PDFs or preventing some PDFs from being accessed to promptly revoke PDFs that have already been issued.
Create PDFs with RMS Encryption (Business Only)
Allows users to create an RMS protected PDF from Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook), using Foxit add-in.
Friendly Ribbon Customization
Supports to customize the Ribbon, enabling users to rearrange the buttons, or create a new tab with their favorite buttons.
Streamlined Text Editing by Linking
Supports to link text boxes to a new paragraph ready for paragraph editing in a page to keep better text reflow.
Supports to create and verify signatures on dynamic XFA forms created by Adobe LiveCycle.
Support to export PDF to Word in Faeroese.

Improvements in Foxit PhantomPDF 7.0
Improved Paragraph Editing UX
Retains better text reflow and display after editing with Edit Text tool to improve user experience.
Creator Add-in Improvement in PPT, Excel & Word
Adds more options in Foxit PDF tab in the ribbon of the aforementioned applications.
Instant PDF or PDF Portfolio Creation
Improves the “drag and drop” and “copy and paste” features to create PDFs or PDF portfolios quickly.
More Secured Digital Signature
Supports to add password encryption to your digital certificates to avoid unauthorized use.
GPO Improvement
Ensures the configurations in GPO template to work in both Classic and Ribbon Mode, adds settings of language in XML and GPO template, and more.
SharePoint Network Drive Support
Enable users to open and check out PDFs from SharePoint mapped drive with Foxit PhantomPDF’s Open dialog.
Text Copy with Formatting Maintained
Improve the “Copy and Paste” feature to allow users to copy and paste text with styles, including font, font size, font style, font color, etc.

Issues Addressed in Foxit PhantomPDF 7.0
Fixed an issue where the "Repair" button did not work properly in the Windows Add/Remove Programs menu.
Fixed an issue where an error prompted when users emailed a file with CJK characters in the file name if Windows locale was set to English.

Год выпуска: 2014
ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Язык интерфейса: Ml / Русский / Английский
Лекарство: crack dll
Размер: 293 МB

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