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Скачать Jazz 100 (2014)

АвторАвтор: RKIYAN | ДатаДата: 30 сентября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Jazz 100 (2014)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Jazz 100 (2014)
Жанр: Джаз, jazz
Год выпуска: 2014
Количество треков: 100
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 256 kbps
Время звучания: 05:31:37
Размер файла: 671 MB

001. Ella Fitzgerald (With Sonny Burke And His Orchestra) - Crying
002. Glenn Miller - 705
003. Billie Holiday - Don't Explain
004. Ray Charles - If I Give You My Love
005. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Kokomo
006. Ella Fitzgerald - Time Alone Will Tell
007. Benny Goodman - Stompin' At The Savoy (Rec. 1954)
008. Ray Charles - Sittin' On Top Of The World (Now She'S Gone)
009. Ray Charles - Funny But I Still Love You
010. Glenn Miller - American Patol
011. Benny Goodman - Stompin' At The Savoy (Rec. 1936)
012. Ray Charles - She's On The Ball
013. Ella Fitzgerald (Duet With The Ink Spots) - That's The Way It Is
014. Louis Armstrong & Clarence Williams Five - Livin' High
015. Miles Davis - Down
016. Miles Davis - Rouge
017. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Rockin' Chair
018. Glenn Miller - Santa Fe Trail
019. Ray Charles - How Long Blues
020. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Ko Ko Mo
021. Miles Davis - The Blue Room
022. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - How High The Moon
023. Ella Fitzgerald - I'm Just A Lucky So And So
024. Ella Fitzgerald (With Bob Haggart And His Orchestra) - Don't You Think I Ought To Know
025. Billie Holiday - Yesterdays
026. Billie Holiday - Why Was I Born
027. Ella Fitzgerald (Duet With The Ink Spots) - Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
028. Louis Armstrong & King Oliver - Canal Street Blues
029. Miles Davis - Well You Needn'T
030. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Indiana
031. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Royal Garden Blues
032. Ella Fitzgerald (Duet With Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five - Petootie Pie
033. Billie Holiday - I'm Gonna Lock My Heart And Throw Away The Key
034. Ray Charles - Goin' Down Slow
035. Glenn Miller - Goodnight Wherever You Are
036. Glenn Miller - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
037. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
038. Ray Charles - Baby Won't You Please Come Home
039. Ella Fitzgerald - Stone Cold Dead In The Market
040. Benny Goodman - I've Found A New Baby
041. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Someday
042. Benny Goodman - You're A Sweetheart
043. Glenn Miller - The Way You Look Tonight
044. Miles Davis - Out Of The Blue
045. Benny Goodman - The Kingdom Of Swing
046. Billie Holiday - I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues
047. Glenn Miller - Passage Interdit Theme Closing
048. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Blueberry Hill
049. Miles Davis - Willie The Wailer
050. Miles Davis - Tasty Pudding
051. Glenn Miller - The Little Man Wasn't There
052. Benny Goodman - St. Louis Blues
053. Billie Holiday - Baby Get Lost
054. Ray Charles - Feelin' Sad
055. Miles Davis - Yesterdays
056. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - I've Gotta Right To Sing Te Blues
057. Ella Fitzgerald (With Gordon Jenkins And His Orchestra) - I Hadn't Anyone Till You
058. Ray Charles - The Midnight Hour
059. Benny Goodman - My Melancholy Baby
060. Benny Goodman - The Glory Of Love
061. Ella Fitzgerald - The Frim Fram Sauce
062. Glenn Miller - Theme - Jeep Jockey Jump
063. Miles Davis - Oleo
064. Miles Davis - Compulsion
065. Miles Davis - Airegin
066. Ella Fitzgerald - Once Too Often
067. Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit
068. Ray Charles - I'm Going Down The River
069. Ray Charles - Someday
070. Benny Goodman - Topsy
071. Ella Fitzgerald (With Sonny Burke And His Orchestra) - In The Evening When The Sun Goes Down
072. Ray Charles - Roll With Me Baby
073. Miles Davis - Dear Old Stockholm
074. Ray Charles - The Sun's Gonna Shine Again
075. Ray Charles - Mr. Charles Blues
076. Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday
077. Billie Holiday - God Bless The Child
078. Glenn Miller - Moonlight Cocktail
079. Glenn Miller - Bubble Bath
080. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Someday
081. Benny Goodman - Blue Skies
082. Glenn Miller - All The Things You Are
083. Miles Davis - Floppy
084. Ray Charles - I Got A Woman
085. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Didn't He Ramble
086. Ella Fitzgerald (Duet With The Delta Rhythm Boys) - Cry You Out Of My Heart
087. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Back O'town Blues
088. Benny Goodman - Let's Dance
089. Ray Charles - Honey, Honey
090. Miles Davis - Tempus Fugit
091. Miles Davis - Tune Up
092. Billie Holiday - I'll Get By
093. Louis Armstrong & His All Stars - Baby Won't You Please Come Home
094. Miles Davis - I'll Remember April
095. Ray Charles - Come Back Baby
096. John Lee Hooker - Love Blues
097. John Lee Hooker - Too Much Boogie
098. Ray Charles - Black Jack
099. Ella Fitzgerald - No Sense
100. John Lee Hooker - I Want To Hug You

Скачать Jazz 100 (2014)

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