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Раздел: Программы

Скачать WinZip Pro 19.0.11293 Portable

АвторАвтор: fredy4518 | ДатаДата: 30 октября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
WinZip Pro 19.0.11293 Portable

Популярный архиватор. Программа работает со многими форматами архивов, ставшими уже стандартом. Для удобства пользователя многие операции выполняются через пошаговые Мастера (создание, распаковка архивов и другие). WinZip встраивается в контекстное меню Проводника Windows, предусмотрена возможность распечатки списка файлов, находящихся в архиве, проверки архива антивирусной программой и другие функции. Возможности WinZip включают представление изображений в виде пиктограмм и автоматический выбор метода сжатия, а также улучшенное сжатие аудиофайлов (WAV), Jpeg и поддержку открытия zipx, 7z и RAR-файлов.

WinZip, the original and one of the most popular compression utility for Windows, is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that quickly zips and unzips your files to conserve disk space and greatly reduce e-mail transmission time. WinZip is available as Standard or Pro. With the new WinZip, you can quickly and securely zip and unzip files to conserve storage space, speed up e-mail transmission, and reduce download times. State-of-the-art file compression, strong AES encryption, compatibility with more compression formats, and new intuitive photo compression, make WinZip the complete compression and archiving solution.

WinZip is the most trusted way to work with compressed files. No other compression utility is as easy-to-use or offers the comprehensive and productivity-enhancing approach that has made WinZip the gold standard for file-compression tools.

Building on the favorite features of a worldwide base of several million users, WinZip adds new features for image compression and management, support for new compression methods, improved compression performance, support for additional archive formats, and more. Users can work faster, smarter, and safer.

Zipx Files Deliver Advanced Compression
.Zipx files
WinZip introduces the new extended Zip file (.zipx), the next step in the evolution of the Zip file format. By using the most recent compression methods to create .Zipx files, WinZip creates WinZip's smallest Zip files to date. The new .zipx file extension also makes it easier to share highly compressed files with others by making it clear that the file was created using an advanced compression method and that WinZip or another compatible compression utility is required to open the file. Of course users can also still create “Legacy Zip 2.0” compressed files with WinZip (resulting in a .zip file extension) by changing the compression method on a case by case basis or by changing the default compression method.

Photo Compression, Management and Sharing
Resize images on the fly
Additionally, the Zip and E-Mail functions have been enhanced in WinZip to allow users to take advantage of the image resize feature in WinZip. Users can quickly and easily resize images in a zipped attachment without altering the original in any way. Resizing images is useful when the recipient does not need the full quality or size of the original. Resizing images before compressing them can substantially reduce the attachment size, reduce upload and download times for your e-mails, and help ensure that you don’t exceed e-mail attachment size limitations.

Информация о программе: Язык интерфейса: английский + русский Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7 Год выхода: 2014 Размер (RAR): 81 Мб Информация для восстановления: 5% архив не запаролен

Download / Скачать WinZip Pro 19.0.11293 Portable Rus

Download / Скачать WinZip Pro 19.0.11293 Portable Eng


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Теги к статье:

WinZip, archiver, zip, rar, compression
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