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Скачать Mike Oldfield - The Studio Albums 1992-2003 - 8CD-Box (2014) [FLAC]

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 3 ноября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Mike Oldfield - The Studio Albums 1992-2003 - 8CD-Box (2014) [FLAC]

Mike Oldfield - The Studio Albums 1992-2003
Label: Warner Music - 825646233298
Format: 8 x CD, Box Set, Album, Reissue, FLAC
Country: Europe
Released: 2014
Genre: Progressive Rock, New Age, Ambient
Size: 2.52 GB


Disc 1 Tubular Bells II:

01 - Sentinel (00:08:08)
02 - Dark Star (00:02:16)
03 - Clear Light (00:05:48)
04 - Blue Saloon (00:02:59)
05 - Sunjammer (00:02:33)
06 - Red Dawn (00:01:50)
07 - The Bell (00:06:59)
08 - Weightless (00:05:43)
09 - The Great Plain (00:04:48)
10 - Sunset Door (00:02:24)
11 - Tattoo (00:04:15)
12 - Altered State (00:05:12)
13 - Maya Gold (00:04:01)
14 - Moonshine (00:01:42)

Disc 2 The Songs Of Distant Earth:

01 - In The Beginning (00:01:24)
02 - Let There Be Light (00:04:58)
03 - Supernova (00:03:24)
04 - Magellan (00:04:41)
05 - First Landing (00:01:16)
06 - Oceania (00:03:20)
07 - Only Time Will Tell (00:04:27)
08 - Prayer for the Earth (00:02:10)
09 - Lament For Atlantis (00:02:44)
10 - The Chamber (00:01:48)
11 - Hibernaculum (00:03:33)
12 - Tubular World (00:03:22)
13 - The Shining Ones (00:03:00)
14 - Crystal Clear (00:05:43)
15 - The Sunken Forest (00:02:38)
16 - A New Beginning (00:05:49)
17 - Ascension (00:01:37)

Disc 3 Voyager:

01 - The Song of the Sun (00:04:33)
02 - Celtic Rain (00:04:41)
03 - The Hero (00:05:04)
04 - Woman of Ireland (00:06:30)
05 - The Voyager (00:04:26)
06 - She Moves Through the Fair (00:04:07)
07 - Dark Island (00:05:44)
08 - Wild Goose Flaps its Wings (00:05:05)
09 - Flowers of the Forest (00:06:03)
10 - Mont St Michel (00:12:19)

Disc 4 Tubular Bells III :

01 - The Source Of Secrets (00:05:35)
02 - The Watchful Eye (00:02:09)
03 - Jewel In The Crown (00:05:45)
04 - Outcast (00:03:49)
05 - Serpent Dream (00:02:53)
06 - The Inner Child (00:04:42)
07 - Man In The Rain (00:04:03)
08 - The Top Of The morning (00:04:26)
09 - Moonwatch (00:04:25)
10 - Secrets (00:03:20)
11 - Far Above The Clouds (00:05:30)

Disc 5 Guitars:

01 - Muse (00:02:13)
02 - Cochise (00:05:16)
03 - Embers (00:03:52)
04 - Summit Day (00:03:47)
05 - Out Of Sight (00:03:49)
06 - B. Blues (00:04:30)
07 - Four Winds (00:09:33)
08 - Enigmatism (00:03:32)
09 - Out Of Mind (00:03:47)
10 - From the Ashes (00:02:29)

Disc 6 The Millennium Bell:

01 - Peace On Earth (Camilla Darlow - The London Handel Choir) (00:04:10)
02 - Pacha Mama (Nicola Emmanuel & David Serame - Miriam Stockley) (00:04:06)
03 - Santa Maria (Camilla Darlow - The London Handel Choir) (00:02:44)
04 - Sunlight Shining Through Cloud (Martay - The Grant Gospel Choir) (00:04:33)
05 - The Doge's Palace (The London Session Orchestra) (00:03:07)
06 - Lake Constance (The London Session Orchestra) (00:05:17)
07 - Mastermind (Gota Yashiki) (00:03:04)
08 - Broad Sunlit Uplands (The London Session Orchestra) (00:04:03)
09 - Liberation (Miriam Stockley - The London Handel Choir) (00:02:38)
10 - Amber Light (Nicola Emmanuel & David Serame - Miriam Stockley) (00:03:43)
11 - The Millennium Bell (Nicola Emmanuel & David Serame - Miriam Stockley) (00:07:38)

Disc 7 Tr3s Lunas:

01 - Misty (00:03:59)
02 - NoMansLand (00:06:08)
03 - ReturnToTheOrigin (00:04:39)
04 - Landfall (00:02:19)
05 - Viper (00:04:32)
06 - TurtleIsland (00:03:41)
07 - ToBeFree (00:04:22)
08 - FireFly (00:03:46)
09 - Tr3sLunas (00:04:35)
10 - Daydream (00:02:15)
11 - ThouArtIn Heaven (00:05:23)
12 - Sirius (00:05:47)
13 - NoMansLand (Reprise) (00:02:54)

Disc 8 Tubular Bells 2003:

01 - Part One - Introduction (00:05:52)
02 - Part One - Fast Guitars (00:01:04)
03 - Part One - Basses (00:00:47)
04 - Part One - Latin (00:02:19)
05 - Part One - A Minor Tune (00:01:21)
06 - Part One - Blues (00:02:40)
07 - Part One - Thrash (00:00:44)
08 - Part One - Jazz (00:00:48)
09 - Part One - Ghost Bells (00:00:31)
10 - Part One - Russian (00:00:44)
11 - Part One - Finale (00:08:33)
12 - Part Two - Harmonics (00:05:12)
13 - Part Two - Peace (00:03:31)
14 - Part Two - Bagpipe Guitars (00:03:08)
15 - Part Two - Caveman (00:04:33)
16 - Part Two - Ambient Guitars (00:05:10)
17 - Part Two - The Sailor's Hornpipe (00:01:45)

Скачать Mike Oldfield - The Studio Albums 1992-2003 - 8CD-Box (2014) [FLAC]


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Теги к статье:

Mike Oldfield, Progressive Rock, New Age, Ambient, FLAC
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