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Скачать TrustPort Total Protection 2014 Multilanguage + Key

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 4 ноября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
TrustPort Total Protection 2014 Multilanguage + Key

Максимальная защита для вашего компьютера от вредоносных программ, интернет-угроз и воровства конфиденциальной информации. Программа защищает компьютер от вирусов и шпионского ПО на всех точках входа. Вся электронная почта и веб-сайты проверяются с целью выявления опасного или нежелательного контента. Программа также содержит уникальную технологию сканирования несколькими движками, что гарантирует высокую степень обнаружения вредоносных программ.

Полная защита данных от вирусов и шпионских программ
Защита интеллектуальным брандмауэром
Защита данных с помощью шифрования
Защита измельчением данных
Управление доступом - NEW!

Antivirus and antispyware
The program uses traditional scanning and heuristic analysis in order to disable any malware which might enter the computer from the internet or add on media. Two top quality motors ensure the detection of harmful code almost to the magic figure of 100.

Personal firewall
The firewall serves to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate connections between the computer and the Internet. The program automatically allows Internet communication for commonly used applications. In the case of unknown or suspicious programs the user is always asked whether connection should be permitted or disabled.

Scanning of hardware devices
The software brings your data protection to a new level. It enables limiting access to selected system devices, e.g. flash drives or external hard drives. It is possible to assign different user privileges to these targets. Especially corporate customers may appreciate this feature as a huge benefit.

Data encryption and shredding
Two methods of file encryption are available. For the secure backing up of data it is advantageous to store it in an encrypted archive, for everyday security it can be kept on an encrypted disk. In addition the program enables the permanent shredding of sensitive data which is no longer in use.

System recovery disk
In case of a serious virus damage the program enables creation of a system recovery disk with an antivirus module. After loading the operating system from the recovery disk it is possible to eliminate malware, which could not have been removed by other means.

Is a module which has been designed to protect users sensitive data, such as information about credit card numbers, bank account numbers, user names and passwords, pins, including private notes, etc. All the data is encrypted and each page is password protected against hackers and malware. The data is synchronized with mobile devices through cloud storage. The application is compatible with both the iPhone and Windows platform.

What is new in this version
- Enhancement to the proprietary TrustPort scanning engine
- Boot CD creation in Windows8 OS
- A new program GUI interface like Windows 8: a new graphical style, a new design, colours
unification, icon unification, new animations
- An improved and lighter updating system
- New firewall with more user profiles - Home, Work, Public networks with individual
automatically defined firewall rules and configuration for more network adapters «
- Support of Android and iOS applications - Portunes, Skytale

(1): Пожалуйста, используйте 7zip / WinRAR / Universal Extractor для извлечения файлов
(2): запустить программу установки
(3): Используйте серийный ключ для активации

Год: 2014
Язык: Multilanguage
Таблетка: ключ
Размер: 305.06 MB

Скачать TrustPort Total Protection 2014 Multilanguage + Key


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