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Скачать Native Instruments Traktor PRO 2 v2.7.1

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 16 ноября 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Native Instruments Traktor PRO 2 v2.7.1

TRAKTOR PRO 2 является всемирно известным, незыблемым 4-дисковым программным обеспечением для DJ, которое поможет вам миксовать прямо на танцполе. Теперь с TRAKTOR 2 Technology Inside увеличивается простота использования, производительность и творчество, эта версия может похвастаться новым интерфейсом.

Main Features:

New Creative Weapons:
TRAKTOR's intelligent features now allow for even easier remixing of tracks on the fly. Switch any deck to a Sample Deck and load up to four loops or one-shot samples each “16 in total. The new Loop Recorder can record loops from mixer channels, master out or audio interface inputs, while four much-requested new effects, including Tape Delay and Bouncer, round out the arsenal to more than 30 performance effects.

Get In The Mix:
Crate Flick cover art browsing and full iTunesВ® and iPodВ® integration makes finding the right track effortless. TRAKTOR™''s acclaimed sync concept ensures that your tunes beatmatch perfectly so you can focus on the more exciting performance aspects of DJing.
TRAKTOR PRO's built-in mixer integrates multiple EQ and filter types, giving you full control of the frequency spectrum.

Total Flexibility:
Use any combination of MIDI controllers such as TRAKTOR KONTROL X1, or your keyboard and mouse to control the software. The new Auto Detection makes connecting and disconnecting your NI audio interface easy – even while there are tracks playing in TRAKTOR. Assisted by the Setup Wizard with a drop-down menu, just select your interface and it assigns inputs and outputs for you. TRAKTOR PRO 2 is highly customizable with multiple, savable layouts and flexible hot key selection to suit your needs.

Key Features:
•Professional DJ software with 4 decks and intuitive layout
•Hi-res TruWave colored waveforms and easy-to-use interface with high contrast for club environments
•Automatic beat detection and beat-gridding of music files plus intuitive syncing for perfect mixes
•Brand-new Sample Decks and innovative Loop Recorder to edit and remix tracks live, plus included loop content make it easy to get into the mix
•Over 30 studio-quality performance effects, including 4 new additions, all capable of syncing to track tempo
•Advanced looping and cueing functions plus 8 assignable hot cues per track
•Full-featured 4-channel software mixer with multiple EQ and filter options
•Powerful track management with Crate Flick cover art browsing and full iTunesВ® integration
•Plug & play with all TRAKTOR controllers and audio interfaces, ships with mappings for all relevant DJ controllers
•Record your mix using the integrated audio recorder

What's New in version 2.7.1:
•New Controller Editor – version (1.7.2)
•S8 manuals are now included in the installers
•Fixed issue that caused problems with the ‘LED off statea?™ on some TRAKTOR controllers
•Fixed issue that caused a brightness problem on TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 controllers
•Fixed issue where importing TSI settings from TRAKTOR PRO 2.6.8 caused high CPU load

System Requirements:
•OS: Windows 7 or 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit)
•Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
•RAM: 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)

Год: 2014
Язык: мульти
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 196.74 MB

Скачать Native Instruments Traktor PRO 2 v2.7.1


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Native, Instruments, Traktor, PRO 2 v2.7.1
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