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Скачать VA - Полсотни новых клубных хитов (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 11 декабря 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Полсотни новых клубных хитов (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Полсотни новых клубных хитов
Жанр: club, dance
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:53:21
Треки: 50
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 705 MB

01. Paul Oakenfold Feat. Angela Mccluskey - You Could Be Happy (Shadow Of Two Remix)
02. Julie Thompson With Dragon & Jontron - Loved (Sied Van Riel Remix)
03. Toordem - Bang It (Original Mix)
04. Andy Elliass Vs. D-Mark & Arczi - I See You (Hazem Beltagui Edit)
05. Maroon 5 - Maps (Zothec Remix)
06. Sequence 11 - Dione (Sequence 11)
07. Formil - Toasted Sandwich (Original Mix)
08. Xilent Feat. Sue Gerger - The Place (Original Mix)
09. Amby Feat. Joe Forrest - Run Away (Extended)
10. Pegboard Nerds - Badboi (Vip)
11. Robin Schulz Feat. Jasmine Thompson - Sun Goes Down (Tocadisco Remix)
12. Michael Woods - Brain Went Ping (Original Mix)
13. Sick Individuals, Axwell, Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman - I Am Id2 (Syndrome Mashup)
14. Alex Di Stefano - Dark Purple (Original Mix)
15. Paul Rigel & Obm Notion - Reminiscence (Original Mix)
16. Finger & Kadel Feat. Micaela Schafer - Blasmusik (Radio Edit)
17. Get Busy Feat. Matt Newton - Sunglasses At Night (Original Mix)
18. Marlo - Barracuda (Original Mix)
19. Ton! Dyson & Matt Chavez - New York 2015 (Original Mix)
20. Trolec - Canyon (Original Mix)
21. Christina Perri - Burning Gold (Florian Picasso Remix)
22. Slider & Magnit Vs. Robero Feat. Louise Carver - Price You Pay (Club Mix)
23. Tom Swoon Feat. Ruby Prophet - Savior (Original Mix)
24. Sandy Rivera & Haze - Freak (Franky Rizardo Remix)
25. Bruno Alison - Rituals (Original Mix)
26. Pierce Fulton - Kuaga (Glowjack Remix)
27. Pierce Fulton - Kuaga (Yotto Remix)
28. Rick Astley Vs Bassjackers Vs Zedd - Never Gonna Give You Up That Inferno Night (Ravewell Smashup)
29. Ian G & Matierro Ft. Brenton Mattheus - Flash (Oliver Chang Remix)
30. 4b & Fight Clvb - Maga (Original Mix)
31. Freddy Verano Feat. Sam Smith - Moments (Original Mix)
32. Deadmau5 Feat. Rob Swire - Ghosts 'n' Stuff (Chuckie Remix)
33. Zedd - Stay The Night (Disfunktion Bootleg)
34. Michael Brun & Dubvision Feat. Tom Cane - Sun In Your Eyes (Blinders Remix)
35. Oceanlab - Satellite (Oscillator Z Remix)
36. Johan Holt - Doudoune (Original Mix)
37. Foreign Beggars X Alix Perez - Deng (Feat. Riko Dan)
38. Blaikz - Like An Animal (Enyo & Mario Ayuda Remix)
39. Knife Party - Begin Again
40. Ram - Clockwork Orange (Original Mix)
41. Major Lazer Vs. Dada Life - Bubble Butt (The 69 Project Bootleg)
42. Gabriel D'or & Bordoy - Zephyros (Original Mix)
43. Genairo Nvilla - A-Heya (Original Mix)
44. Thomas Newson & Otto Orlandi Feat. Melanie Fontana - Bells At Midnight (Original Mix)
45. Richard Durand & Fisher - In Your Hands (Bastian Salbart Remix)
46. Max Fabian & Nicky Rich - Bitch (Original Mix)
47. Tyler Reed - Tyler Reed -Take Me Back Now (Original Mix)
48. Phunk Investigation Feat. Chelle - Alive (Ferry Remix)
49. Laidback Luke, Project 46 - Memories (Original Mix)
50. Pex L - Touch (Original Mix)

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