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Скачать Pink Floyd - Discography [studio albums]

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 22 декабря 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Pink Floyd - Discography [studio albums]

Artist: Pink Floyd
Title: Discography
Year: 1967 - 2014
Genre: progressive rock, psychedelic rock, artrock, bluesrock
Country: United Kingdom

Duration: 17 albums (13 studio, 2 soundtrack, 3 concert), 196 tracks - total time of 17h. 01m. 38s.
Format / Codec: FLAC (image + .cue), 24 Bit / 96 kHz, digitizing vinyl
Audio Bitrate: Lossless
Size: 20.43 GB

1967 The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn

01. Astronomy Domine 04:12

02. Lucifer Sam 03:07

03. Matilda Mother 03:07

04. Flaming 02:45

05. Pow R. Toc H. 04:26

06. Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk 03:04

07. Interstellar Overdrive 09:41

08. The Gnome 02:14

09. Chapter 24 03:43

10. Scarecrow 02:12

11. Bike 03:26

1968 A Saucerful Of Secrets

01. Let There Be More Light 05:36

02. Remember A Day 04:31

03. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 05:25

04. Corporal Clegg 04:07

05. A Saucerful Of Secrets 11:51

06. See Saw 04:35

07. Jugband Blues 03:01

1969 More

01. Cirrus Minor 05:17

02. The Nile Song 03:26

03. Crying Song 03:32

04. Up The Khyber 02:12

05. Green Is The Colour 02:58

06. Cymbaline 04:48

07. Party Sequence 01:10

08. Main Theme 05:33

09. Ibiza Bar 03:17

10. More Blues 02:11

11. Quicksilver 07:09

12. A Spanish Piece 01:05

13. Dramatic Theme 02:17

1969 Ummagumma

LP 1

01. Astronomy Domine 08:32

02. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 08:49

03. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 09:30

04. A Saucerful Of Secrets 12:45

LP 2

01. Sysyphus (parts 1-4) 13:27

02. Grantchester Meadows 07:26

03. Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict 04:54

04. The Narrow Way (parts 1-3) 12:19

05. The Grand Vizier's Garden Party (parts 1-3) 08:46

1970 Atom Heart Mother

01. Atom Heart Mother 23:41

02. If 04:34

03. Summer '68 05:34

04. Fat Old Sun 05:27

05. Alan`s Psychedelic Breakfast 13:08

1971 Meddle

01. One Of These Days 05:54

02. A Pillow Of Winds 05:11

03. Fearless 06:07

04. San Tropez 03:42

05. Seamus 02:14

06. Echoes 23:27

1972 Obscured By Clouds

01. Obscured By Clouds 03:04

02. When You're In 02:31

03. Burning Bridges 03:31

04. The Gold It's In The... 03:08

05. Wot's... Uh The Deal 05:09

06. Mudmen 04:18

07. Childhood's End 04:33

08. Free Four 04:17

09. Stay 04:09

10. Absolutely Curtains 05:55

1973 The Dark Side of the Moon

01. Speak To Me / Breathe In The Air 04:01

02. On The Run 03:50

03. Time 06:52

04. The Great Gig In The Sky 04:47

05. Money 06:19

06. Us And Them 07:51

07. Any Colour You Like 03:26

08. Brain Damage 03:47

09. Eclipse 02:08

1975 Wish You Were Here

01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part One) 13:36

02. Welcome To The Machine 07:24

03. Have A Cigar 05:09

04. Wish You Were Here 05:39

05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Two) 12:26

1977 Animals

01. Pigs On The Wing (Part One) 01:24

02. Dogs 17:10

03. Pigs (Three Different Ones) 11:31

04. Sheep 10:22

05. Pigs On The Wing (Part Two) 01:26

1979 The Wall

01. In The Flesh? 03:19

02. The Thin Ice 02:29

03. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1) 03:10

04. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 01:50

05. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) 04:00

06. Mother 05:29

07. Goodbye Blue Sky 02:47

08. Empty Spaces 02:07

09. Young Lust 03:32

10. One Of My Turns 03:34

11. Don't Leave Me Now 04:15

12. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 3) 01:17

13. Goodbye Cruel World 01:13

14. Hey You 04:40

15. Is There Anybody Out There? 02:57

16. Nobody Home 03:10

17. Vera 01:33

18. Bring The Boys Back Home 01:22

19. Comfortably Numb 06:21

20. The Show Must Go On 01:36

21. In The Flesh 04:14

22. Run Like Hell 04:19

23. Waiting For The Worms 04:00

24. Stop 00:31

25. The Trial 05:18

26. Outside The Wall 01:45

1983 The Final Cut

01. The Post War Dream 02:59

02. Your Possible Pasts 04:32

03. One Of The Few 01:14

04. The Hero's Return 02:35

05. The Gunners Dream 05:29

06. Paranoid Eyes 03:35

07. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert 01:23

08. The Fletcher Memorial Home 04:11

09. Southampton Dock 02:13

10. The Final Cut 04:45

11. Not Now John 05:03

12. Two Suns In The Sunset 05:15

1987 A Momentary Lapse of Reason

01. Signs Of Life 04:22

02. Learning To Fly 04:53

03. The Dogs Of War 06:08

04. One Slip 05:10

05. On The Turning Away 05:38

06. Yet Another Movie - Round And Round 07:30

07. A New Machine (Part 1) 01:47

08. Terminal Frost 06:18

09. A New Machine (Part 2) 00:39

10. Sorrow 08:47

1988 Delicate Sound Of Thunder

01. Shine on You Crazy Diamond 12:02

02. Learning to Fly 05:23

03. Yet Another Movie 06:17

04. Round and Around 00:48

05. Sorrow 09:30

06. The Dogs of War 07:20

07. On the Turning Away 07:49

08. One Of These Days 06:05

09. Time 05:12

10. Money 09:53

11. Another Brick In The Wall (Part II) 05:35

12. Wish You Were Here 04:51

13. Comfortably Numb 08:56

14. Run Like Hell 07:05

1994 The Division Bell

01. Cluster One 05:30

02. What Do You Want From Me 04:24

03. Poles Apart 05:49

04. Marooned 04:21

05. A Great Day For Freedom 03:31

06. Wearing The Inside Out 06:30

07. Take It Back 06:13

08. Coming Back To Life 05:21

09. Keep Talking 05:43

10. Lost For Words 05:17

11. High Hopes 06:52

1995 P*U*L*S*E

01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond 13:36

02. Astronomy Domine 04:19

03. What Do You Want From Me 04:16

04. Learning To Fly 05:16

05. Keep Talking 06:54

06. Coming Back To Life 06:51

07. Hey You 04:39

08. A Great Day For Freedom 04:32

09. Sorrow 10:43

10. High Hopes 07:59

11. Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two) 06:56

12. One Of These Days 06:53

13. Speak To Me 02:26

14. Breathe 02:33

15. On The Run 03:48

16. Time 06:50

17. The Great Gig In The Sky 05:52

18. Money 08:49

19. Us And Them 07:03

20. Any Colour You Like 03:21

21. Brain Damage 03:45

22. Eclipse 02:44

23. Wish You Were Here 06:28

24. Comfortably Numb 09:30

25. Run Like Hell 08:37

2014 The Endless River

01. Things Left Unsaid 04:30

02. It's What We Do 06:20

03. Ebb And Flow 01:51

04. Sum 04:58

05. Skins 02:27

06. Unsung 01:08

07. Anisina 03:19

08. The Lost Art Of Conversation 01:44

09. On Noodle Street 01:42

10. Night Light 01:42

11. Allons-Y (1) 01:56

12. Autumn '68 01:35

13. Allons-Y (2) 01:35

14. Talkin' Hawkin' 03:24

15. Calling 03:39

16. Eyes To Pearls 01:52

17. Surfacing 02:47

18. Louder Than Words 06:28

Скачать Pink Floyd - Discography [studio albums] частями


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