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Скачать Rush - Time Machine: Live In Cleveland (2011) [BDRip 1080p]

АвторАвтор: bord | ДатаДата: 26 декабря 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Rush - Time Machine: Live In Cleveland (2011) [BDRip 1080p]

Artist: Rush
Album: Time Machine: Live In Cleveland
Year: 2011
Genre: Hard rock, progressive rock
Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p
Video: MPEG4 AVC 1920x1080 23.976fps 12.0 Mbps
Audio: DTS 48kHz 6ch 1 509 Kbps
Audio2: AC3 48kHz 2ch 192 Kbps
Size: 13,5Gb

TIME MACHINE 2011: Live In Cleveland' is an evening with Rush performing their classic hits and features the legendary 'Moving Pictures' album, performed live in its entirety. Released in 1981, 'Moving Pictures' is their most successful album, certified 4x Platinum, and features some of the band's most well known songs and perennial radio favorites, including "Tom Sawyer," "Limelight" and the Grammy®-nominated instrumental "YYZ." Captured in April 2011 in Cleveland during the renowned trio's extensive world tour, 'TIME MACHINE 2011: Live In Cleveland' marks the band's first live concert filmed in the United States. The choice to record in Cleveland was a deliberate nod of gratitude to the first city to support Rush on its airwaves, as former WMMS DJ Donna Halper is widely credited for helping break the band in 1974 by spinning "Working Man." The reinterpreted live version of "Working Man" was the encore closer on the Time Machine tour and is included on this Blu-ray. In addition to the 26-song concert set, Rush's notorious concept tour videos are included: The first short film, entitled "The `Real' History of Rush Episode No. 2 `Don't Be Rash,'" and the opening second set video, "The `Real' History of Rush Episode No. 17'...and Rock and Roll is My Name.'" The bonus material features outtakes from the short films, an alternate film version video for "Tom Sawyer,"and two rare pieces of Rush live footage from the vault: "Need Some Love" from Laura Second Secondary School with original drummer John Rutsey (1974) and "Anthem" from Passaic New Jersey (1976)

01. The Spirit of Radio
02. Time Stand Still
02. Presto
04. Stick It Out
05. Workin' Them Angels
06. Leave That Thing Alone
07. Faithless
08. BU2B
09. Free Will
10. Marathon
11. Subdivisions
12. Tom Sawyer
13. Red Barchetta
14. YYZ
15. Limelight
16. The Camera Eye
17. Witch Hunt
18. Vital Signs
19. Caravan
20. Moto Perpetuo (featuring Love For Sale)
21. O'Malley's Break
22. Closer To The Heart
23. 2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx
24. Far Cry
25. Encore: La Villa Strangiato
26. Encore: Working Man

Скачать: Rush - Time Machine: Live In Cleveland (2011)

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Hard rock, progressive rock
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