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Скачать Diplo & Paul Devro - Diplo & Friends Christmas Special (2014)

АвторАвтор: solang77 | ДатаДата: 30 декабря 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Diplo & Paul Devro - Diplo & Friends Christmas Special (2014)

Исполнитель: Diplo & Paul Devro
Альбом: Diplo & Friends Christmas Special
Дата выпуска: 21.12.2014
Жанр: Dubstep, Deep House, Trap, Reggae
Кол-во треков: 1 (mixed tracks)
Формат|Качество: MP3 VBR 224 Kbps
Длительность: 01:59:56
Размер файла: 181 MB

01. Gent & Jawns - Turn Up Ye Merry Gentelan
02. Diplo & Alvaro feat. Kstylis - 6th Gear (Bethlehem Edition)
03. Diplo & Alvaro feat. Kstylis - 6th Gear (GTA Remix)
04. RL Grime - Mercy (Xmas Edit)
05. Ookay - Jingle Bills
06. Boaz Van De Beatz feat. Riff Raff & Mr. Polska - Guappa
07. Aero Chord - Boundless
08. Jack U feat. Aluna George - To U
09. Keys N Krates - Understand Why
10. Da-bow - Indian Horse
11. Ludacris - Ludacrismas
12. The Ratchets - Mad Or Nah Yeet?
13. Dougie F & DJ Fire - Back Up On It (Jesse Slayter Remix)
14. Aztek - Anklung
15. Mark Mothersbaugh - Snowflake Music From Bottlerocket
16. Aquadrop - Troll The Halls
17. Splurt - #OMW2SYG (Swiggity Swooty) (Xmas Version)
18. Dorrough Music - I Want (Christmas Hood Anthem) (Mastamonk & Dibs Jingle Booty Remix)
19. DJ Fire - Twerkith On These Bells
20. PTAF (Pretty Taking All Fades) - Boss Ass Xmas
21. Nomak - Clint
22. Party Favor - Boom Freak
23. DJ Snake feat. Alesia - Bird Machine (Jingle Bells Version)
24. Kermit The Frog & Tiny Tim - Christmas Scat
25. Diplo & Angger Dimas - Frosty Dimas
26. Juelz Santana feat. Skull Gang - Christmas Song
27. Dej Loaf - Set Adrift On Try Me (Pd Edit)
28. Nas - Halftime
29. Sage The Gemini - Red Nose
30. Hard Call Xmas - My Christmas Bells
31. Master P & C-Murder - Christmas In Da Ghetto
32. Kurtis Blow - Christmas Rappin'
33. Father feat. iLoveMakonnen & Key! - Look At Wrist
34. O.T. Genasis - CoCo
35. The Seatbelts - Green Bird
36. Alizzz - What If (Jingle Edit)
37. Soulja Boy - Crank That
38. Vince Guaraldi Trio - Linus And Lucy
39. The Chipmunks - A Very Bmore Christmas (Guru Kid Bmore Edit)
40. Jesse Slayter & Wuki - That's Right
41. Jesse Slayter & Wuki - Rock Them Bells
42. SecondCity & Tyler Rowe - I Enter
43. Salva - Lotus
44. Branchez - Truth
45. Snappy Jit - Lil Drumma Boy
46. K-nock & Quad City Dj's & 69 Boyz - What I Want For Christmas
47. Astronomar - Back To The Beat (Jingle Bells Version)
48. 4B - Drop It Again (Xmas Version)
49. Wiwek feat. Stush - Ground Shake
50. Remedy - Ricochet
51. Tiga feat. Pusha T - Bugatti (Jauz Remix)
52. DJ Posh-E - Dada Supercat (Bub Dance Mix)
53. Slow Magic - Waited 4 U (Odesza Remix)
54. B A S S K I D - Booty Call
55. RiFF RAFF - Icey Ice
56. Davoodi - The Nutcracka
57. The Cryptkeeper - Cryptkeeper's Family Christmas
58. Milly & Silly - Gettin' Down For Christmas
59. Carla Thomas - Gee Whiz It's Christmas
60. Original Flavor - Waitin' 4 My Break
61. Slumberjack - Horus
62. Godwonder - Bad Girl
63. Tuxedo - Wonderful Christmastime
64. Alton Ellis - Christmas Coming
65. Cimmarons - Holy Christmas
66. Lady Saw - Richman For Christmas
67. Calton Coffie feat. Johnnie Dollar - Christmas Song
68. Ini Kamoze - All I Want For Christmas
69. Jacob Miller feat. Ray I - Deck The Halls

Скачать Diplo & Paul Devro - Diplo & Friends Christmas Special (2014):

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Diplo, Dubstep, Deep House, Trap, Reggae, Mix
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