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Скачать The Australian Pink Floyd Show: Eclipsed by the Moon – Live in Germany (2013) 720p BDRip

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 2 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
The Australian Pink Floyd Show: Eclipsed by the Moon – Live in Germany (2013) 720p BDRip

Название: The Australian Pink Floyd Show: Eclipsed by the Moon – Live in Germany
Год выхода: 2013
Жанр: Rock, Progressive Rock
Исполнитель: Steve Mac (guitar, vocals), Colin Wilson (bass guitar, vocals), Jason Sawford (keyboards), Paul Bonney (drums), David Domminney Fowler (guitar, vocals), Alex McNamara (vocals), Mike Kidson (saxophones), Lorelei McBroom (backing vocals), Emily Lynn (backing vocals), Lara Smiles (backing vocals)


"The Australian Pink Floyd Show: Eclipsed By The Moon," was filmed at Trier & Oberhausen Arenas in Germany on April 12th and 13th in 2013. The set includes songs from across the works of Pink Floyd. All the inflatables, all the lasers, all the hits. Australian Pink Floyd, the worldwide-touring tribute band, recreates the musical and visual concert experience of one of rock music’s most iconic groups. This one-hour concert features everything a true “AFP” fan expects: an astonishing note-for-note rendering of Pink Floyd’s music, evocative atmosphere, lasers and even Skippy the Kangaroo (the band’s mascot). Featuring founding members Steve Mac and Jason Sawford, the band has been performing the Pink Floyd catalogue for more than 20 years and has played to more than three million fans worldwide. Lovingly curated, the band’s live sets are packed with the fans’ favorite Floyd classics from across the years that otherwise would simply not be heard together in a concert setting.

“Eclipsed by the Moon”, Das einzigartige Konzerterlebnis der Australian Pink Floyd Show wurde in den Trierer und Oberhausener Arenas im April 2013 aufgezeichnet. Die weltweit Begeisterungssturme hervorrufende Pink Floyd Tribute Band ,rekonstruiert das musikalische und visuelle Vermachtnis der britischen Rock-Ikonen bis ins Detail. Ihre originalgetreue Reproduktion von “Dark Side of the Moon” bleibt unerreicht; ebenso die Interpretationen der meistgeliebten Songs von Alben wie “The Wall”, “Wish You Were Here” und “The Division Bell”. Das ganze Ausma? und die Professionalitat der Prasentation bis hin zur Authentizitat der Light Show ist und bleibt atemberaubend. Mit Liebe und Enthusiasmus prasentieren The Australian Pink Floyd Show ein Live-Erlebnis, welches die beliebtesten Floyd-Klassiker aller Epochen zusammenbringt, die so noch nie zusammenhangend auf der Konzertbuhne gespielt und gehort wurden.

• Disc#1
01. Speak to me
02. Breathe
03. On the run
04. Time / Breathe (Reprise)
05. The great gig in the sky
06. Money
07. Us and them
08. Any colour you like
09. Brain damage
10. Eclipse
• Disc#2
01. In The Flesh
02. Echoes
03. What Do You Want From Me
04. Sorrow
05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
06. Coming Back To Life
07. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
08. Another Brick In The Wall (part 2)
09. Wish You Were Here
10. One Of These Days
11. Comfortably Numb
12. Run Like Hell

Выпущено: Германия | Edel records
Продолжительность: 00:44:19 + 01:46:58

Формат: MKV
Видео: 1280x720 at 29.970 fps, x264, ~7620 kbps avg
Aудио: English: 48 kHz, AC3, 3/2 (L,C,R,l,r) + LFE ch, ~448.00 kbps avg
Субтитры: None
Размер: 8.09 GB

Скачать The Australian Pink Floyd Show: Eclipsed by the Moon – Live in Germany (2013) 720p BDRip


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Pink Floyd, Rock, Progressive Rock
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