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Скачать Beautiful saxophon (2014)

АвторАвтор: RKIYAN | ДатаДата: 4 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Beautiful saxophon (2014)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Beautiful saxophon (2014)
Жанр: Инструментальная
Год выпуска: 2014
Количество треков: 80
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 05:14:11
Размер файла: 707 MB

001. McCarthney Lennon - The Long and Winding Road
002.Fausto Papetti - How Deep Is Your Love
003. Spyro Gyra - In My Life
004. Presles - Jane
005. Scott Hamilton - I Should Care
006. Collins - Against All Odds
007. Acker Bilk - Feelings
008. Sil Austin - Unchained Melody
009. Stuart Mc Donald - We've Only Just Begin
010. The John Tesh Project - Tears In Heaven
011. Gil Ventura - El Condor Pasa
012. Georgio Parreira - Samba Pa Ti
013. Cass - Someone In Your Life
014. Fausto Papetti - Sleepy Shores
015. Leeway Currie Beiley - Love on Your Side
016. Brain Smith - Songbird
017. Harline Washengton - When You Wish Upon A Star
018. Sil Austin - Moon River
019. George Saxon - Women In Love
020. Kenny G - Yesterday
021. McCartney - Say say say
022. Eric Alexander - Mona Lisa
023. Gil Ventura - Vina Del Mar
024. Shire Connors - With You I'm Born Again
025. Cass - How Can I Love Her
026. Sil Austin - Johnny Guitar
027. Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow
028. George Katsaros - Woman In Love
029. Max Greger - Georgia
030. Brooker Reid - A Whiter Shade of Pale
031. Richie - Three Times A Lady
032. Pete Tex - Tennessee Waltz
033. George Saxon - What A Wonderful World
034. Youshi Malta - Autumn Leaves
035. Ben Websters - My Funny Valentine
036. Max Greger - Hanna's Blues
037. Goldsboro - Summer The First Time
038. David Hammond - To All The Girls I Loved Before
039. Presley - Love Is All Around
040. Brian Smith - Your Latest Trick - Smooth Operator
041. Aaron Heick - Europe
042. The John Tesh Project - Piano In The Dark
043. Richie - Endless love
044. Candy Dulfer - Be Cool
045. Max Greger - The House Of The Rising Sun
046. Gordon - Unforgettable
047. George Saxon - Morgana
048. Price - Just for You
049. Fausto Papetti - Love Theme From The Godfather
050. Pete Tex - Peter Gun
051. Antony Donadio - Good Bye My Love, Good Bye
052. Scott Hamilton - In A Sentimental Mood
053. Karlin Wilson James - For All We Know
054. Fain Webster - A Certain Smile
055. Pickles Cass - Always
056. Gil Ventura - Petite Fleur
057. Fain Webster - Secret Love
058. Russell - This Masquerade
059. The John Tesh Project - I Will Always Love You
060. Nichols Williams - We've Only Just Begun
061. Spyro Gyra - In My Life
062. Sam Levine - Unbreak My Heart
063. Clous Van Mechelen - Don't Make My Brown Eyes Blue
064. Masser Goffin - Saving All My Love for You
065. Brancaster Studio Orchestra - Careless Whisper
066. Candy Dufler - Home Is Not A House
067. Peter Schilperoort Quintet - Petite Fleur
068. Carpenter Bettis - Yesterday Once More
069. Lou Donaldson - Danny Boy
070. The Gino Marinello Orchestra - Girl
071. Nini Rosso - Paradise
072. Sil Austin - Summertime
073. Payne - I Love You Because
074. Stuart McDonald - Clouds
075. Incognito Sax Band - Fever
076. Clous Van Mechelen - Don't Make My Brown Eyes Blue
077. Raimonds Pauls Orchestra - Long Road In Dunes
078. Jan Morks Quartet - You Don't Know How Much You Can Suffer
079. Antony Donadio - Good Bye My Love, Good Bye
080. Fausto Papetti - Theme From Paradise

Скачать Beautiful saxophon (2014)

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