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Скачать Genesis - Albums Collection 1970-1974 (SHM-CD Universal Music Japan 2014) [FLAC]

АвторАвтор: gorodoksmol | ДатаДата: 4 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Genesis - Albums Collection 1970-1974 (SHM-CD Universal Music Japan 2014) [FLAC]

Genesis - Albums Collection (1970-1974)
Label: Universal Music Japan - UICY-40094~99
Format: 6 x Mini LP Platinum SHM-CD, 5 x Album, Reissue, Remastered, FLAC
Released: 2014
Country: Japan
Genre: Rock
Style: progressive Rock
Size: 1.87 GB

1970 Trespass; 1971 Nursery Cryme; 1972 Foxtrot; 1973 Selling England By The Pound; 1974 The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 2CD Set


1970 - Trespass (00:42:31)

01. Looking For Someone 07:03
02. White Mountain 06:44
03. Visions Of Angels 06:50
04. Stagnation 08:46
05. Dusk 04:10
06. The Knife 08:55

1971 - Nursery Cryme (00:39:33)

01. The Musical Box 10:29
02. For Absent Friends 01:47
03. The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 08:09
04. Seven Stones 05:08
05. Harold The Barrel 03:00
06. Harlequin 02:55
07. The Fountain Of Salmacis 08:01

1972 - Foxtrot (00:51:17)

01. Watcher Of The Skies 07:23
02. Time Table 04:46
03. Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:35
04. Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:44
05. Horizons' 01:41
06. Supper's Ready 23:05
a. Lover's Leap
b. The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man
c. Ikhnaton And Itsacon And Their Band Of Merry-Men
d. How Dare I Be So Beautiful?
e. Willow Farm
f. Apocalypse In 9/8
g. As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)

1973 - Selling England By The Pound (00:53:37)

01. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 08:03
02. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 04:10
03. Firth Of Fifth 09:34
04. More Fool Me 03:10
05. The Battle Of Epping Forest 11:43
06. After The Ordeal 04:15
07. The Cinema Show 10:41
08. Aisle Of Plenty 01:58

1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 2CD (01:34:26)

CD1 (00:45:37)

01. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:52
02. Fly On A Windshield 02:45
03. Broadway Melody Of 1974 02:11
04. Cuckoo Cocoon 02:12
05. In The Cage 08:12
06. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 02:46
07. Back In N.Y.C. 05:45
08. Hairless Heart 02:10
09. Counting Out Time 03:40
10. The Carpet Crawlers 05:15
11. The Chamber Of 32 Doors 05:45

CD2 (00:48:49)

01. Lilywhite Lilith 02:48
02. The Waiting Room 05:17
03. Anyway 03:17
04. The Supernatural Anaesthetist 02:49
05. The Lamia 06:57
06. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:10
07. The Colony Of Slippermen: The Arrival / A Visit To The Doktor / The Raven 08:11
08. Ravine 02:5
09. The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:32
10. Riding The Scree 04:07
11. In The Rapids 02:22
12. It 04:18

Total Time: 04:41:24


Trespass (1970):

Tony Banks: organ, acoustic & electric pianos, mellotron (tracks 2, 3, and 4), acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Peter Gabriel: lead vocals, flute, accordion (track 1), bass drum, tambourine
John Mayhew: drums, percussion, backing vocals
Anthony Phillips: electric guitar, acoustic guitar, dulcimer, backing vocals
Mike Rutherford: bass guitar, acoustic guitar, nylon string guitar, cello (track 2), backing vocals

Nursery Cryme (1971):

Tony Banks – organ, Mellotron, acoustic & electric pianos, 12-string acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Phil Collins – drums, percussion, backing vocals, lead vocals (track 2)
Peter Gabriel – lead vocals, flute, bass drum, tambourine, additional backing vocals (track 2)
Steve Hackett – electric guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar
Mike Rutherford – bass guitar, bass pedals, 12-string acoustic guitar, backing vocals

Foxtrot (1972):

Tony Banks – organ, acoustic & electric pianos, Mellotron, 12-string guitar, backing vocals
Phil Collins – drums, percussion, backing vocals
Peter Gabriel – lead vocals, flute, bass drum, tambourine, oboe
Steve Hackett – electric guitar, 6-string guitar, 12-string guitar
Mike Rutherford – bass guitar, bass pedals, cello, 12-string guitar, backing vocals

Selling England by the Pound (1973):

Tony Banks – acoustic & electric pianos, organ, mellotron, synthesizers, 12-string guitar
Phil Collins – drums, percussion, backing vocals, lead vocals on "More Fool Me"
Peter Gabriel – lead vocals (except on "More Fool Me"), flute, oboe, percussion, additional backing vocals on "More Fool Me"
Steve Hackett – electric guitar, nylon guitar
Mike Rutherford – 12-string guitar, bass guitar, bass pedals, electric sitar

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974):

Tony Banks – Hammond T-102 organ, RMI 368x Electra piano, Mellotron M400, Elka Rhapsody synthesizer, ARP 2600 & ARP Pro Soloist synthesizers, acoustic piano
Phil Collins – drums, percussion, vibraphone, backing vocals
Peter Gabriel – lead vocals, flute, oboe, tambourine, experiments with foreign sounds
Steve Hackett – electric guitar, classical acoustic guitar
Mike Rutherford – bass guitar, 12-string guitar, bass pedals, fuzz bass

Скачать Genesis - Albums Collection 1970-1974 (SHM-CD Universal Music Japan 2014) [FLAC]


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Теги к статье:

Genesis, progressive Rock, FLAC
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