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Скачать VA - Клубный хит от Деда Мороза. Выпуск 4 (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 6 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Клубный хит от Деда Мороза. Выпуск 4 (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Клубный хит от Деда Мороза. Выпуск 4
Жанр: клуб, данс
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:53:07
Треки: 60
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 704 MB

01. Swede Dreams & Olly James - Osiris (Original Mix)
02. Part Killers & Syskey, Martin Garrix & Dillon Francis - Mayday! Set Me Free! (Frosty & Wand England Mashup)
03. Cristian Kriz - Valentia (Original Mix)
04. Zedd Vs Dubvision & Martin Garrix - Spectrum Backlash (Tritonal Smashup)
05. Clement Dsouza - Take Off (Original Mix)
06. Tom Enzy - Turn This Fucking House Down (Original Mix)
07. Kamo - Versus (Original Mix)
08. Alexander Lewis - Arachnophobia (Original Mix)
09. Edmentals - No One (Original Mix)
10. Nekliff, Mischa, Anna Rome - Almost Gone (Incognet Remix)
11. X2face Vs. Otto Le Blanc - Jamaica Ragga Bounce (Dj Lex Remix)
12. Digital X - Raveland (Original Mix)
13. G. Jones - Demons
14. Yellow Claw - Techno (Coone Remix)
15. David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous (Epicfail Progressive Edit)
16. Calvin Harris Feat. John Newman - Blame (Dom Caruso Remix)
17. Djane Housekat Feat. Rameez - Girls In Luv (Bodybangers Remix)
18. Ramii - Skylight (Original Mix)
19. Candyblasters - Party Rock (Original Mix)
20. Twoloud Feat. Will Brennan - Get Down (Original Mix)
21. Boomrise Feat. 3pm - Love Tonight (Original Mix)
22. Ifruit - Jumping (Original Mix)
23. Chukiess & Whackboi - Nuklear Reaktor (Original Mix)
24. Antoine Clamaran Feat. Lulu Hughes - Release Yourself (Mike & Moko Remix)
25. Thomas Newson & Otto Orlandi - Bells At Midnight Feat. Melanie Fontana (Original Mix)
26. Krne - Go Up (Original Mix)
27. Marc Madness - I Feel Fire (Original Mix)
28. Moda & Ant!Dote - Fata Morgana (Original Mix)
29. Alesso Ft. Tove Lo - Heroes (We Could Be) (Amtrac Remix)
30. An21 & Max Vangeli - Tonight
31. Billy Kenny, Acaddamy - Into You (Brett Gould Remix) Habitual Recordings
32. Tommy Trash Vs. David Tort - In The Human (Jordy Dazz-Up)
33. Plump Djs - U Belong 2 Us (Original Mix)
34. Skiitour - Doin It Right (Original Mix)
35. 3lau Feat. Luciana - We Came To Bang (Original Mix)
36. Sunshine State, Plscb & Onix Lan - Tonight (Orgazmixound Remix)
37. Snoop Dogg & Dr.Dre - The Next Episode (Arthur White Remix)
38. Snoop Dogg And Dr.Dre - The Next Episode (Arthur White Remix)
39. Disclosure Ft. Sam Smith - Latch (Mrvlz Remix)
40. Mato Locos Feat. Dj Saxs - Don't Break It (Original Mix)
41. Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz - Mercy (Dmndz Remix)
42. Nia Even - Conquest Of Paradise (Original Extended)
43. Hardwell Vs Yosef - Young Flash (Tritonal Mashup)
44. Calvin Harris Ft.Big Sean - Open Wide
45. Michael Sparks - I'm Back (Original Mix)
46. Alvaro Vs. Loken - Oldskool Artifact (Bl3r & Merzo Bootleg)
47. Dillon Francis, Sultan & Ned Shepard Ft. The Chain Gang Of 1974 - When We Were Young (Zomboy Remix)
48. Muzzy - Lost Metropolis (Original Mix)
49. Marc Kiss - What Are You Fighting For (Original Mix)
50. Deg & Felipe C - Amigo Drunk (Extended Mix)
51. Lilly Wood & The Prick - Prayer In C (Dj Vitaco & Dj Sharapoff Remix)
52. Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana - Arcadia (Blastone & Dj Dombi Remix)
53. Don Diablo & Vicetone - Ensemble Of Life (Drumstix Remode)
54. Cosmo & Skorobogatiy - Painkiller (Original Mix)
55. Bruno Alison - Invocation
56. Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana - Arcadia (Skid Flip Remix)
57. 4b - Drop It Again (Xmas Version)
58. Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike, W&w - Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike, W&w- Waves (Malik Bash Remix)
59. A Trak Feat. Andrew Wyatt - Push (Dallask Remix)
60. Ron Reeser & Gab Ft. Jonny Rose - Still Breathing (Jigsaw Remix)

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