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Скачать VA - Полсотни свежих клубных хитов. Сборник 5 (2014)

АвторАвтор: zapad9 | ДатаДата: 10 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Полсотни свежих клубных хитов. Сборник 5 (2014)

Исполнитель: Various Artists
Название: Полсотни свежих клубных хитов. Сборник 5
Жанр: club, dance
Год выпуска: 2014
Продолжительность: 04:53:09
Треки: 50
Формат / Битрейт: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 320 Kbps
Размер: 704 MB

01. Dk - Endless Dream (Original Mix)
02. Ellie Goulding - Lights (Dj Kapral Remix)
03. Marc Kiss - What Are You Fighting For (Club Mix)
04. Clarx & Matthew Crash - Glow (Original Mix)
05. Paul Van Dyk, Jessus & Adham Ashraf Feat. Tricia Mcteague - Only In A Dream (Original Mix)
06. Stromae - Alors On Danse (Skyjet Remix)
07. Cash Cash - Surrender (David Solano Remix)
08. Dj Amadeus & Mario Sebastian - Berlin (Original Mix)
09. Ecotek Feat. Aloma Steele - Lions (Original Mix)
10. Andrew Rayel - Followed By Darkness (Original Mix)
11. Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - Stereo Love (Victor Niglio Remix)
12. Sander Van Doorn & Firebeatz - Guitar Track (Max Vertigo Vocal Edit)
13. Armand Pena & Crystal Waters - 100 Pure Love (Original Mix)
14. Baris & Burak - Sofia (21street Remix)
15. T-Phonic Feat. Elbie - Positive (Extended Mix)
16. David Guetta Feat. John Legend - Listen
17. Chrizz Luvly Feat. Gottin - Take Me High (Original Mix)
18. Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana - Arcadia (Merzo Remix)
19. Jessie J Feat. 2 Chainz - Burnin' Up (Aero Chord Remix)
20. Gawtbass & Moonbeat - #Hashtagswag (Original Mix)
21. Paul Oakenfold Feat. Angela Mccluskey - You Could Be Happy (Disfunktion Remix)
22. Robin S & R.O.N.N. (Aka Ron Carroll) - So Alive (Code3000 Remix)
23. Stonebridge, Therese - Take Me Away (Atilla Cetin Nitec Remix)
24. Thomas Blunden - Behind You (Original Mix)
25. Bibz - Wake Up (Rabbit Killer Remix)
26. R2rick - Stay Tonight (Extended Mix)
27. Blas Marin, Antonio Jimenez - Kickin Hard (Original Mix)
28. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Ferry Corsten - Magenta (Live Mix)
29. Arno Cost & Norman Doray - Strong (Ansolo Remix)
30. Nhato - Aurora (Original Mix)
31. Naughty Boy Feat. Sam Romans - Home (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
32. Dmh & Faure Feat. Erin Marshall - Blind Sky (Dimatik Remix)
33. Yeongrak - Shyurrrra
34. Guillermo Sanchez - Stupid Human Race (Original Mix)
35. Hardwell & Chris Jones - Young Again (Reez Remix)
36. Datsik - Get Smashed (Feat. Dj Paul Kom Of Three 6 Mafia)
37. Deadmau5 - Sofi Needs A Ladder (Pig&dan Remix)
38. Kelly Sweet - In The Air Tonight (Zroq Remix)
39. Gaia - Aisha (Hazem Beltagui Melo Remix)
40. Deadmau5 & Chris Lake - I Said (Michael Woods I Said It Again Reedit)
41. Roger Shah & Sied Van Riel Feat. Jennifer Rene - Without You (Ron Alperin Remix)
42. Maroon 5 - Animals (Gryffin Remix)
43. Richard Durand & Fisher - In Your Hands (Pink Panda Remix)
44. Code3000 - Jack That Body (Original Mix)
45. Nick Coulson - Iska (Original Mix)
46. Ian Carey Feat. Michelle Shellers - Keep On Rising (Aaron Rain Remix)
47. Haris, The Voyagers, Oliver Heldens, Meghan Trainor - All About That Pompei Love (Teo Mandrelli Mashup)
48. Imida & Red Sky - Xel Ha (Original Mix)
49. Gani Anuar Feat. Asel Sadakova - Eternity (Artra & Holland Remix)
50. Gordon Bates - Stalemate (Original Mix)

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