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Скачать Ozzfest 10th Anniversary Edition (2008) [BDRip 1080p]

АвторАвтор: bord | ДатаДата: 16 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Ozzfest 10th Anniversary Edition (2008) [BDRip 1080p]

Artist: VA
Album: Ozzfest 10th Anniversary Edition 2008
Year: 2008
Genre: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash, Metalcore, Industrial, Punk, Death Metal
Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p
Video: MPEG4 AVC 1920x1080 29.97fps 12.0 Mbps
Audio: Dolby AC3 48kHz 6ch 640 Kbps
Size: 9,33Gb

Quite a bit can happen in a decade, and in this release showcasing rock music's most enduring tour, Ozzy Osbourne fans will be there to see it all. From the U.S. to the U.K. and beyond, Ozzfest has brought the defining acts of modern heavy metal music to the far corners of the world and beyond. Now fans can hear the whole story of Ozzfest straight from the mouths of those who created it, or just turn their living room into a mosh pit by turning up the sound and letting the concert rip. In addition to the chance to see Anthrax, Rob Zombie, HIM, Black Sabbath, and more perform their greatest hits live on stage, this release also takes fans behind the scenes for interviews with the hottest bands on the bill. If an up close and personal look at the concert isn't enough for die-hard devotees, an additional audio CD offering fourteen highlights from the tour allows Ozzfest fans to take a dose of mayhem anywhere and anytime they need a heavy metal pick-me-up.

1. Intro
2. Anthrax - Caught In A Mosh
3. In The Beginning
4. Trivium - A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation
5. The Ozzfest Tour Machine
6. Soilwork - Blind Eye Halo
7. The Early Morning Gig?
8. The Haunted - Bury Your Dead
9. The Second Stage
10. Gizmachi - The Face Of Sanity
11. Rob Zombie On The Second Stage
12. Rob Zombie - More Human Than Human
13. The Ghosts Of Ozzfest Past
14. Where The @$ Did Heavy Metal Come In?
15. Wicked Wisdom - You Can't Handle
16. Shelter From The Sun?
17. It Dies Today - A Threnody For Modern Romance
18. The Original Lunatic
19. H.I.M. - Soul On Fire
20. Just To Play?
21. A Dozen Furies - Awake And Lifeless
22. A Shot In The Dark
23. Rob Zombie - Dragula
24. Look At Us Now
25. Velvet Revolver - Sucker Train Blues
26. The Psychometry Of Black Sabbath
27. Black Sabbath - War Pigs
28. Black Sabbath - Iron Man
29. Ozzy Reflections
30. Black Sabbath - Paranoid

Скачать: Ozzfest 10th Anniversary Edition (2008)

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Теги к статье:

Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash, Metalcore, Industrial, Punk, Death Metal
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