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Скачать A Touch of Class: The Ladies, Vol.1 (100 Essential Tracks) (2015)

АвторАвтор: zenj68 | ДатаДата: 26 января 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
A Touch of Class: The Ladies, Vol.1 (100 Essential Tracks) (2015)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: A Touch of Class: The Ladies, Vol.1 (100 Essential Tracks) (2015)
Жанр: Pop, Easy Listening
Год выпуска: 2015
Количество треков: 100
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 04:56:36
Размер файла: 685 MB

01. Dinah Shore - Sweet Violets
02. Kitty Wells - Back Street Affair
03. Ella Fitzgerald - Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
04. Billie Holiday - What a Little Moonlight Can Do
05. Wanda Jackson - Cool Love
06. Ella Fitzgerald - I Get a Kick Out of You
07. Sarah Vaughan - They Can' Take That Away from Me
08. Petula Clark - Sailor
09. Julie London - Misty
10. Kitty Wells - Death at the Bar
11. Kay Starr - The Man with the Bag
12. Marlene Dietrich - Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
13. Etta James - My Dearest Darling
14. Julie Andrews - Just You Wait
15. Vera Lynn - Its a Sin to Tell a Lie
16. Lena Horne - Frankie and Johnny
17. Billie Holiday - My Man (Mon Homme)
18. Connie Francis - Stupid Cupid
19. Dinah Shore - You'd Be so Nice to Come Home To
20. Anita O'Day - We'll Be Together Again
21. Bessie Smith - A Good Man Is Hard to Find
22. Marlene Dietrich - You Do Something to Me
23. Julie Andrews - London Pride
24. Kathryn Grayson - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
25. Nina Simone - He Needs Me
26. Lena Horne - The Lady Is a Tramp
27. Aretha Franklin - Rough Lover
28. Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama
29. Ella Fitzgerald - Let's Do It
30. Kitty Wells - It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels
31. Petula Clark - As Time Goes By
32. Betty Hutton - A Bushel and a Peck
33. Peggy Lee - I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair
34. Sarah Vaughan - The Man I Love
35. Kay Starr - All of Me
36. Julie London - S'Wonderful
37. Judy Garland - The Man That Got Away
38. Lena Horne - Mad About the Boy
39. Jo Stafford - Goodnight, Irene
40. Wanda Jackson - Honey Bop
41. Kitty Wells - Jealousy
42. Rosemary Clooney - Mambo Italiano
43. Sarah Vaughan - Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets)
44. Etta James - All I Could Do Was Cry
45. Anita O'Day - I've Got the World on a String
46. Joan Baez - John Riley
47. Dinah Shore - Sleepy Lagoon
48. Connie Francis - Everybody's Somebody's Fool
49. Rita Hayworth - Zip
50. Peggy Lee - How Deep Is the Ocean_
51. Carole King - It Might as Well Rain Until September
52. Rosemary Clooney - Half as Much
53. Helen Shapiro - Walking Back to Happiness
54. Wanda Jackson - Baby Loves Him
55. Connie Francis - Lipstick on Your Collar
56. Judy Garland - Over the Rainbow
57. Edith Piaf - Non je ne regrette rien
58. Kathryn Grayson - Wunderbar
59. Marilyn Monroe - Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend
60. Julie London - Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
61. Vera Lynn - (There'll Be Bluebirds over The) White Cliffs of Dover
62. Shirley Bassey - All by Myself
63. Shirley Bassey - I'm in the Mood for Love
64. Petula Clark - Tennessee Waltz
65. Nina Simone - Mood Indigo
66. Dinah Washington - Hey Good Looking
67. Patsy Cline - Walkin' After Midnight
68. Shirley Bassey - Kiss Me, Honey Honey, Kiss Me
69. Marilyn Monroe - Lazy
70. Julie Andrews - These Precious Things
71. Doris Day - Sentimental Journey
72. Etta James - At Last
73. Patsy Cline - Crazy
74. Connie Francis - My Heart Has a Mind of It's Own
75. Ella Fitzgerald - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
76. Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray
77. Nina Simone - You'll Never Walk Alone
78. Jo Stafford - Heaven Drops Her Curtain Down
79. Joan Baez - Silver Dagger
80. Kay Starr - Rock and Roll Waltz
81. Vera Lynn - So Many Memories
82. Sarah Vaughan - Lover Man
83. Helen Shapiro - You Don't Know
84. Judy Garland - Get Happy
85. Patsy Cline - I Fall to Pieces
86. Petula Clark - Cold Cold Heart
87. Shirley Bassey - New York, New York
88. Julie London - Warm December
89. Jo Stafford - You Belong to Me
90. Dinah Shore - Buttons and Bows
91. Anita O'Day - Takin' a Chance on Love
92. Doris Day - It Had to Be You
93. Julie Andrews - Wouldn't' It Be Loverly_
94. Julie London - Say It Isn't So
95. Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares for Me
96. Kathryn Grayson - Why Do I Love You_
97. Wanda Jackson - Hard Headed Woman
98. Shirley Bassey - You, You Romeo
99. Marilyn Monroe - You'd Be Surprised
100. Julie Andrews - Without You

Скачать A Touch of Class: The Ladies, Vol.1 (100 Essential Tracks) (2015)

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2014, мп3, mp3, disco, pop, Essential, Tracks, Ladies, Class, Touch
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