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Скачать 100 Jazz Hits (2015)

АвторАвтор: zenj68 | ДатаДата: 28 февраля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
100 Jazz Hits (2015)

Категория Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: 100 Jazz Hits (2015)
Жанр: Jazz
Год выпуска: 2015
Количество треков: 100
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 05:44:23
Размер файла: 787 MB

01. Sidney Bechet - Petit Fleur
02. Miles Davis - Venus De Milo
03. Sarah Vaughan - When Sunny Get's Blue
04. Eddie Harris - Moonglow
05. Coleman Hawkins - Solitude
06. Sarah Vaughan - Garden in the Rain
07. Lena Horne - More Than You Know
08. Count Basie - April in Paris
09. Eddie Harris - The More I See You
10. Joe Williams - Five O'clock in the Morning
11. Thelonious Monk - 'Round Midnight
12. Stanley Turrentine - Brown Eyed Woman
13. Count Basie - One O'clock Jump
14. Coleman Hawkins - Mood Indigo
15. Charlie Mingus - Yesterdays
16. Stanley Turrentine - Wedding Bell Blues
17. Sonny Stitt - In a Mellow Tone
18. Art Blakey - Angel Eyes
19. Lionel Hampton - Fun
20. Charlie Mingus - I Can't Get Started
21. Miles Davis - Moose the Mooch
22. Ella Fitzgerald - Lover Come Back to Me
23. Charlie Parker - Four Brothers
24. Ahmad Jamal - Poinciana
25. Sonny Stitt - The Way You Look Tonight
26. Lionel Hampton - Air Mail Special
27. Al Jarreau - Ain't No Sunshine
28. Dizzy Gillespie - Our Delight
29. Kenny Clarke & His 52nd Street Boys - 52nd Street Theme
30. Dizzy Gillespie - Salt Peanuts
31. Stan Getz Quartet - Opus De Bop
32. Charlie Parker - Bird of Paradise
33. Bud Powell - Blues in Bebop
34. Lennie Tristano Trio - Atonement
35. Miles Davis - Milestones
36. Art Blakey, The Jazz Messengers - The Thin Man
37. Stan Getz Quartet - Don't Worry 'Bout Me
38. Erroll Garner Trio - White Rose Bounce
39. Dexter Gordon - Dexter's Deck
40. Coleman Hawkins - Rifftide
41. Howard McGhee - Mop Mop
42. Gene Krupa - How High the Moon
43. Woody Herman - Four Brothers
44. Claude Thornhill - Yardbird Suite
45. Dizzy Gillespie - Things to Come
46. Billy Eckstine - Cool Breeze
47. Charles Mingus, Lionel Hampton - Mingus Fingers
48. Charlie Parker Septet - Night in Tunisia
49. Coleman Hawkins - Hollywood Stampede
50. Lester Young - Lester Leaps In
51. George Shearing Quartet - Afraid of You
52. James Moody - Moody Speaks
53. Ray Brown - Boppin' the Blues
54. Miles Davis - Half Nelson
55. Don Byas Quartet - Cherokee
56. Sonny Stitt - Boppin' a Riff
57. Duke Ellington - In a Sentimental Mood
58. Erroll Garner Trio - It's the Talk of the Town
59. Chet Baker, Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Nights at the Turntable
60. Eartha Kitt - C'est Si Bon
61. Nat King Cole Trio - Peaches
62. Doris Day - Someone Like You
63. Glenn Miller - A String of Pearls
64. Peggy Lee - I've Got You Under My Skin
65. Gil Melle - Newport News
66. Nat King Cole - Lover Come Back to Me !
67. Billy May - Lean Baby
68. Nellie Lutcher - That'll Just About Knock Me Out
69. Bob Crosby - Once in a While
70. Ray Anthony - Dancing in the Dark
71. Les Paul - Blue Skies
72. Benny Carter & His Orchestra - The Song Is You
73. Duke Ellington, Betty Roche - Take the 'A' Train
74. Wynton Kelly - Moonlight in Vermont
75. Charlie Parker - Why Do I Love You
76. Kay Starr - I've Got the World on a String
77. Laurindo Almeida, Bud Shank - Stairway to the Stars
78. Bud Powell - I Should Care
79. Mel Torme - It's Too Late Now
80. Art Blakey, The Jazz Messengers - Doodlin'
81. Alma Cogan - Make Love to Me
82. Ahmad Jamal - Perfidia
83. Doris Day - Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone
84. Nat King Cole - Walking My Baby Back Home
85. Jo Stafford - The Best Things in Life Are Free
86. Sunny Sunday Jazz - Pro Defunctus
87. Miles Davis - Godchild
88. Dinah Washington - Mad About the Boy
89. The Bud Powell Trio - Somebody Loves Me
90. Mel Torme - You're a Heavenly Thing
91. Frank Sinatra - I Get a Kick out of You
92. Doris Day - Lullaby of Broadway
93. Bob Crosby - Song of the Island
94. Glenn Miller - Serenade in Blue
95. Tommy Dorsey - Song of India
96. Camille Howard - Has Your Love Grown Cold
97. Mel Torme - Sonny Boy
98. Woody Herman - Early Autumn
99. Ray Anthony - Swingin' on Campus
100. Benny Goodman - Big John's Special

Скачать 100 Jazz Hits (2015)

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